
Pacman online

When you hear about “videogames”, there are three or four titles that immediately come to mind, the so-called “super-classics”. Among these there is certainly PAC-MAN , the game created in 1980 by Namco and which sees as the protagonist the mythical yellow sphere that must escape from the clutches of the ghosts that run on the screen.

Like all the classics of the videogame world, PAC-MAN also experienced a “second youth” thanks to the Web and the many transpositions of the game that have been published online and also in the form of apps for smartphones and tablets. I bet you’d like to play Pacman online , maybe to go back in time (at least virtually). I guessed it, right? Well, then you are in the right place at the right time! In the next paragraphs, in fact, I will be able to list various sites that allow you to play this famous video game for free, in various forms.

Since I hear you pawing, I’d say don’t waste any more precious time chatting and jump right into action. Strength and courage: make yourself comfortable, take all the time you need to concentrate on reading the next lines and, more importantly, identify the variant of PAC-MAN that you think will best meet your tastes, so as to begin to have fun right away!


  • Pacman online for free
    • World’s Biggest PAC-MAN
    • HTML 5 Pacman
    • Google Doodle by PAC-MAN
    • com
    • More Pacman online for free
  • Pacman online mobile

Pacman online for free

So let’s see some free online Pacman games . Below you can find various titles that you can play online without spending absolutely anything and, in many cases, without having to install any additional plugins in your browser .

World’s Biggest PAC-MAN

One of the best sites to play PAC-MAN online for free is  World’s Biggest PAC-MAN , where you can try your hand at hundreds of user-created PAC-MAN levels. The game is developed entirely in HTML5, which means that it can be played on any browser and any device without resorting to third-party plugins. You don’t even need Adobe’s Flash Player which is usually required by online games.

There isn’t much more to add. All you have to do to start your first game is to connect to the main page of the site, scroll through the previews of all the available levels (holding down the left mouse button and moving the cursor in the various directions) and select the one you prefer the most. .

Now click on the Play button  and play PAC-MAN using the arrow keys on the keyboard. And if you are tempted by the idea of ​​creating a custom level of the game and publishing it online, go back to the World’s Biggest PAC-MAN home page, click on the (+) Create a maze button located at the top left and log in with your profile Facebook to access the editor.

HTML 5 Pacman

If you are looking for a more “classic” transposition of Pacman online , try taking a look at the HTML5 Pacman website which offers a free version of the game, almost identical to the original, except for the graphics which are slightly “revisited” , with a cartoon style.

Being made in HTML5, this video game can also be played without problems on any browser, operating system and device, without requiring the installation of any additional plugins. To play, simply click on the Start button and use the directional arrows on your keyboard.

Google Doodle by PAC-MAN

Now I would like to point out a little “gem”: a web transposition of PAC-MAN created by Google in 2010, to celebrate 30 years of the game. Also in this case we are in the presence of a solution developed with HTML5 technology, so it works on all major browsers without the need for additional software or plugins.

To use the PAC-MAN Google Doodle , simply go to this page and click on the Insert Coin button . Now, move PAC-MAN using the arrow keys on the keyboard and have fun!

Another solution that I recommend you consider to play PAC-MAN on the Internet is . On this website there is a version of PAC-MAN that is very close to the “original” one and, as in the case of the solutions mentioned in the previous chapters, this also allows you to play without registering and, above all, without having to install any additional plugin in the browser, as the game is made with HTML5 technology.

To play PAC-MAN on this portal, all you have to do is connect to the page I linked to you just now and press any key on the keyboard. Next, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move PAC-MAN.

On the site there are also revised versions of the game (eg Pacman Xonix , Ladybug Pacman , etc.), which you can try by clicking on their names, shown on the left of the page: please note that they may require the use of Adobe Flash Player to work.

More Pacman online for free

The sites I mentioned in the previous lines are certainly not the only ones that allow you to play online versions of PAC-MAN. There are many other free online Pacmans that deserve to be considered, like the ones listed below. At least take a look at it!

  • Pacman by – this is a version of PAC-MAN inspired by the original, introduced in the 80s. It does not require the use of Adobe Flash Player or other plugins to function.
  • it– it is a very famous online games site that collects titles suitable for everyone. By visiting the portal page I just linked to you, you can find a number of PAC-MAN inspired games, some of which are particularly fun. Please note that some of these titles may require Adobe Flash Player to be installed and activated to function.
  • it– another very popular online gaming site that, on the page I just linked to, presents different versions of PAC-MAN: try the ones that inspire you the most.

Pacman online mobile

Finally, I want to tell you some PAC-MAN games for smartphones and tablets. Unlike the titles seen above, they don’t necessarily require an active internet connection to function.

  • PAC-MANAndroid / iOS / iPadOS ) – this is the original transposition of the historical videogame developed by Bandai Namco. The music and the interface of the game are the same as those that characterized the original version of PAC-MAN.
  • PAC-MANAndroid / iOS / iPadOS ) – the sequel to Pacman starring the “lady” PAC-MAN, the female version of the famous yellow ball. It costs 3.29 euros on Android and 3.49 euros on iOS / iPadOS.
  • PAC-MAN 256Android / iOS / iPadOS ) – if you are an expert PAC-MAN player, you may already know that due to a bug in its “original” version it is not possible to continue the game after reaching the 256th level. PAC-MAN 256, on the other hand, solves this bug by making it possible to play PAC-MAN indefinitely (at least potentially).
  • PAC-MAN BounceAndroid ) – is another app that allows you to play Pacman on the go. Compared to the classic version of the game, represented by the app mentioned in one of the previous points, PAC-MAN Bounce has a renewed graphics and, in addition to allowing the horizontal and vertical movements of the yellow ball, it is possible to make the latter bounce on the walls, make them overcome obstacles and so on.


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