
War games

If as a child you have fun with the timeless green soldiers, when you grow their place is taken by war games that over the years become more and more complete, graphically beautiful and full of extra elements that enrich the gameplay. Now it is not difficult to find very valid ones, even for free.

If you don’t believe it, take a few minutes of free time and take a look at the titles I’m about to tell you. First we will see some sites that offer Flash video games playable directly from the browser, then we will pass to a review of the best war MMOs currently available on the Net. Have fun!

If you are a fan of war games but don’t have the time / desire to download particularly demanding titles on your PC at the moment, I recommend that you take a look at Armor Games . This is a Flash games site that offers a wide selection of war-based shooters set in the most varied eras, from the Middle Ages to the future.

All you have to do is connect to its main page and “browse” all the titles available using the indicators at the bottom. By default, the games are sorted according to the publication date but you can also sort them according to their degree of popularity by selecting the items Highest rated (most voted) and Highest plays (most played) from the drop-down menu located at the top right .

Most of the titles can be played simply by clicking on their preview and waiting for a short loading, in other cases it is necessary to click on the Play now button and register on third-party sites. Any browser and operating system can be used.

Another site on which you can find many Flash war games is NewGrounds , which presents itself to users with a rich selection of shooters suitable for all tastes. There are real war titles, war-themed platformers and action titles with the most varied gameplay. From the left sidebar, you can choose whether to view all the shooters available on the site or whether to filter the First person games (shooters with first person view), those Run ‘n Gun or those contained in other sub-categories of the shooter genre.

By default, games are listed based on the score received by users but if you want you can also organize them based on publication date ( Date ), number of views ( Views ) or name ( Title ), just use the drop-down menu placed next to Sort by . By placing the mouse cursor on the thumbnail of a game, a brief description of it appears, while clicking on it starts the game.

While offering a rather small catalog of war games compared to the two sites just mentioned, I recommend that you make a “drop” on Addicting Games as well . This is a site designed primarily for the little ones, so don’t expect extremely complex or refined titles… anyway, you can still have fun and spend a few minutes relaxing without wasting time downloading and installing software on your PC.

All the video games hosted by Addicting Games, in fact, are in Flash format and can be played directly online using any browser and any operating system. The only necessary requirement is the presence of Flash Player on the system in use (which is now “standard” in browsers such as Chrome and Internet Explorer for Windows 8).

As we have just seen together, there are many Flash war games but if you are looking for something more advanced and challenging you must necessarily turn to the MMO world , that is to those online multiplayer titles to which you must register (for free) and for which you have to download a full-bodied client on your PC. I’ll point out some of the most famous:

  • World of Tanks– as its name suggests quite easily, this is a video game focused on tank battles . It is set in the period between the 30s and the 50s and is structured in teams, the aim is to destroy the enemy vehicles and conquer their base. The game is free with paid extra content. To play it, you need to create a free account (by clicking on the PLAY FOR FREE button ) and proceed to first download and then install the game on your computer.
  • World of Warplanes– made by the same manufacturer as World of Tanks, is an online multiplayer video game focused on aerial battles . To play it, you need to create a free account (by clicking on the PLAY FOR FREE button ) and proceed to first download and then install the game on your computer. If you already have an account for World of Tanks, you can use it for this game as well.
  • Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Online– online multiplayer shooter based on the hugely popular Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon series. The game relies heavily on tactics and supports fights with up to 16 players organized into teams. It is also characterized by a lot of very varied weapons and equipment that make the game always challenging. Like most free-to-play games, it can be downloaded and played for free but includes in-game purchases. To use it, you need to create an account on the UbiSoft website.
  • Alliance of Valiant Arms– it is a free-to-play online multiplayer shooter characterized by the presence of many game modes (eg Annihilation, Demolition, Escape) and a rather accurate graphics. You can choose between two different factions (the UE Forces and the Neo Russian Federation) and three character classes. The title is downloadable and usable for free but includes a shop where you can buy weapons and other items using real money.


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