
Best Clash Royale decks

You have started playing Clash Royale , one of the most popular smartphone and tablet titles of the moment, and you are particularly enjoying it. You were also managing to rack up a lot of wins and everything was going as planned. At one point, however, you found yourself in the presence of rather skilled players, able to give you a hard time. You then wondered what combination of cards could get you back to winning and finally came here, looking for the best decks for Clash Royale . That’s the way it is, isn’t it? Then know that you have come to the right place!

In today’s tutorial, in fact, I will examine different types of decks and I will show you the reasons why a certain combination can work compared to others. In case you’re wondering, I’ll cover both easy-to-get decks within the game and very advanced decks that can challenge even the most experienced opponents. The decks of cards that I will analyze are quite different from each other, so you will surely find something that is right for you.

What do you say? Are you ready to go ahead and understand how to build your deck of cards in Clash Royale? I would say yes, since you are reading this guide with interest and you seem particularly motivated in wanting to reach your goal. I can understand it: on the other hand, the Supercell title is quite fun and the possibility of successfully challenging other players is coveted by everyone. Come on then, all you have to do is take a few minutes of free time and follow the quick instructions below. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Easy to obtain decks
    • Giant
    • Knight
    • Valkyrie
  • Competition deck
    • PEKKA
    • Great Knight
    • LavaLoon
  • Best Clash Royale decks
    • Goblin cage
    • Double witch
    • Traps

Easy to obtain decks

If you are at the beginning of the game, you still cannot access many cards. However, you can take advantage of the most common cards to still be able to set up decks that can surprise your opponents. Below, in this regard, you will find three particularly interesting decks of cards.


One of the most powerful characters that are found already at the beginning of the game is certainly the Giant . The damage dealt and the life total are among the highest for the cards initially provided. It can therefore be very useful to build a deck from this card.

The deck that I propose to you consists of the following 8 cards: Giant (Rare, Arena 0), Arrows (Comune, Arena 0), Archers (Comune, Arena 0), Bombarolo (Comune, Arena 2), Goblin (Comune, Arena 1 ), Fireball (Rare, Arena 0), Prince (Epic, Arena 0) and Musketeer (Rare, Arena 0). In short, these are cards that are obtainable in the very early stages of the game.

The Giant deck is one of the most popular among Clash Royale novice players. To make the most of it, all you have to do is combine the power of the Giant and Prince cards and support them with characters like Bomber, Archers and Musketeer, so that they reach the opposing towers . Goblins can distract the enemy , while Fireball and Arrows can help defend you in case of need.


Another very useful character for those who are just starting to play Clash Royale is the Knight . The latter has in fact good statistics, both in terms of life points and as regards the damage inflicted. It is therefore not a bad idea to build a deck from this card.

This deck is a variant of that of the Giant, but replaces the Prince, a card of Epic rarity which could therefore be difficult to obtain, with the more common Knight. The cards are therefore as follows: Giant (Rare, Arena 0), Arrows (Common, Arena 0), Archers (Common, Arena 0), Fireball (Rare, Arena 0), Knight (Common, Arena 0), Bomber (Common, Arena 2), Goblin (Common, Arena 1) and Musketeer (Rare, Arena 0).

To use this deck properly, you just need to implement the same strategy as that of the Giant. The Bomber, Archers and Musketeer cards serve as a support for the Giant and Knight to reach the enemy towers . The Goblins are used to distract the opponent , while Arrows and Fireball can be useful to defend against particularly strong enemies.


Going up slightly in terms of Arena, you can get a very powerful and versatile card. I am referring to the Valkyrie , a character on which a very well thought-out deck can be built.

The deck consists of the following cards: Giant (Rare, Arena 0), Archers (Common, Arena 0), Mini PEKKA (Rare, Arena 0), Witch (Epic, Arena 2), Valkyrie (Rara, Arena 2), Ball Fire (Rare, Arena 0), Musketeer (Rare, Arena 0) and Goblin (Common, Arena 1). They are all characters that can be found in the early stages of the game.

