
How not to turn off the iPhone screen

Do you need to keep your iPhone screen on all the time for a certain amount of time, but after a certain number of seconds, the display automatically goes to sleep and you don’t know how to deal with it? I would say then that you have come to the right tutorial, at the right time. With today’s guide, in fact, I want to explain to you just how not to turn off the iPhone screen.

Before you can be alarmed at who knows what changes to make to the device settings, I would like to specify that it is not a complicated operation at all, indeed. All you have to do is put your hand to the settings for turning off the screen of the “iPhone by” and adjust its operation according to your needs. Believe me, it takes a lot longer for explanations than for practice!

Then? How about finally putting the chatter aside and starting to get busy? Yup? Great! Position yourself, therefore, nicely comfortable, take your iPhone and start focusing on reading what is reported below. I am sure that, in the end, you will be able to say that you are very happy and satisfied, both with what you have learned and, obviously, that you have succeeded in your intent. Let it bet?


  • Preliminary information
  • How not to turn off the iPhone screen
    • By adjusting the automatic lock
    • By adjusting the gaze detection

Preliminary information

Before getting into the tutorial by going to explain how not to turn off the iPhone screen, there is some preliminary information that it is my duty to provide you to allow you to have perfectly clear ideas on what to do.

Firstly, please note that iOS automatically shuts down and locks the iPhone screen after a certain period of inactivity where the display is not touched, which by default is 1 minute.

The behavior described above can be very appropriate for various reasons, first of all to save battery consumption and therefore to increase the autonomy of the device and to protect one’s privacy. and increase the security of the iPhone.

There are, however, some cases where automatic screen shutdown can be annoying or even counterproductive. To give some practical examples, it can be useful to keep the iPhone display always on when you have to show the operation of an application, you have to play a presentation or, again, you have to show someone a photo album going beyond the timing for the automatic standby of the display.

The result in question can be obtained by putting your hand to the iOS settings, adjusting the settings related to the automatic lock of the screen and/or the use of Face ID when the display is looked at and, therefore, the user’s gaze is detected. .

Going to disable the automatic screen lock, however, it is good to remember that in order to lock it again it will then be necessary to intervene manually, or by pressing the side button or the top button at the appropriate time (depending on the iPhone model used).

Also keep in mind that the automatic shutdown of the iPhone screen is disabled directly by iOS itself in conjunction with the execution of specific activities for which it is essential that the screen of the “iPhone by” always remains on, as when playing a video or when the Camera app is launched to take a photo or record video.

How not to turn off the iPhone screen

At this point, I would say that here we are: we can finally get to the heart of the tutorial and go to find out, in practice, how not to turn off the iPhone screen. You will find explained how to proceed right here, putting your hand to both the iOS settings relating to automatic blocking and those dedicated to Face ID.

By adjusting the automatic lock

In order not to turn off the iPhone screen, you can first adjust the settings related to the automatic lock of the display of the device. As anticipated, it’s a real breeze!

To do this, take the “iPhone”, unlock it (if necessary), access the home screen and/or the iOS App Library and select the Settings icon (the one in the shape of a gear wheel ).

In the new screen that is shown to you at this point, touch the words Screen and brightness, then that Automatic lock and choose the Never option. Done! From now on, your iPhone screen will no longer turn off.

In case you have second thoughts or if you want to apply different timing for the automatic lock than what you set previously, all you have to do is go again to the Settings> Screen and brightness> iOS automatic lock and select the option previously set or another of those available (e.g. 30 seconds2 minutes3 minutes, etc.).

By adjusting the gaze detection

If you are using an “iPhone by” model that supports Face ID, another system you have on your to keep the iPhone screen from turning off is precisely to adjust the settings relating to the functionality in question, more precisely those relating to screen.

To do this, take your iPhone, unlock it (if necessary), access the home screen and/or the iOS App Library and select the Settings icon (the one in the shape of a gear wheel ). On the screen that is subsequently shown to you, tap on the Face ID and code item and type the unlock code set on your iPhone.

Finally, turn ON the switch that you find under the Gaze detection item. Done! From now on, your iPhone will check when you look at the screen before dimming it (as well as expanding a notification when the screen lock is activated and turning down the volume of some alerts).

In case you have second thoughts, you can deactivate the function in question at any time, simply by going back to the Settings> Face ID and iOS code section, typing the iPhone unlock code and moving the lever in correspondence to OFF. of the Gaze Detection option.

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