
How does Vinted earn

You have recently heard often about Vinted, a service that, accessible through the dedicated website or through its app for smartphones and tablets, allows you to sell and buy second-hand clothing. Given the enormous popularity of this platform you would like to start using it, but before doing so there are some doubts that you would like to clarify, since Vinted can be used for free and, therefore, you would like to shed light on what are the sources of income for the service.

How do you say? That’s the way it is and, therefore, you wonder how does Vinted make money? Don’t worry, I‘m here to help you: in the next chapters of my guide, in fact, I will provide you with all the useful information on the subject, helping you to clarify what the deductions are imposed by the service. In addition, I will also give you some useful tips on how to make money by selling clothing on the platform.

That said if you can’t wait to find out more about it now, sit down comfortably and just take a few minutes of free time so that you can carefully read the information I am about to give you. You will see that, at the end of the reading, Vinted will have no more secrets for you. At this point, I just have to wish you a good read.


  • How Vinted makes money
  • How much does Vinted earn
  • How to make money with Vinted

How Vinted makes money

If you are wondering how the Vinted app earns and how the Vinted site earns you must know that the questions you are asking yourself are entirely legitimate, as it is right to want to learn more about the functioning of a service that you want to use.

In this regard, you should know that the ads published on Vinted are free and these can be created through its website or using its app for Android (downloadable from the Play Store or from alternative stores ) and for iOS / iPadOS (downloadable from the App Store ).

That said, since the ad creation service is offered free of charge, Vinted adds a buyer protection service to the cost of the product in order to earn revenue from the sale of the products.

The latter, called Purchase Protection, is a price that the buyer must bear and that is automatically applied to the order on Vinted. This is a feature that also has advantages for those who use the platform as a consumer: it serves, in fact, to facilitate and protect transactions and also gives the right to reimbursement and allows you to take advantage of a dedicated assistance service.

Another option used by Vinted to earn is linked to the presence of additional paid features aimed at those who create an ad: the Boost and Wardrobe in evidence functions, in fact, allow you to highlight and improve the visibility of the items sold.

How much does Vinted earn

After clarifying what Vinted’s sources of income are, let’s see in detail what are the additional costs that buyers and sellers have to bear.

As mentioned, the Purchase Protection fee is automatically applied to the order. Therefore, after identifying a product to buy, click on it to see the detail of the ad.

Therefore, refer to the words Purchase Protection Fee: an additional cost of € 0.70 + 5% of the item price is applied to the price of the ad.

Therefore, by clicking on the Buy button you will be able to see the summary of the order with the final price and the total to be paid.

If, on the other hand, you are a seller, after placing an ad on Vinted you can optionally purchase a Boost or promote your items via the Featured Closet feature.

Specifically, the function Boost lasting 3 days consecutive calendar costs € 1.15, while the Boost from 7 days at a price of 1.95 €. The price of the featured wardrobe functionality, on the other hand, costs € 6.95 with a duration of 7 days.

You can activate the Boost for an advertisement through the Profile section, by clicking on the Boost item corresponding to the article to be promoted. To use the Featured Cabinet feature, however, you must have 5 or more items on sale in the 7 days that the option in question is active.

How to make money with Vinted

Have you tried placing an ad on Vinted via the Sell ​​Now tool, but it has been several days since you uploaded the ad and you still haven’t been able to sell your clothing item? If so, to sell faster on Vinted you can definitely put some strategies in place to draw attention to your items and make them sell more easily.

First of all, in fact, through the section Settings> Account settings you must verify your account, connecting any of your social profiles (such as Facebook or Google ), in order to become a trusted and verified user, in order to gain the trust of users.

Through the section Settings> Profile details, on the other hand, you have to fill in everything that is requested regarding your profile information, describing yourself to the community.

As for the ads, add up to 20 photos depicting the product, making sure that they are of high quality and that the product is shown in all its beauty.

Also remember to write as accurate and detailed a description as possible for the item to be sold. Also, don’t forget to include specific details that may be of interest to buyers such as size or measurements.

Finally, as this is a second-hand garment, make sure you are clear about any defects in the item, if any, so that you are transparent to buyers.

Also, in case you have any doubts about some features of the service, I suggest you read my in-depth guide on how Vinted works.


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