
How to delete messages

Your smartphone has an almost full memory and you would like to work hard to put some order inside it. You are thinking that the simplest and most immediate solution for you at the moment is to delete messages . You would also like to delete old IM application conversations, but you don’t know how.

In the course of this tutorial of mine, I will explain in detail how to delete messages on smartphones, tablets and computers, and also how to delete the conversations of instant messaging applications (even if the latter, being saved in the cloud, do not take up storage space. on your device): procedures that you may need, in case you want to protect your privacy.

What I suggest first of all is to take a few minutes of free time, sit comfortably, equip yourself with a smartphone, tablet or PC and carefully follow the instructions that you can read in this tutorial. Are you ready to start? Yup? Very good! So, go ahead with the next lines in which you will find everything explained.


  • How to delete messages on Android
  • How to delete messages on iOS
  • How to delete messages on Instagram
  • How to delete messages on Facebook
  • How to delete messages on WhatsApp
  • How to delete messages on Messenger
  • How to delete messages on Telegram
  • How to delete messages on Skype
  • How to delete messages on Teams
  • How to delete messages on Vinted

How to delete messages on Android

If you have an Android device , and you are wondering how to delete messages , you should know that the procedure necessary to perform this operation varies depending on what is the default application for managing them on the device itself. Below I will show you the necessary steps on Xiaomi and HUAWEI smartphones , but I am sure you will have no difficulty understanding how to do this even if your phone manufacturer is different.

To delete SMS on a Xiaomi smartphone, start the Google Messages app (i.e. the default one for SMS), by tapping on the white balloon icon . If you want to delete the entire conversation, then perform a long tap on it in order to check it , then press the trash can icon at the top right and confirm the operation by pressing the Delete item .

If you prefer to delete only a single message contained in it, click on the conversation to open it. Then, hold your finger on the message to be deleted, press the trash can icon you see at the top right and confirm by tapping the Delete item .

Are you using a HUAWEI smartphone ? So, if you want to delete a chat, start the Messages app (the one with the cartoon icon ), hold your finger on the chat to delete and confirm the operation by pressing the Delete icon located at the bottom. If, rather, you want to delete a single message, open the conversation by pressing on it, then perform a long tap on the message to be deleted and, in conclusion, press on the Delete item.

How to delete messages on iOS

To delete messages on iOS , a quick procedure must be performed using the default Messages app , present on the main screen of the device or in the app Library. Then tap on the app icon (a white balloon on a green background) and locate the conversation you want to delete. To delete it, swipe to the left and press the trash can icon and confirm.

If, rather, you intend to delete only a single message, tap on the related conversation , hold down your finger on the message to be deleted, press on the Other item and then tap on the trash can icon at the bottom. Finally, confirm the operation by clicking on Delete Message .

After selecting a single message, you can also press on the Delete all item , in order to delete the entire conversation with an alternative procedure. In the latter case, confirm the operation by pressing on the item Delete conversation . Still need help with this procedure? Then check out the tutorial I wrote on how to delete SMS.

How to delete messages on Instagram

Deleting messages from Instagram is a rather simple operation. First, start the app and tap on the paper airplane icon at the top right.

If, at this point, you want to delete a conversation, perform a long tap on its preview that you see on the screen in front of you and, from the menu that is proposed to you, press on the Delete item twice in a row. This way, however, the chat will still remain visible to the recipient.

Otherwise, if you want to delete a single message, I point out that this is only possible for the messages you have sent but not for those you have received (by acting in this way the messages will be deleted from the recipient’s chat). To proceed, therefore, open the conversation from which you want to delete a message by pressing on it. Then, keep your finger pressed on the message to be deleted and, finally, press on the word Undo sending the message twice in a row.

The indications I have just given you are valid whether you want to know how to delete messages on Instagram Android , or whether you want to know how to delete messages on Instagram iPhone .

If, on the other hand, you want to know how to proceed from the site or from the [Instagram application for Windows , log in to your profile with the same credentials. Next, tap on the paper airplane icon located at the top right.

If you want to delete an entire chat, select the one you are interested in from the list by clicking on it, then press the button (i) at the top right. Finally, click on the word Delete chat and then on the item Delete . Do you prefer to delete a single message? Then select it from the chat, then press on the button … placed to the left of it, finally, press on the item Cancel sending the message twice in a row and you’re done. If you have other doubts about what I have explained to you in the course of this chapter, feel free to read my guide on how to delete messages on Instagram.

