
5 signs you need to reinstall Windows 10

“Windows 10 does not need to be reinstalled!” – I used to think so too, but I decided to reinstall the operating system and was just surprised at the speed of work. But first things first.

So. What signs indicate that it is better to reinstall the 10-Ku?

Sign # 1 – the age of the installed system

If you installed Windows 10 a couple of years ago, then it’s better to reinstall it. As I wrote above, I experienced it myself. Although I always fine-tuned the system, I turned off unnecessary services. All the same, various garbage is accumulating, updates are rolling (sometimes incorrectly). Even the cleaners can not help 100% here.

Also, if your Windows is installed on an SSD, then personally I recommend formatting the disk and reinstalling the system once a year. This is due to the degradation of flash memory cells, and formatting and reinstallation will help to write the necessary files to the undamaged places of the drive.

In addition, after reinstalling Windows, you will already get an updated copy, in which all updates are time-tested. (if you reinstalled correctly, I’ll tell you how below).

Sign # 2 – virus infection

If your PC has been infected with viruses, or you catch a virus quite often, the antivirus heals the PC.

If this happens often enough, then there is a risk that the system files have been damaged or changed. In this case, reinstalling will decently invigorate the system.

Sign # 3 – many programs

If in a short time (for example, six months) you have installed and uninstalled hundreds of programs, then it is no secret that many software leave trash behind.

In the registry, in all Windows databases. Reinstalling the system will help refresh your computer: various junk will be removed.

Sign number 4 – the computer began to slow down

First, of course, you need to test the computer, look at the errors of the processor, memory and disk. Also see the temperature of the processor using various utilities (for example, Aida 64).

But as practice shows, hardware problems happen if the computer is very old or you constantly play games and load the computer.

In other cases, a banal reinstallation of Windows saves. Also, system hangs can be attributed to this feature.

Sign # 5 – drivers

I recently had an unpleasant experience. I have an external sound card that has constant driver problems. There are 10 drivers, and they are selected by typing. Windows 10, on the other hand, installs its own driver, which, in principle, is no worse than another, except perhaps without settings.

I put 1 out of 10 native drivers for the test, but it did not fit. The microphone just doesn’t work.

I uninstall this driver, but when reinstalling Windows, it thinks that there is no better than this driver and tries to install it again. What I just did not do, and climbed in the registry, and reset, but only reinstalling Windows helped.
Therefore, if you are experiencing problems with devices (installing drivers), then it is better to reinstall Windows 10.

How do I reinstall Windows 10?

I recommend doing this exclusively through the official installer. It is advisable, of course, to install a new copy with the loss of settings.

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