
PS4 error CE-33743-0

Many PS4 game console holders have encountered an issue accompanied by error CE-33743-0, which means that the PS4 system was unable to connect to the server. In such cases, you need to wait a little before trying to connect again.

In most cases, the PS4 error CE-33743-0  appears due to technical problems with the local network connection. PS4 error CE-33945-4 is considered similar, and in case of a typical problem, we recommend that you follow the instructions below:

Step 1:  Make sure your game server is available. It’s also worth checking the PlayStation Network servers for availability. PSN server status can be checked on this.

Step 2:  When both servers are available, try testing your internet connection. To do this, enter  [Settings]  and select the [Network] item, and then click on  [Test Internet Connection]. By these actions you will make sure that you have a direct connection to the Network.

Step 3:  Update your router’s firmware. Often, outdated router software interferes with connecting to game or PSN servers. Disconnect all devices using the same network. If not, try using a different connection. Please try again a little later as the server may be overloaded.

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