How to delete messages on Facebook

As for Facebook, as you probably already know, the messages on the popular social network of the Meta group are managed by means of the dedicated Messenger service ; which is available in app format for Android smartphones and tablets (even for those without support for Google services ), for iPhone and iPad and in web application or client format for Windows and macOS .

Wait, you’re asking me how to delete messages on Messenger all at once , i.e. how to delete an entire chat? I’ll show you the procedure from the Messenger app for mobile devices. First, tap on its icon to start it, then perform a long tap on the chat to be deleted and press the Delete item twice in a row (the chat will still remain visible to the recipient).

If, on the other hand, you want to delete a single message you sent, select the chat that includes the latter, then make a long tap on the message and then press the Remove button . At this point, click on the wording cancel sending the message to delete the message from your chat and from that of the recipient; otherwise, if you want to remove the message only from your chat, click on Remove for you.

To delete, instead, a received message, perform a long tap on it and go to More> Remove> Remove for you> Remove . Messages sent on Messenger can also be deleted via the web version of the service. Then go to and choose whether to delete a conversation or individual messages. In the first case, after logging in , if necessary, press the  button , which you can view by moving the pointer to the right, on the chat preview, and press the Delete chat item twice in a row.

If you prefer to delete a single message, click on the conversation you are interested in, then on the button with the symbol ⁝ that you can view by moving the pointer to the left, corresponding to the message, and click on the Remove item twice in a row. Do you use the Messenger application for Windows and macOS? In this case, after starting it, to delete a chat, right-click on its preview and press on the item Delete conversation .

Then, confirm by pressing the Delete button . If you prefer to delete a single message from a chat, open it, then right-click on the message you are interested in and first click on the item Remove for you and then on the Remove button.

For more information regarding the deletion of messages on Messenger, I refer you to reading my guide dedicated to the subject.

How to delete messages on WhatsApp

The procedure for deleting messages on WhatsApp is executable in a simple way is via the ‘ app for Android and iOS , and through the service WhatsApp Web or client application instant messaging for Windows 10 and MacOS .

If you prefer to act from Android or iOS , start the WhatsApp application and, if you want to delete a chat, go to the Chat tab , then make a long tap on the one to be deleted and press the trash can button at the top. Then, click on the Continue button and, finally, on the Delete chat item (the operation will remove the conversation only from the device you are using).

To repeat these same steps on the iPhone , start WhatsApp , open the Chat tab , locate the chat you want to delete and swipe left on its preview . Then press on the More button and then on the Delete chat item twice in a row.

Do you want to delete a single message on the Android app ? Then locate the one to delete in the conversation and hold your finger on it. Then press the trash can icon at the top and choose whether to tap on Delete for me or on Delete for all . This last option, as easily understood, is available only if the recipients have not read the messages intended for them and only for 1 hour.

On iOS , however, after holding your finger on the message to be deleted, press on the Delete item , then on the button with the trash can symbol at the bottom and, finally, on the words Delete for me or Delete for all .

Operating from the Web version of WhatsApp (but also through the client for Windows 10 and macOS ), to delete a chat, press the down arrow button located on the right, in correspondence with it, and then click on the Delete chat item . Finally, confirm the operation by clicking on the Delete button .

If you want to delete a single message, select it within a chat, click on the button with the down arrow symbol that you find in its correspondence and then click on the word Delete message . Finally, select the Delete for me or the Delete for all option .

If you encounter any difficulties in carrying out these procedures, I invite you to read my guide dedicated to the topic, in which I have given you more details on how to delete WhatsApp messages.

How to delete messages on Messenger

I have shown you all the steps necessary to delete messages on Messenger in the chapter on Facebook , since on the latter social network the chats are managed through Messenger.

If you need even more specific information, I also recommend reading my tutorial on how to delete messages on Facebook.

How to delete messages on Telegram

Start the Telegram application that you downloaded for free on your Android or iOS / iPadOS device , to perform step by step the operations related to deleting a conversation or individual messages.

