
How to get Rocket League credits

Lately you are approaching Rocket League , the well-known video game from Psyonix in which you play various sports using cars. You’re having a lot of fun in multiplayer games, but you don’t have any particularly good items right now. You would therefore like to replace them, but to do this you need credits and you don’t quite understand how everything works.

No problem: I will shortly explain to you in detail just how to get Rocket League credits . This will allow you to understand how you can get that item you have your eye on. In addition, there will be a way to analyze the issue as a whole, in order to also understand what can be purchased with this currency.

Courage: why are you still standing there in front of the screen? Are you planning on returning to Rocket League with the item you’re interested in? In my opinion you can’t wait to show everyone your renewed car. Come on then, all that’s left to do is follow the quick instructions below. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to buy Rocket League credits
  • How to get free Rocket League credits

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to get credits on Rocket League , I think it may interest you to know more about this possibility.

Well, credits are the internal currency of the game and allow you to obtain cosmetic items . There is a bit of everything: flags to be placed on the back of the car, wheels with different designs, hats to be placed on top of the car, turbo wakes and different bodies, just to give you some concrete examples.

To purchase these items, simply go to the Item Shop , accessible directly from the main game screen. At the top, you will find all the relevant tabs , which showcase the main packages (bundles) available at the moment.

Many bundles can be purchased through credits, but if you want to access individual cosmetic items, just move to the HIGHLIGHTS tab . Here you will find items that you can buy with credits, which will remain available for a limited time.

I also remind you that credits can be used to create items starting from the related projects , for the paid Rocket Pass and for the trading system (through the latter you could find a method to learn how to get free credits on Rocket League , but question is intricate and I advise against trading with people you do not know).

How to buy Rocket League credits

After explaining what Rocket League credits are for, I’d say it’s time to pass the action and figure out how to get them.

Rocket League allows players to have credits only by buying them in-game, for real money. Put simply, you need to go through micro-transactions .

That said, to buy credits in Rocket Legue you just need to go to the Item Shop , accessible from the main menu of the game, move over to an item or a bundle that can be bought with this currency and press the BUY CREDITS button (e.g. the button square on PS4 ).

By doing so, a “window” will appear on the screen that will allow you to purchase credits. Generally the cost is € 4.99 for 500 credits , € 9.99 for 1,100 credits , € 24.99 for 3,000 credits and € 49.99 for 6,500 credits .

Obviously these are values ​​to be taken as purely indicative, as they vary according to the promotional period and the initiatives implemented by Psyonix. In any case, to complete the transaction, just press the BUY button (eg the X button on PS4 ) and confirm everything.

Clearly, the method to complete the transaction depends on the platform you are playing Rocket League from, but in general you shouldn’t have too much trouble completing the purchase, possibly adding a valid payment method , such as card or PayPal . If in doubt, you can refer, for example, to my tutorial on how to pay on PlayStation Store .

How to get free Rocket League credits

How do you say? Would you like to get credits for free and without going through micro-transactions? I’ll explain the situation immediately.

In this case, you need to know that contrary to what some people claim online, it is not possible to get free credits on Rocket League in a certified and developer-allowed way. There would actually be the online exchange functionality, but the topic is intricate and I advise against entering that world, as unfortunately there are many bad guys.

I strongly advise you, therefore, to stay away from those who promise “magic” methods to get you free credits for your Rocket League account, as they are pranksters or, at worst, scams.

The only real way to get Psyonix title credits “for free” is to buy the Rocket Pass , which allows you to receive more rewards every time you level up (similar to what happens in games like Fortnite ) .

The rewards of the Rocket Pass sometimes also include credits , so you can use this method to get the currency in question. In any case, unlike what happens in other titles, the free version of the Battle Pass does not allow you to get credits.

This means that you must first purchase the Rocket Pass Premium at 1,000 credits , in order to get the items included in the Pass “for free” as well as some credits (as long as you level up during the respective Season ). There is also a version of the Pass with 12 levels included which costs 3,000 credits (at the time of writing it is discounted to 2,000 credits).

To make the purchase, obviously once you have bought the right credits, just go to the Rocket Pass tab , present in the main menu of the game, and press the GET PREMIUM button (eg square button on PS4 ). After that, all you have to do is press the BUY button (eg X button on PS4 ) and complete the transaction.

To see when you will get your credits , just take a look at the Rocket Pass tab or the LEVEL UP section of the official Rocket League website , which allows you to take a look at the Premium rewards (in green).

In any case, I remind you that the items purchased through credits do not make a player stronger , since, as I illustrated in the preliminary chapter , you can only buy aesthetic elements that do not affect the gameplay.

As for the latter, however, you might be interested in taking a look at my tutorial on how to improve on Rocket League , in which I illustrated some interesting techniques to be implemented during the games of the Psyonix title.


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