
Super Mario games

A good game of Super Mario is the perfect panacea for relieving tension and relaxing your nerves in times of stress. Do you agree? Then I bet you would like to have it also on your PC or smartphone to be able to give yourself moments of leisure as soon as you feel the need.

Yes, I know. The real Mario is only available on Nintendo’s home platforms but on the Net there are many alternative Super Mario games that perfectly match the original game and ensure the same rate of fun. Try it for yourself!

If you are looking for Super Mario games to download for free on your PC, I highly recommend that you check out Secret Maryo Chronicles . It is an open source clone of the legendary Nintendo game characterized by a very colorful 2D graphics and a truly excellent sound sector. It is compatible with Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

To download the game on your computer, connect to its official website and click on the Download button located at the bottom of the left sidebar. Next, select the name of the operating system installed on your PC and click on the link to start the download of Secret Maryo Chronicles. Two versions of the videogame are available for Windows: the one with the installation package ( Setup ) and the one that can be used without installation by simply launching the application with the .exe extension ( Zip package ).

Explaining how to play Secret Maryo Chronicles is superfluous, if you love Super Mario you already know everything. To view the complete list of commands (and possibly modify them to your liking), click on the Options item in the game’s home menu and select the word Controls which is on the left of the screen that opens. Both keyboard and joypads can be used.

Among the Super Mario games that I recommend you install on your computer there is also Super Tux , another open source clone of Mario starring Tux, the Linux mascot penguin. Also characterized by beautiful 2D graphics and a varied and fun gameplay that manages to satisfy even the most demanding fans of the mustachioed plumber designed by Shigeru Miyamoto,

Super Tux is available for free for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. To download it on your PC, connect to the game’s website and click first on the Download item located at the top and then on the link to start the game download (eg supertux – 0.1.3 -setup.exe for Windows).

After downloading Super Tux, proceed with the installation of the videogame (on Windows just start the exe package and always click on Next while on Mac just drag the game icon into the Applications folder ) and start it to start having fun right away. To adjust the controls, select the Options item and click on Setup keyboard or Setup joystick (depending on whether you use the keyboard or the joystick to play).

If you prefer to play from your smartphone or tablet, you can find a great alternative to Super Mario in Lep’s World 3 . It is a hilarious 2D platformer heavily inspired by the adventures of the Nintendo mascot. It features a cute elf and has a very comfortable control system optimized for touch-screens.

You can download Lep’s World 3 for free on both Android and iOS. Just do a quick search on the App Store or Google Play . The game includes 120 levels and can also be played in multiplayer with your Facebook friends (this mode, however, must be unlocked for a fee).

You can find several Super Mario and platform games that remind them very closely on Y8 , one of the most famous Flash games sites on which you can find hundreds of games of all kinds to play directly online without downloading additional software on your PC.

The same goes for Kongregate , which hosts dozens of platformers and other titles of various kinds inspired by the most famous Italian plumber in the gaming world. To play on this site, however, a free registration is required which you can quickly make via Facebook by clicking on the appropriate button located at the top.


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