
How to access SPID

You have an urgent need to carry out an operation on one of the online portals and, to do so, you must use the SPID identity you created some time ago for the first time. The problem is that you are not very used to the use of technological tools and, for this reason, you cannot understand what are the exact steps to take to log in.

So here you are looking for a guide who can explain to you in detail how to access SPID, so as to minimize the possibility of making a mistake . Don’t worry: if this is your current need, know that you are in the right place, at the right time. In fact, below I will explain how to access online services with SPID support using the various levels of security provided by the Public Digital Identity System (which, as we will see later, are three and differ from each other for the tools necessary to log in)

So, without waiting any longer, make yourself comfortable and carefully read everything I have to explain to you on the subject: I’m sure that, at the end of reading this guide, your ideas will be much clearer and you will be well ready to face the small “challenge “That lies ahead. That said, there is nothing left for me to do but wish you a good read and a big good luck for everything!


  • General informations
  • How to access SPID
    • How to access SPID 1
    • How to access SPID 2
    • How to access SPID 3
    • How to access SPID without app
    • How to access SPID with an electronic identity card

General informations

The SPID identity, as you will certainly have understood, allows private citizens and companies to take advantage of a wide range of online services, first of all those of the Public Administration, by accessing them through a single login system for each user.

In order to obtain SPID, it is essential to have a valid identification document, a valid mobile phone number and e-mail address, preferably not PEC.

The SPID identity can be requested by all Italian citizens with a valid health card or by those in possession of a residence permit (in both cases, you must be at least 18 years old ), both as natural and legal persons, by contacting one of the entities certifiers, or identity providers, among those accredited by the Italian Government.

Once the online request has been made, it is then necessary to finalize the verification of one’s identity: this operation can be completed in different ways, depending on the systems supported by the various certification bodies, as well as the means and tools at one’s disposal.

For example, you can use the electronic identity card (or CIE ), combined with a smartphone equipped with an NFC chip and the app of the certification body chosen; a digital signature kit; the health card with national services card functions ( CS-TNS ), together with a PC with a correctly configured smart card reader; via webcam, by recording a video in the manner defined by the identity provider, or by requesting the assistance of a human operator; or in person, by going to an accredited office.

It is possible to access SPID through three security levels, which differ from each other in terms of login method and purpose of use. I’ll list them for you below.

  • SPID 1: it is the simplest level of access, but less recommended in terms of security. To log in, simply provide the username and password associated with your identity.
  • SPID 2: is the access level with intermediate security, as well as the most widespread. In addition to providing username and password, you must enter a one-time code (generated via the app or received via SMS) or respond affirmatively to the access notification generated by the identity provider’s official app.
  • SPID 3: it is the most complex access level but currently the most secure. To log in, you must provide your username, password and a verification “token” residing on a dedicated access device or smart card. Level 3 SPID access requests are mainly used within the online services dedicated to companies.

If you have not yet requested the SPID and would like some more information about the accredited identity providers, the conditions of use and the levels of security provided by each of them, I invite you to consult the official page available on the Italian Government website; if, on the other hand, you need a step-by-step guide that explains how to obtain digital identity, I refer you to reading my tutorial on how to obtain SPID credentials, in which I have provided you with, among other things, all the information necessary on how to access SPID Postehow to access SPID Aruba and how to access the SPID with other identity providers.

How to access SPID

Now that you have created your SPID identity and well aware of the difference between the various access levels, let me explain how to use it in the foreseen cases.

How to access SPID 1

As I explained above, to log in via SPID 1 (or SPID level 1) it is sufficient to provide the email address associated with the digital identity, which acts as a username, and the password chosen to protect the account.

So, to start, connected to the online portal that requires first level SPID access, press the button to enter with SPID and then the icon of the identity provider from which you obtained the digital identity, which appears in the list displayed immediately. after.

Now, wait a few moments for the login page to load and enter the username and password of your digital identity in the appropriate fields; to finish, press the Enter with SPID button again and authorize access to your personal data by the online service, by pressing the appropriate button.

How to access SPID 2

Before even trying to log in with SPID 2 identity, make sure you have correctly followed the procedure provided by your identity provider, aimed at activating the second level of security, as I explained to you in this guide.

Just to give you a concrete example, to enable SPID 2 with Poste Italiane, you must associate the SPID credentials with a smartphone or tablet owned by you, through the PosteID app; by doing so, you can generate the single-use code needed to complete the login procedure, or receive the in-app authorization notification.

Once this operation is completed, accessing with SPID 2 is child’s play: once you have reached the online service of your interest, press the Enter with SPID button and select the certifying body of your account from the list that is shown to you.

