Phone Number 1000 – who called and what to do?
Why are they calling from number 1000 and who owns it? Can scammers call from the short phone number 1000?
Unfamiliar short numbers can arouse suspicion among users, as they often turn out to be paid or belong to scammers. We will tell you who can call from number 1000 and whether it is safe to answer such calls.
Phone number 1000
Short phone number 1000 is the official number of VTB, which customers can use for free calls from mobile devices throughout Russia. It is an alternative to the number 8 (800) -100-24-24, but easier to remember and type.
Since 2021, for the convenience of users, the bank has made this number “two-way” – now you can both call and receive calls from VTB. At the same time, representatives of the bank claim that it is absolutely safe to receive such calls, and the possibility of fraud is completely excluded.
Why are they calling from phone number 1000?
Initially, the phone number 1000 was used by VTB only for incoming calls. Customers can call the number to get advice on any financial and credit issues related to the work of the bank. This number is easier to remember, so in case of any unforeseen circumstances, such as card blocking, it is easier for users to contact the bank.
Now VTB employees can also make outgoing calls from number 1000. By this phone, the bank can notify its customers of any personal offers (opening an account, obtaining a mortgage or loan on more favorable terms), as well as temporary promotions.
In addition, from the phone number 1000, VTB can inform its customers about loan debts, changes in card service conditions and other topics that may be more important than simple spam from banks.
Can scammers call from phone number 1000?
According to the representatives of the bank, fraudsters do not have such an opportunity, since when starting outgoing calls, the security service, together with large mobile operators, did a serious job of protecting the number from falsification. All calls from scammers who will try to fake phone number 1000 or use numbers visually similar to it will simply not reach subscribers, and attackers will not be able to contact bank customers.
As you know, telephone fraud schemes are improving every day. Therefore, even calls from the official phone number 1000 should be treated with caution in case the attackers still find a way to fake it. It must always be remembered that real VTB Bank employees will never do the following:
- They will not ask the client for bank card details, its expiration date, CVV / CVC code or a secret code from an SMS message.
- They will not ask you to dictate your login and password from your personal account on the bank’s website.
- They will not offer to download / install any program or application on the phone.
- In case of any problems with the card, real employees will not mention a “safe account” and will not offer to transfer the client’s money there, since there simply is no safe account.
If in any doubt, the user needs to end the call and call back to 1000 on their own. In this case, it must be manually entered on the dial pad of the phone in the calls application. This is the only way to be sure to contact the bank and not run into the phone of scammers.
The content of any SMS messages from phone number 1000 is also worth questioning. This is the bank’s official phone number, but it is not supposed to send information from it, and all messages from VTB come from a contact with the name “VTB”. And although cases of fraud from this number have not yet been recorded, such a possibility cannot be completely ruled out.