
PS4 Error E-82000138: How to fix

Buying a PlayStation 4 is only half of the happiness, if while making purchases on the PlayStation Network, you do not encounter  PS4 error E-82000138, which means that it was not possible to replenish your wallet with a PSN payment card or promotional code. In order to solve the error E-82000138, you should know a few nuances of replenishing the wallet. So, let’s begin!

If you get  PS4 error E-82000138, you need to make sure that the entered promotional code does not replenish your wallet and thereby exceed the $ 150 limit. If, nevertheless, the limit is exceeded, then you should enter the promotional code a little later, when the amount of funds is lower. In simple words, for example, you have a wallet with $ 100 on it, you are going to top up with another $ 100, but the limit cannot exceed $ 150. Therefore, as soon as the amount of funds in your wallet does not exceed $ 50, you will be able to top up your wallet for $ 100.

Another way to solve error E-82000138  is to pay for purchases or replenish the wallet using a bank card. Although for some countries (which are not on the PSN list) this option will not work. How to top up your PSN wallet, we described in the article “How to top up your wallet for purchases in the PlayStation Store “

If the limit is not exceeded and  PS4 error E-82000138 is repeated again, we recommend that you try to top up your wallet with a promotional code a little later. At times, the PlayStation Network system has problems with transactions. If  PS4 error E-82000138 persists for a long time, then contact PlayStation technical support with the appropriate appeal.

As you can see from the above, the solution to error E-82000138  largely depends on the amount of funds that you want to replenish using a promotional code or PSN payment card. It is still not clear why the PlayStation introduced such restrictions.

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