
What is a computer made of?

The computer which originally intended to create an automatic calculator has seen many developments. If you think about it, the purpose of the computer was to respond to human laziness. The latter too lazy to perform calculations to think of creating a machine that can do it for him. The least we can say is that the pc has evolved enormously. Now one pc can perform countless number of tasks. And it took on different aspects. The first computer is quickly thrown into oblivion when we see the new designs. But it’s not just the designs that have evolved the components too. Besides, what is a computer made of ?

A computer: what does that mean?

By definition a computer is a device and a machine. This is a bit like the origin of the calculator today, except that with all the technological advances, its role is no longer limited to simple calculations. Now, a computer is an essential tool for human life, we need it in our daily lives, for our pleasure or our personal life as well as for our professional life. We can use it for our work, or simply for our pleasure. Besides, it can be an alternative to other devices like the TV. It is true that it is since the creation of the Internet that its use is more essential. But that does not diminish its importance.

However, it has several components:

  • Internal components;
  • External components.

Internal components:

Internal components are the essential components for running a pc. They are called internal given their internal location in the pc, indeed, to perceive these components it will be necessary to disassemble the pc. The main internal components are:

The processor

Also compared to the brain of the pc, physically it is a very small electronic chip. However, we cannot really distinguish it in detail because to protect it it is often covered by a thermal paste which represents the cooling device, we compare it to the brain because it will carry out any request from the user of the computer. . The processor exists in different models depending on the brands, technologies and number of cores.

Living memory

More often called RAM for Random Access Memory . Its main role is to store information in use. It is a temporary memory which functions at the same time as the user works. It is important that it is very reactive.

The graphics card

The graphics card translates the data into an image and displays it on the screen so that it can be seen and interpreted by the user. Without this component, it is impossible to display the images on the screen. In other words, the screen will remain black. And in fact it would be very difficult to use it.

The hard drive

Just like RAM , the hard disk is a storage space. However, the difference between the two is that the latter proposes to store the user’s data, therefore files, software, documents, etc. indefinitely in time and not temporarily.

The motherboard

If the processor is the brain of the computer then the motherboard is its skeleton. The motherboard is a base where the components of the computer will come to rest and be maintained. She has several connectors that will bring them together and stick them if we can say to her.

Power supply

It is in the pc case. Without electricity the computer could not function. This is also where the power supply will intervene by being a link between the electric current and the computer.

External components

The external components of a pc are all the peripherals that will be glued together to be able to use and start the computer. Without these external components it would probably be impossible to perform any operation or to decipher any data on the pc. These components include:

Input devices

Input devices, as their names suggest, allow information to be entered into the computer. They will therefore transmit the user’s message to the computer. The information or the message entered can be of different natures: sound, textual or visual. Input devices are:

  • The keyboard;
  • The camera;
  • The mic;
  • The mouse.

Output devices

Output devices have the opposite role of output devices. They allow information to be transmitted from the computer to the user. We find among them:

  • The screens;
  • The printer;
  • The fax.

External storage spaces

In some cases, the storage devices of the pc itself are not enough. He will therefore be obliged to bring other external storage devices such as: external hard drives, CD/DVD burners, USB keys….

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