Tips & Tricks

Archiver (unarchiver) online: an overview of 3 services

Almost all users, when working on a computer in the Windows operating system, sooner or later come across archives – separate compressed files. Especially often archives are used to store data or transfer files over the Internet.

Users compress folders or files, or as they say, archive them to reduce their size. One archive can contain a large number of folders and files.

When moved to an archive or “compressed folder”, the files lose a significant part of their volume. This happens because repeating groups of characters in each file are replaced with one or two special characters.

This operation saves disk space. Many file types can be compressed several times their original size.

When decompressing (unzipping) on ​​a computer, the reverse operation is performed, when the compressed files return to their original form, which they had before the backup was performed.

The Windows operating system supports the creation and unpacking of ZIP archives using the built-in tool:

  • To place a file or folder in an archive, you need to select “Send to” => “Compressed ZIP folder” in the Explorer context menu.
  • To open the archive, click on it with the mouse button, and then drag the contents of the folder to any convenient place on your computer.

The standard Windows tool works only with ZIP archives, while the user may come across other archive formats: RAR, TAR, 7-Zip, ISO, etc. Understanding this situation, experienced users install a special program on their computer immediately after installing Windows. with archives.

The most famous archivers are programs: WinRAR, 7-Zip, WinZip. Such programs are not available on all computers. Some users do not use such functionality on their PCs; at best, they get by with a system tool.

But, users do not care, from time to time, archives saved in different formats come across. In some cases, they need to change the format of the original archive.

Archives are found not only on computers, but also on mobile devices. What should the user do in such a situation?

An online archiver will come to the rescue – a service on the Internet with which you can create an archive directly from your browser. In other situations, you will need an online unpacker – a service with which you can unpack the archive without the help of software installed on your computer.

This review presents archivers and unpackers that perform all the necessary operations from a browser window on the Internet.

These operations are available on any device (PC, phone, tablet), on any operating system (Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, etc.). In order for network archivers to perform their functions, a stable Internet connection must be provided on the device.

ezyZip – online archiver for free

ezyZip online service is a set of tools for compressing, decompressing and converting archives on the Internet. The web application does not use a remote service to upload or download user files. All necessary actions are performed locally in the browser. This allows you to significantly increase the speed of operations.

In addition to the usual tool for archiving individual files, the service has a useful tool – an online file folder archiver. Thus, on this site you can archive not only files, but also entire folders with attached files.

The service uses machine translation into Russian with the help of Google translator, so some of the wording may not seem very successful to you.

Read the instructions for using the ezyZip online service to zip files and folders, extract archives, or convert an archive to another format.

Now we will see how the online ZIP archiver works:

  1. You need to open the archiver online on the web page – .
  2. By default, the service opens in the “Archive” menu, in the “Archive files” tab.
  3. In the “Select files to archive” section, click on the “Browse…” button to select files to compress. Add all required files here.
  4. Click the arrow in the Archive File button to select the compression level. We have several options available:
  • No compression (fastest).
  • Medium compression – used by default.
  • Maximum compression (slowest).
  1. Click on the “Archive file” button to start the operation.
  2. Once the zipping process is complete, click on the “Save zip file” button to download it to your computer.

The online folder archiver works as follows:

  1. Open the “Archive files online” tab.
  2. In the “Select a folder to archive” section, click on the “Browse …” button to select a directory on your computer.
  3. In the warning window, agree to upload the selected folder.
  4. Optionally, you can choose the level of archive compression. For folders, the default option is No Compression (fastest).
  5. Click the Archive File button to archive the folder.
  6. After processing is complete, click on the “Save ZIP File” button.

Unpacking archives is as follows:

  1. To use the online file extractor, you must click on the “Unpack” menu, and then select the original format of the archive file.
  2. In the “Unpack files” tab, in the “Select archive file to extract” section, click on the “Browse …” button to select the appropriate archive.
  3. Click on the “Extract” button.
  4. Save all or only some of the files from the unpacked archive to your device.

If necessary, you can change the archive format online:

  1. Click on the “Converter” menu and then select the source and desired archive format. The service supports the following options for converting between file formats:
  • ZIPX to ZIP, RAR to ZIP, 7-Zip to ZIP, TAR to ZIP, TAR.BR2 to ZIP, TAR.GZ to ZIP, TAR.XZ to ZIP, ISO to ZIP.
  1. Select a file to convert.
  2. If necessary, set the compression ratio.
  3. Start converting to another archive format.
  4. Download the archive to your computer.

Create or convert archives online at

The well-known online service provides services for converting media format files. Among other options, there are tools for working with files in archive formats.

Go through the following steps:

  1. Go to the “Archive Format Converter” page – .
  2. Next, you need to select one of the possible options for creating or converting an archive of the following formats: 7z, TAR.BZ2, TAR.GZ, ZIP.

For example, if we need a 7z archiver online, then we should select the 7z File Converter tool.

  1. Drag and drop all the necessary files to a special area, use the “Select Files” button for this, add files by URL, from Dropbox or Google Drive.
  2. After downloading the files, click on the “Start Converting” button.
  3. After the conversion is completed, on the site page that opens, download the finished 7z-archive to your computer.

This archive will be deleted from the service after 24 hours. During this time, it can be downloaded to the PC up to 10 times.

Unzip online for free on the service 123apps is an online free web application service. The service supports working with media, graphic and text formats. The website has a tool for unpacking archives on the Internet. claims support for more than 70 archive formats, including: RAR, ZIP, 7z, CAB, DMG, TAR, ISO, NRG, WIM, ACE, etc.

Do the following:

  1. Go to the Unzip tool page .
  2. Select a file from a computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, a link, or drag and drop a file from a PC into a dedicated area on a web page.
  3. Immediately after adding the archived file to the service, the web application automatically starts its work on extracting data from this archive.
  4. Click on an individual file to download it to your computer, or click on the “Save All as ZIP” button.

A ZIP archive is opened by Windows tools as a regular folder, so you can easily access all unpacked files.

Article Conclusions

Many users use compressed files or folders – archives that are convenient to store on a computer or share data on the Internet. The user does not always have the opportunity to create or unpack an archive on his device. In such cases, he should use the services of an archiver or unarchiver online on the Internet, without using the software installed on the computer.

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