
PS4 error CE-34878-0: How to fix

Often using PS4 applications, certain errors occur. Error code CE-34878-0  means that the application has encountered an error. You can solve the error CE-34878-0  if you follow the instructions below exactly:

Step 1:  Exit the application. Check the system software version. If necessary, update to the latest. Also, check for updates for the app itself. Then restart your PS4 system.

Step 2:  Error CE-34878-0  may occur due to changing the hard disk. If such an operation was performed, then install the original HDD and try to launch the application again.

Step 3:  Back up your data. Go to  [Settings], select  [Initialize]  and click on  [Initialize PS4 System] to further initialize the PS4 system.

Step 4:  If the above did not help in resolving error CE-34878-0, we recommend contacting PlayStation 4 support with the appropriate request.

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