Subsequently, provide the username and password of the SPID identity, press the Enter with SPID button and pass the second level of authentication, following the instructions you see on the screen. Depending on the identity provider chosen, you may need to provide a one-time code generated through the relevant official app, respond affirmatively to an access notification received within the same application or, in some cases, specify an OTP password received via SMS.

After this step too, all you have to do is press the I agree / Authorize button, visible in the margin of the page that appears later, to send the necessary data to the service provider and complete the SPID 2 access.

How to access SPID 3

As I have already mentioned in the previous chapters of this guide, SPID level 3 access is currently the most secure, but slightly more complex to put into practice: in this case, it will be necessary to finalize the login by providing the personal certificate present on a dedicated access device (e.g. USB token or smartphone/tablet with an app-enabled at the third level of security), a physical smart card or a digital signature kit.

The availability of an access system instead of another is at the discretion of the identity provider: to give you an example, Aruba allows you to take the necessary certificate from the TS-CNS, from your digital/remote signature kit or from a USB token ( to be requested when purchasing SPID 3); Poste Italiane, on the other hand, allows you to configure the PosteID app for level 3 SPID authorization, while Sielte requires the use of a personal smart card. To find out more, take a look at my tutorial on how to activate SPID 3.

Since SPID level 3 authentication almost always involves reading the certificate from an external device (except for Remote Signature or authentication via app, where provided), it may be essential to access SPID from a PC and not from a mobile device. In any case, SPID level 3 access must be enabled manually following the activation of one’s digital identity, following the instructions provided by the certification body chosen.

Having clarified this, in order to access – where required – with the highest level of security, locate the Enter with SPID button from the home page of the online service of your interest, click on the name of the identity provider from the proposed list and, if necessary, specify the username and password associated with your digital identity (this is not always required).

Next, specify the level 3 access method, depending on the type of certificate you have: smart cardaccess token or Remote / digital signature.

Once you have made your choice, make sure you have correctly connected the smart card reader (with its card) or the USB token to the PC, press the Enter with SPID button again, select the certificate to use for authentication and, after clicking on the OK button, enter the PIN code of the smart card / TS-CNS and give OK again. Finally, click on the I Agree / Authorize button, in order to send the necessary data to the service provider and finalize the login.

If you have activated the SPID 3 identity via Remote Signature, you will instead be asked to first indicate the access credentials of the Signature and then the OTP code generated through the device in your possession.

How to access SPID without app

At this point of my guide, are you wondering if it is possible to access SPID with SMS, in case you do not have the app you usually use to confirm SPID level 2 access? Also in this case, it is all at the discretion of the provider of the SPID identity in your possession.

To give you an example, Poste Italiane allows you to finalize SPID 2 access even in the absence of the PosteID app, by receiving a text message at the telephone number associated with the digital identity: to do so, when you view the SPID 2 access request , locate the link Access via SMS code visible next to the wording Can’t use the PosteID App? and click on it.

Now, press the Continue with SMS button located on the next screen, enter the single-use SMS code that should have been delivered to you in the appropriate text box and press the Continue and Agree / Authorize buttons, to send the necessary data to the supplier of services and complete the login.

How to access SPID with an electronic identity card

As for SPID access with CIE (electronic identity card), I am happy to inform you that this is a completely feasible operation: numerous identity providers, including Poste ItalianeArubaLepidaNamirial and Register allow to verify their identity and finalize the obtaining of SPID through the CIE, after using a smartphone/tablet equipped with an NFC chip, or a smart card reader.

Clearly, in order to be able to succeed in the enterprise without problems, it is essential to have the complete PIN of the CIE available and that the document in question is valid.

If you meet these requirements, you just have to visit the website of the certification body you have chosen to create the SPID identity, press the button dedicated to registration and carry out the identity verification, bringing the CIE close to the NFC chip of the phone/tablet (after downloading the provider’s official app), or by inserting it into the smart card reader connected to the computer. Then, enter the PIN of the card, click OK and complete the registration by providing your personal data and documents and those of the SPID identity you are about to create (e-mail address, password and telephone number).

Once this step has been passed, accept the conditions of use of the service, confirm the willingness to send the request and wait for it to be evaluated by the technical staff of the chosen certification body; the activation, which could take place after a few minutes or a few hours, will be confirmed by an e-mail message.

If you are interested in understanding, in practice, how to obtain SPID with an electronic identity card, I invite you to read my specific tutorial on the subject, in which I have provided you with all the information on what to do.

I would like to specify that some online services, such as the INPS portal, also allow direct access via CIE, using a computer with a correctly installed smart card reader, or a smartphone/tablet with NFC chip and CieID applicationMore info here.

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