Operating from Android , to delete a conversation, press and hold on it and then press the trash can button located at the top right. Confirm the operation by tapping on the Delete chat item . To delete a single message from a chat, again from Android , hold your finger down on the message , then press the trash can button at the top and the Delete item . If you also want to delete the message from the recipient’s chat, check the Delete by [name of the person] item and confirm the operation by pressing the Delete item.

On iOS , to delete an entire conversation, locate it in the Chat section and then swipe left on it; then press the Delete button twice in a row. To delete a single message, however, press and hold your finger on it and then tap the Delete button . Then choose whether to click on Delete for me or on Delete for me and [person’s name] . In the latter case you will delete the message for both of you.

Acting from the Web version of Telegram if you want to delete a chat, right-click on it and press the Delete item . Finally, choose whether to delete the conversation just for you ( Delete just for me ) or to delete it also for the recipient ( Delete for me and [username] ). If you intend to delete a single message, right click on it and repeat the last step.

If you have downloaded the social network application for Windows 10Telegram Desktop , delete the entire conversation by right clicking on it and then on the words Delete Chat .

At this point, choose whether to delete the conversation just for you ( Delete ) or whether to delete it also for the recipient ( Delete also for [username] ) and confirm by pressing the Delete item . To delete a single message, right-click on it and then on the Delete item twice in a row. For other details on these procedures, read what is explained in my post on how to delete messages on Telegram.

How to delete messages on Skype

The procedure for deleting messages through the Skype app, available for Android and iOS, is really immediate. Once the app is started (press on the icon with the white “S” on a blue background to do so), if you intend to delete an entire chat, go to the Chat section , hold down your finger on the one you are interested in and then press on the item Delete conversation . To confirm the operation, tap on the word Delete.

Do you want to delete a single message? Open the conversation of your interest by pressing on its preview and then make a long tap on the message to be deleted. Now press on the word Remove twice in a row and that’s it.

If you have downloaded and started the Skype application for Windows and macOS, right-click on the conversation to delete and then on Delete conversation ( Windows ) or Delete Skype conversation ( macOS ). To delete a single message, instead, right-click on it and then on the Remove item that you see on the screen twice in a row.

Still need help deleting messages on Skype? Then I really think that my tutorial dedicated to the topic is for you.

How to delete messages on Teams

Deleting messages from the Teams application for Android devices and for iPhone or iPad is certainly no more complex than what has already been seen for the other messaging applications I mentioned previously.

First start the Teams app by pressing the icon of the two men on a purple background , then go to the Chat tab (the cartoon icon at the bottom) and, at this point, if you want to delete a conversation, keep pressed your finger on it, then, tap on the Delete item and, from here, on the word Ok . If you want to delete a single message from the chat (you can only delete the messages you sent yourself), open it by pressing on its preview and repeat the same step shown above.

Want to know how to repeat these same steps from the web version of Teams or the client for Windows and macOS? I’ll settle you immediately, start one or the other version of Microsoft’s service and proceed, in both cases, as indicated below.

First of all, click on the Chat item that you find at the top left and, if you want to delete a chat, click on it and, then, click on the… button on the right, in correspondence with the conversation itself. From the menu that is shown to you, click on the Delete chat item and confirm by pressing the Yes, delete button .

If you want to delete a single message, select the chat that includes the one you want to remove, then move the mouse pointer over the message, then press the … button shown above and, finally, click on the Delete item . For more details on these procedures take a look at my tutorial on how to clear chats in Teams.

How to delete messages on Vinted

Do you want to tidy up the Vinted app , which you can download on Android smartphones and tablets and on iPhones and iPads, removing the messages you deem superfluous? Nothing could be simpler: first start the aforementioned application and press the Inbox icon at the bottom. Once this is done, if you want to delete a chat, press on its preview , then tap on the button (i) located at the top right and, on the next screen, press on the item Delete conversation .

Finally, confirm by clicking on the Cancel button . Regarding the elimination of individual messages, I inform you that, unfortunately, at the time of writing, the application of the popular service of buying and selling clothing items does not provide for this possibility.

To carry out the same operation that I have just shown you from the Vinted site, access it by proceeding, if necessary, with the login . Once this is done, click on the envelope icon located at the top right and, from here on, the steps are the same as I showed you above (also in this case it is not possible to delete the messages individually). If you have any difficulties with using this service, I suggest you read my in-depth study on how Vinted works.

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