This deck has everything it takes to challenge even the most skilled opponents. The Giant is the card that goes to attack the enemy towers , the Witch also helps him by airways and the support troops (Archers, Mini PEKKA, Musketeer and Goblin) accompany everything. Then there is the Fireball, which allows you to do quick damage in case of unpleasant situations. By adding Valkyrie to all of this, the combination could become devastating.

Competition deck

How do you say? Would you like to accumulate as many wins as possible and compete properly with other players? Well, then the decks below might be for you!


PEKKA is one of the most loved cards in Clash Royale. It is a sort of mixture between knight, samurai and robot able to put the opponent in great difficulty. Its stats are very good and, for this reason, many players decide to build a competition deck from this card.

The deck that I propose to you is composed as follows: Barbarian Barrel (Epic, Arena 3), Goblin Hut (Rare, Arena 1), Cemetery (Legendary, Arena 12), Megasgherro (Rare, Arena 4), PEKKA (Epic, Arena 4), Poison (Epic, Arena 5), Giant Snowball (Common, Arena 8), and Electric Warlock (Legendary, Arena 11). These are cards a bit difficult to find, but on the other hand we are talking about a deck designed to compete at high levels.

The PEKKA deck is excellent from practically all points of view, from defensive to offensive potential , through versatility and synergy . There are 3 anti-air units : Mega Minion, Goblin Hut and Electric Sorcerer. The offensive cards are PEKKA and Graveyard, which are supported by Barbarian Barrel and by the speed of Poison and Giant Snowball. In fact, these last 2 cards don’t require too many Elixirs to be used.

Great Knight

If the Knight is one of the most interesting cards for the initial stages of the game, surely the Great Knight is its natural evolution and can be useful for those who want to compete at high levels on Clash Royale. Which deck can you create from this card? I’ll explain it to you right away!

The deck I would like to offer you has the following cards: Bats (Common, Arena 5), Goblin Gang (Common, Arena 9), Ice Golem (Rare, Arena 8), Infernal Dragon (Legendary, Arena 6), Grand Knight (Legendary, Arena 7), Poison (Epic, Arena 5), Giant Snowball (Common, Arena 8) and Ram Tamer (Legendary, Arena 10). These aren’t exactly the most accessible cards, but I can assure you that the game is worth the candle.

In fact, the defensive potential offered by this deck is great, as Aries Tamer, High Knight, and Goblin Gang can take your opponent by surprise . In addition, the deck also features numerous responses to aerial enemies , given the presence of Infernal Dragon, Bats and Ice Golems. Other than that, it’s virtually impossible to get caught off guard thanks to the Poison and Giant Snowball cards.


The LavaLoon deck implements one of the most used techniques by the most experienced Clash Royale players. This is one of the most balanced decks that can be built in the Supercell title.

The deck consists of these cards: Arrows (Common, Arena 0), Balloon (Epic, Arena 6), Guards (Epic, Arena 7), Lava Hound (Legendary, Arena 4), Lightning Bolt (Epic, Arena 4), Mega Minion (Rare, Arena 4), Minions (Municipality, Arena 0) and Tombstone (Rara, Arena 2). It is therefore a deck that is not even too difficult to build, clearly contextualizing it in the advanced stages of the game. It can therefore be an excellent compromise.

This deck is meant to primarily destroy land cards , such as Valkyrie, which are used by many players. Everything is based on the Lava Hound, a card that has many hit points and is therefore very difficult to defeat. Also, when the opponent destroys this character, lava pups are created that can do a lot of damage. In short, we are talking about a particularly strong card.

However, it is important to support air troops , such as the Hot Air Balloon, to be able to destroy the enemy towers. To protect offensive cards, Mega Minion, Minions, Guards, and Tombstone rush to help instead. It is also important to keep fast cards such as Arrows and Lightning, in order to destroy troops with low life points without consuming too many Elixirs.

Best Clash Royale decks

It is very difficult to find decks that all Clash Royale players agree on, as everyone has their own style of play and preferences. However, the decks below are among the most loved by the Supercell title community and may therefore be to your liking.

