
How to eat in Minecraft

How to eat in Minecraft: You have started playing Minecraft and, during the first adventures you are facing, you have noticed that your avatar loses health even if it is not attacked by enemies. You realized that this situation occurs because you need to feed the character and, therefore, not knowing how to proceed, you wonder how to eat in Minecraft and prevent this unpleasant situation from happening again.

Don’t worry: you’ve come to the right place at the right time. In today’s guide, in fact, I will show you how to make your avatar eat in Minecraft so as not to risk suffering damage (even fatal) and having to start your adventure all over again. First, however, I will explain how to find food in the game world and how to cook it, so that you get better foods to always carry with you.

Are you curious to find out the tips I have prepared for you in this tutorial, right? All right, then let’s not waste any more time. Take some time off, so read the tips below carefully and put them into practice. I assure you that you will not regret it. There is nothing left for me to do but wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • How to find food in Minecraft
  • How to prepare food in Minecraft
  • How to eat in Minecraft

How to find food in Minecraft

One of the first things to do when entering the Minecraft game world is to get food. This phase is important, because otherwise the Hunger points bar will start to go down, causing the avatar to lose Health points, if at zero.

For this reason, it is important to spend some time in finding as much food as possible, to keep in stock and then dedicate yourself to other activities, such as building a shelter or exploring the game world.

First of all, you must know that some foods in Minecraft can be eaten as soon as they are found, such as the Apple or the Carrot, or they must first be processed, through the Furnace or the Workbench, but it is a topic that I will tell you about in the next chapter.

Let’s start with the search for the food and ingredients you will need to create more elaborate foods that cannot be eaten directly, of which you can find a list below.

  • The cocoa beans are as a prize inside or on the trunks of trees Jungle; it is also possible to grow them, placing the seeds on the trunks of this type of tree.
  • The Sugar is an ingredient that is obtained from the processing of sugar cane into a workbench.
  • The Grain is a reward that can be found in chests scattered around the world of Minecraft and you can grow it, and then pick it up every time the crops are ripe.
  • The pumpkin is spontaneously in the world of Minecraft and can be grown using the pumpkin seeds.
  • Mushrooms, such as the Brown Mushroom and the Red Mushroom, are available in the Minecraft world in dark and humid areas, such as caves or swamps.
  • The eggs are laid by the hens, which can be reared inside an enclosure.
  • The milk is obtained by milking a cow, using a bucket to pick it up in inventory.

In addition to the ingredients mentioned above, there are some foods that can be eaten without the need to process them. An example are the Potato, the Beetroot, the Melon and also the aforementioned Apples and Carrots. Even the meat can be eaten raw, but in some cases can cause poisoning to the avatar, with the consequent loss of points Health.

Speaking of Meat, this is obtained by defeating some animals that are scattered around the world of Minecraft. For example, raw chicken is obtained from hensraw beef from cows or raw sheep meat from sheep.

Even fish, such as cod and salmon, can be used as food and are obtained by catching them with a fishing rod or by defeating fish or polar bears.

How to prepare food in Minecraft

Now that you’ve learned about the foods you can use in Minecraft, it’s time to see how to cook them. In fact, you should know that some foods, if eaten without previous cooking, can cause poisoning, such as raw meat, or restore only a few hunger points compared to when they are cooked. It is therefore a good idea to take high-performance foods with you that can be processed in the furnace or workbench.

As for all types of meat and fish, by placing them inside a furnace lit with fuel ( Wood or Coal ), they are transformed into their Cotta variant. For example, raw chicken becomes a cooked chickenraw rabbit becomes cooked rabbit and raw cod becomes cooked cod. Even the Potato, if inserted in a Furnace, is transformed into a Baked Potato, useful for restoring more points health and Hunger versus the uncooked version.

As I mentioned in the previous chapter, some foods can only be used as ingredients to create more elaborate foods. In the next few lines, I’ll list some foods you can create via the Workbench.

  • The bread is one of the most fast foods and simple to create, because it requires only three units of grain.
  • The cake, on the other hand, requires a combination of several ingredients: three units of milk, two units of sugar, one egg and three units of wheat. After creating it, it cannot be eaten directly (I’ll tell you about it specifically in the next chapter of the guide).
  • The Biscuit is a simpler and less useful food than the others listed in the previous lines, as it has a lower efficiency. It is obtained by combining two units of wheat and a cocoa bean.
  • The Golden Apple and the Golden Carrot are obtained with eight units of Gold Bars and, respectively, with an Apple or a Carrot. These foods are useful not only because it restores many points Health and Hunger, but also because they attribute the avatar effect of bonuses, such as increased resistance to damage and regeneration of the points Health.
  • The Pumpkin Pie is a good food, also for its simplicity of creation: it requires only one unit of Pumpkin, a sugar and an egg.

Always using a workbench, with the use of a bowl as an “ingredient”, it is possible to make soups and stews.

For example, the Beet Soup is obtained by adding six units of Beets, the Mushroom Soup by adding one unit of Red Mushroom and one of Brown Mushroom, while the Rabbit Stew is created by also inserting a Carrot, a Mushroom red, a baked potato and a cooked rabbit.

Now that you have an idea of ​​all the types of foods you can create to eat them in Minecraft, it’s important to figure out which one is best to take with you on your adventures. As I have already mentioned in the previous chapters, with the passage of time, the Hunger points will begin to decrease and, for this reason, it is required to feed on food.

Foods generally restore these points by a different amount, so it’s helpful to know which ones are best to create. In addition to this, you must consider that, by eating, the Health points are also restored, of a different amount based on the food used.

Another parameter that, on the other hand, is not displayed on the screen and therefore the player cannot monitor directly is that relating to Saturation, which expires every time the player performs activities such as running or digging. When the Saturation level drops to zero, Hunger points begin to drop, with the consequences that you are already aware of.

All foods restore this saturation level by a certain amount and only some of them are more convenient than others to take on your adventures. Keep in mind that even the amount of Saturation points that a food can restore can never exceed the current Hunger level, so you could use different combinations of foods to optimize their consumption.

Just to give you a few examples, Cooked Mutton restores 6 Hunger points and increases the Saturation level by 9.6; a Pie, on the other hand, recovers 14 Hunger points but raises the Saturation level by only 2.8 points. Therefore, using a cooked sheep meat if you are only with zero Hunger points is a waste of the Saturation points, because only 6 would be restored, instead of 9.6. With a Cake, however, you would have a saturation level restored too low and you will have to eat more food soon.

Generally speaking, the best foods that have a more efficient Saturation / Hunger recovery ratio are the Golden Apple and the Golden Carrot. Followed by cooked meats, such as pork, sheep or beef or cooked salmon. Then all the other types of food follow, among which the worst are cakebiscuits or raw fish.

How to eat in Minecraft

After taking into consideration the advice I gave you in the previous chapters to understand how to recover food and how to cook it, to get better, it’s time to find out how to eat in Minecraft.

First, open your inventory and drag the food to the bottom bar in any quick slot. Once this is done, exit the inventory and press the number key corresponding to the food slot to equip it. Very well! Now all that remains is to hold down the interaction key (the right mouse button) to start the animation that will allow you to feed on the food in your hand.

The only food that must be eaten in a different way is the Cake, which requires before being placed on a shelf, as if it were a block. After doing this, interact on it to eat a slice, for up to seven, before it is completely consumed.


Source: aranzulla by

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