
PS4 Error CE-33990-4

The PS4 system often checks for an internet connection. If the test internet connection fails, it is accompanied by the error CE-33990-4. Faced with a mistake CE-33990-4  large number PS4 users. In this article, we will tell you how to solve the CE-33990-4 error and give possible reasons for its occurrence. So, let’s begin!

First, you need to make sure that the PSN network is functioning normally. Follow this to check PSN status. Sometimes it happens that technical work is carried out on the PlayStation Network servers, although they are notified in advance.

If the problem is not PSN’s, then it is most likely your internet connection. Try to re-enter the network a little later, as there is a high probability that the connection is unstable or overloaded. For the second option, try to disconnect all devices using the current network. To check the Internet connection, go to  [Settings]  and select  [Network], then click on  [Test Internet Connection].

If you still cannot solve error CE-33990-4, try updating the router’s firmware to the latest version. Sometimes it works. A number of PS4 system users claim that the cause of the CE-33990-4 error lies in the incorrect MTU value in the router settings. In their opinion, it should be changed to 1473, although this is not particularly believable.

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