Minecraft server

You too, like millions of other users around the world, are passionate about Minecraft and are now looking for servers to play in online multiplayer mode? Then let me tell you: you’ve come to the right place at the right time. Below you will find links to some sites through which you can find Minecraft servers of any kind.

There are the adventure-type servers with a story to complete, the hardcore ones with an extreme difficulty level, the Hunger Games where you play free-for-all and the last one who survives wins, the RPG servers with game-style game mechanics role. And the list could go on and on …

All you have to do is identify the type of server that best suits your tastes and connect to it following the instructions I am about to give you. But be careful, not all Minecraft servers can be used in the same way. Some require particular versions of the game, others still allow access only to registered users and have internal rules to which you must pay close attention (under penalty of being banned). In short, before throwing yourself into your next online adventure with Minecraft it is good that you carefully read all the information I am about to give you (and the instructions of the individual servers). Then don’t tell me I didn’t warn you …

Minecraft Italy

If you are looking for good Italian Minecraft servers, consult the Minecraft Italy website which includes a constantly updated list of servers sorted by user votes. For each server, the address (under the name), slot number and game version required for access are indicated.

Furthermore, using the buttons at the top, you can filter the list of servers based on many other parameters: by clicking on No whitelist you can only view servers that do not provide a whitelist of users for access; by selecting the Premium item you can only consult the list of premium servers; clicking on Vanilla you can view the list of servers destined for Minecraft Vanilla (the “smooth” version of the game without modifications); by selecting the RPG item you can limit the search to RPG- style servers, and so on.

By clicking on the name of a server you can view its full description with screenshots and other useful information, such as the internal rules and the IP address to be used in the game to connect to it.

Minecraft Server List

If, on the other hand, you are looking for international Minecraft servers, I suggest you take a look at the Minecraft Server List website which also hosts a constantly updated list of servers (worldwide and not only Italian) with relative addresses, categories of belonging (eg. No WhitelistPVEEconomy ) and game version required for login.

At the top of the page (as well as on Minecraft Italy) there are buttons to filter the types of servers based on various parameters: presence of whitelist, version of Minecraft required to enter, type of game, etc. Also, by clicking on the Popular this month and  Popular all time buttons you can view the list of the most popular servers in the last month or all time.

By clicking on the name of a server, you open a page with its complete description, the graph relating to the number of users connected to it and other useful information, such as its IP address and its internal rules.

Minecraft Multiplayer

Minecraft Multiplayer is another site that I advise you to always keep in bookmarks. It is not Italian, but it allows you to easily find  Italian Minecraft servers thanks to an efficient search system that allows you to filter the servers also based on their nationality.

Next to the name of each server you will find tags that describe the game modes supported (eg  PvP,  Survival,  RPG ), the number of players currently online and the maximum number of players allowed ( Players ), the percentage of server operation ( uptime ) and the score assigned by the community to the latter ( score ).

If you do not want to view only the Italian servers, but prefer to filter the list of servers based on the game mode supported or the version of Minecraft necessary for their use, click on the  Types and  Versions items that you see at the top of the page.

How to use Minecraft servers

When you have found a server that suits your tastes (and the version of Minecraft installed on your computer), launch the game and click the Multiplayer button to enter multiplayer mode. In the screen that opens, click on the Add server button and fill out the form that is proposed by typing the name and address of the server in the appropriate fields. When the operation is complete, click on Done, then select the server name by double-clicking on its name and start playing.

Some Minecraft servers may require you to register your account by assigning a password to it. After logging in, then type the command /register [password da usare] [password da usare]in the Minecraft chat and press the Enter key on the PC keyboard to complete the operation.

Next, to identify yourself on the server you will need to type the command /login [password]in the game chat. For more information, read my guide on how to play Minecraft online.

Create a Minecraft server

Would you like to have your own Minecraft server on which to have fun with your friends (and others)? Then I have great news for you! Using the LogMeIn Hamchi software, which is also available in a free version that allows you to create servers that can be used by up to five people, you can set up a Minecraft server in an extremely easy and fast way.

All you have to do is download the above application (along with the Multiplayer Server utility available on the official Minecraft website) and follow the directions in my tutorial on how to create Minecraft servers. I assure you that it doesn’t take a tech expert to do it!


Source: aranzulla by https://www.aranzulla.it/

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