
Best free hosting

Do you want to share some content, ideas or other material through a personal website, but do not want to face any expense for the purchase of a webspace at the moment? Have you spotted some free hosting, but you don’t know which one actually suits your needs? If these are just some of the questions you are asking yourself, know that you are understood in the right place at the right time.

In today’s guide, in fact, I will show you which are the best free hosting that you can consider to open a new website. Obviously, keep in mind that a free hosting will be lower in terms of performance than a paid one, but it could still be a good option if you need hosting just to do some tests or if your site will presumably have little traffic initially.

Anyway, in the next chapters, you will find some hosting services that offer free packages. You can also upgrade it later if you deem it appropriate, such as if you need more resources following the increase in traffic on the website. Having said that, if you are ready to start, sit nice and comfortable and carefully read all the suggestions I will propose to you. I just have to wish you a good read!


  • WordPress
  • Aruba
  • Netsons
  • Wix
  • Other free hosting


WordPress is a famous open-source and free platform that allows you to create websites, even professional ones, without necessarily having knowledge in the field of web programming. Through the official website you can get a hosting perfectly configured with this famous CMS (Content Management System).

Although there are plans available with prices starting from 4 euros/month, it is also possible to get a completely free hosting, but whose resources are limited compared to those of paid plans. L ‘ WordPress Free hosting allows you to host a single certificate minute Web Site SSL Let’s Encrypt to keep the encrypted connection for users who visit and third-level domain ( ).

Furthermore, you only have 3GB of storage space available to upload your files, you do not have the possibility of obtaining technical support (either via email or chat) and you cannot insert advertising banners (only those of WordPress are present. .com ).

As for the management panel of some server features, the latter will not be available and you will not be able to have backups or access to the database. In short, free hosting can be an adequate alternative in case you are taking the first steps in creating a website. If you are looking for something that allows you to get your hands on the server configuration or to manage the WordPress installation, know that it is not the right choice.

Otherwise, free WordPress hosting gives you everything you need to enter the digital world of the Internet. If you want to know how to create a website with, all you have to do is access the official website of this service and press the Create your site button, which you find at the top right.

At that point, create a free account and follow the on-screen instructions, which will allow you to configure the third-level domain name of the website you want to create and other parameters, to then start with the publication of your articles.

Do you want more information on how to create an account and publish a blog with In this case, I can advise you to read all the information I gave you in my guide on how to make a site with WordPress.


Aruba is a popular hosting service that you have surely heard of. It is one of the largest Italian companies offering web hosting, e-mail / PEC and domain registration services. On its official website you can find many plans and services that can definitely be right for you, to publish a website, but you will have to get your hands on your wallet, as they are all paid.

Anyway, I’ll tell you about it in this tutorial as there is the possibility to try the SuperSite Professional service completely free for the first 30 days ( SuperSite Trial ). Subsequently, if you want to keep the website you created online, you will have to pay 99 euros/year + VAT, in promotion for the first year at 39 euros.

Surely it is not the best of the choices, in case you are looking for a free service to use for more than a month, but it could still be an opportunity to test the services offered by Aruba and decide, if you deem it appropriate, to upgrade to a paid plan.

On a technical level, with the SuperSite Trial service you will be assigned a third-level domain (for example your ) on which, unfortunately, no SSL certificate will be available. Furthermore, you will not have a server configuration management panel, but only the SuperSite editor, through which you can customize the design of your website.

Through this editor you can also make the composition and publication of the articles of your blog or, in the case of e-commerce, the addition of products. Also interesting is the possibility of using some tools for page optimization and management of SEO options, adding the Google Analytics code or creating a multilingual site.

If you want to start creating your website with Aruba’s SuperSite, start the trial version, by clicking on the Try for Free button that you find at this link, to then create a free account. If you want to know more about how to do this and how to create a website with SuperSite step by step, I suggest you read my guide on how to build a website with Aruba.


If you are looking for an Italian company that offers the possibility of obtaining free hosting, you can contact Netsons. This company offers paid hosting services, cloud or server, to meet the different needs of its customers, with costs starting from 2 euros/month. If, however, you want to test Netsons services, you can take advantage of the free hosting service.

Unlike the services I told you about in the previous chapters, Netsons offers the possibility to access the server configuration through cPanel, in order to manage the database and the FTP account, monitor network and server resources and all other available features. on this panel.

As for the technical features of hosting, you only have 1GB of storage space with unlimited traffic and an SSL certificate included. Furthermore, through the appropriate functionality present in cPanel, you can install your WordPress or Joomla site with a few clicks, just to give you some examples.

If you want to create a website with Netsons, what you need to do is reach this web page and click the Hosting Free Try button . At this point, you will be asked to enter the third level domain name, to check if it is available, and then choose the type of CMS to install.

Once this is done, the order will be almost complete: log in with a Netsons account or register one, using the respective buttons, and that’s it. If you want to know more about how to create a free website with Netsons, I suggest you read the advice I gave you in this guide of mine dedicated to the subject.


Another useful hosting service that allows you to create websites, even professional ones, completely free of charge is Wix. You have probably already heard of this service, as it is very popular, reliable and used by millions of users.

The Wix service starts with a free plan, which allows you to create and customize your website or blog quickly and easily thanks to the Wix Editor platform. Alternatively, you can use ADI, a tool that automatically creates a website based on the information provided by the user.

Please note that although advanced features are available for customizing your website, the technical features of hosting may be too limited for your needs. In fact, there is only 500MB of storage space and 500MB of bandwidth available which, while adequate for a website with very little traffic, could run out quickly.

In any case, through the Premium packages that can be purchased from 4.5 euros/month, it is possible to reduce these limitations, with the possibility of having additional features and the removal of Wix advertising banners from your website.

To create a new website with this service, go to the Wix home page and press the Start button in the center of the page to create a free account and start setting up your website. In case you want to know more about how perform these operations and better configure your website with Wix, I suggest you consult my guide on how to create a website.

Other free hosting

In addition to the hosting services I told you about in the previous chapters, you can also consider others that can definitely be for you. In the next paragraphs, in fact, you will find other hosting services that offer the possibility of obtaining a space suitable for your needs.

  • 000webhost– is a service that allows you to get a website for free. You have the option to get a single website with limited bandwidth of 3GB and 300MB of storage, with access to some features via cPanel. You can subsequently purchase the hosting service for a fee, with costs starting from € 0.64 / month. Unfortunately, it tends to send out a lot of promotional emails, be aware of this before using it.
  • ilbello– is another free hosting service that allows you to have a third-level domain with 150MB of Webspace and access to some server features for database and FTP account management, just to give you some examples.
  • Weebly– this hosting service allows you to create a website for free with 500MB of storage space and SSL certificate. It is possible to upgrade at any time with costs starting from 5 euros/month.


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