Goblin cage

The Goblin Cage deck is considered by many to be one of the best to use in the later stages of the game, as it has great defensive potential as well as good offensive potential. The deck also guarantees a good versatility, which can help the user to “get out” from unpleasant situations.

The deck consists of the following cards: Hot Air Balloon (Epica, Arena 6), Barbarian Barrel (Epica Arena 3), Bats (Common, Arena 5), Goblin Cage (Rare, Arena 12), Ice Golem (Rare, Arena 8) ), Lumberjack (Legendary, Arena 8), Musketeer (Rare, Arena 0), and Giant Snowball (Common, Arena 8). To get the main card, which is Goblin Cage, you need to get to at least Arena 12.

The Cage deck for goblins is especially valid due to the presence of 3 cards capable of defeating enemies in the air (Bats, Ice Golem and Musketeer). This means that it is unlikely that the opponent will be able to reach your towers by air. Another fundamental aspect is the counterattack : after the defensive phase, this deck allows you to quickly respond to the opponent with the Balloon and Woodman cards.

Barbarian Barrel and Giant Snowball instead act as spells to quickly inflict damage and catch the other player off guard. Finally, Goblin Cage is the card that can win you the game. In fact, if this card is played at the right time, it can force the opponent to make the first move and therefore give life to the loop that I described above: defensive phase and counterattack.

Double witch

Another very balanced deck is what is called “the double witch”. It does not have one of the best synergies, but its versatility is excellent and can be interesting for those who have a style of play that is neither too aggressive nor too defensive.

The deck consists of these cards: Elixir Golem (Rare, Arena 12), Fisherman (Legendary, Arena 10), The Trunk (Legendary, Arena 6), Mega Minion (Rare, Arena 4), Miner (Legendary, Arena 4), Night Witch (Legendary, Arena 5), Poison (Epic, Arena 5) and Witch (Epic, Arena 2). This is a deck with 4 legendaries. It may therefore not be very easy to obtain, but on the other hand we are talking about a deck capable of giving opponents a lot of trouble.

Its strength lies in the aerial attacks that can be done with Night Witch, Witch and Mega Minion. The latter can be defended with Poison and The Log, while the Miner and Elixir Golem can be used to respond to expensive cards used by the opponent. The Fisherman is instead important due to the fact that he is able to attack from a good distance.


A technique often underestimated by players is the use of spells . Precisely for this reason, using a deck based on the latter could catch many players unprepared.

The deck consists of the following cards: Goblin Barrel (Epic, Arena 1), Goblin Gang (Common, Arena 9), Ice Spirit (Common, Arena 8), Infernal Tower (Rare, Arena 4), The Trunk (Legendary , Arena 6), Princess (Legendary, Arena 7), Rocket (Rare, Arena 6), and Valkyrie (Rare, Arena 2). This deck is perhaps easier to obtain than the Goblin Cage and Double Witch ones, and you may therefore want to consider using it when you’re in the middle stage.

In this case, the secret is to lure the opponent with inexpensive cards in terms of Elixir, such as Goblin Gang (3 Elixir) and Ice Spirit (1 Elixir), and then amaze them with spells , such as The Log and Rocket. Meanwhile, Princess, Infernal Tower, and Valkyrie can be used to defend themselves . Barile Goblin can instead be important to catch the opponent off guard and destroy his towers.

In short, now you have multiple indications to create the best decks for Clash Royale . Clearly the indications I have given you are only the basics and you can modify them as you want, according to your tastes and needs. I also remind you that the Supercell title is updated all the time and therefore the developers could change the statistics of the cards and much more at any moment. Therefore, I invite you to take the information reported in this post as purely indicative.

For more details on the individual cards mentioned and on the game, I suggest you take a look at the Clash Royale Wiki , an inexhaustible source of information on the Supercell title. Also, since you are interested in this particular game, I would like to advise you to consult some of my tutorials. In particular, you may be interested in the guides on how to see the chests on Clash Royale and how to find legendaries on Clash Royale .


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