
How to wheelie on GTA

You’ve recently decided to return to GTA in search of new adventures. You know well, in fact, that the famous video game series by Rockstar Games is able to offer surprises in a constant way. More specifically, you have discovered that it is possible to perform actions you were unaware of using vehicles.

In particular, you are trying to figure out how to wheelie on GTA , as you had never thought about this possibility and now that you have learned of its existence, you would like to experiment with it. If that’s the case, don’t worry: in this tutorial I will go into detail on the subject, giving you everything you need to know about it and making a breakdown by platforms. In case you were wondering, yes: I’ll also cover the possibility of one-handed wheelie.

What do you say? Are you going to have a good time on the streets made by Rockstar Games? In my opinion you can’t wait to analyze the right vehicles and understand how to have fun with them. Come on then, below you will find all the information of the case. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to wheelie on GTA 5
    • How to wheelie on GTA 5 PS4
    • How to wheelie on GTA 5 PC
    • How to wheelie with one hand in GTA 5

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to wheelie on GTA , I think it may interest you to know more about which vehicles allow you to do this.

Well, within the Rockstar Games title you can wheelie both with motorcycles and with certain types of cars . For example, it is possible to do this by using a vehicle of the Muscle category , perhaps the excellent Imponte Duke O’Death (Warstock Cache & Carry). I almost forgot: there is the possibility of “wheelie” even with bikes .

Having resolved this “doubt” and returning to two wheels , you can generally wheelie without too many problems with the bikes sold by the Southern San Andreas Super Autos dealer . In particular, if you want specific advice, you could think about buying the Pegassi Ruffian , which does not cost too much and can allow you to easily reach your goal.

For the rest, if you want to discover other cars and motorcycles, you can refer to my guide to the best vehicles of GTA . Before proceeding, just keep in mind that GTA, especially GTA Online, is an ever-evolving game. This means that developers could potentially make changes to this mechanic.

How to wheelie on GTA 5

After briefly showing you which vehicles you can wheelie in GTA, I’d say it’s time to move on to the “highlight”. Below you will find all the relevant information on the subject, divided by platforms. Generally it would be advisable to carry out these operations in GTA Online , but in reality some wheelies can also be done in the Story mode of GTA 5 .

How to wheelie on GTA 5 PS4

GTA is played a lot on PlayStation 4 , so you may need some guidance related to this platform. I will therefore put the focus on PS4 for what concerns the procedure, but in reality I will also provide you with indications valid for the other consoles . This means that if you’re wondering, for example, how to wheelie on GTA 5 for PS3 or Xbox , this is still the part of the guide for you.

Starting with the bikes , making them wheelie is very simple. In fact, once you have made your character get on the saddle, for example, on a Pegassi Ruffian, you just need to accelerate using the R2 button ( RT on Xbox) and, after reaching a certain speed, hold back the left analogue for a few seconds. .

I recommend that you do your tests on a straight , perhaps in a place where there are not many cars. Either way, wheeling bikes on GTA is very easy, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble doing this.

On the other hand, it might be a little more difficult to figure out how to wheelie with a Muscle car . In fact, once you have found, for example, an Imponte Duke O’Death , while the car is stationary you have to hold down the handbrake button ( R1 on PlayStation , RB on Xbox ), use the acceleration button until you get to “maximum” ( R2 on PlayStation , RT on Xbox ) and release the handbrake button .

This way, you will see that your car will start wheeling . Note, however, that this method only works with certain types of cars, namely Muscles. Also, it may not be very easy to implement, especially in Story mode, so you may have to try multiple times.

If you want some advice, in this case it is good to try GTA Online and maybe press the handbrake button several times instead of releasing it at the end. In short, you may have to do some “experiments”, but I assure you that your goal is achievable.

Finally, as far as bikes are concerned , once you have put your character on a common bicycle, for example the Scorcher , you just have to pedal (by pressing X on PlayStation or A on Xbox several times ) and bring first forward and then quickly backwards. the left analog . If you want, you can also try to maintain the surge after the jump made with R1 ( RB on Xbox).

In short, now that you are aware of all the possibilities to wheelie on GTA, you just have to have fun on the streets of the game.

How to wheelie on GTA 5 PC

If you are used to playing GTA on PC , fear not: again you can make your motorcycles, cars and bikes wheelie.

On a computer, you accelerate with the W button on the keyboard and to wheel the motorcycles you have to hold down the left mouse button , moving it a little back . If this method doesn’t work, I encourage you to try using the left Ctrl key on your keyboard.

The first time around it might be not exactly easy, but you will see that after a while you will understand how this mechanic works.

For the rest, it is all very similar to what I explained in the console chapter , obviously with the necessary variations in terms of commands. For Muscle cars , the keys to use are W (acceleration) and space bar (handbrake).

As for bicycles , on the other hand, the buttons are W (to go forward) and left mouse button (to be used in a similar way to what happens for motorcycles). In case you are unable to wheelie like this, I recommend that you try using the left Ctrl button .

How to wheelie with one hand in GTA 5

How do you say? Have you seen someone wheelie with one hand in the game and would you like to do it too? No problem, I’ll tell you how to do it right away!

In this case, you have to go through GTA Online . In fact, to be able to ride with one hand it is necessary to have a Motorcycle Club (MC) and become president of the latter. In other words, following the arrival of the expansion “Centauri” in 2016 , the title of Rockstar Games allows you to “impersonate” real “gangsters” of the two wheels.

To do this, you need to purchase a clubhouse , which will serve as the base of operations for the MC. Then open your character’s mobile phone (e.g. up arrow on PS4 ), select the Internet icon , reach the FINANCES AND SERVICES tab and connect to the website , choosing it from those available .

Then press the ENTER button and filter the results by CLUBHOUSE , using the appropriate button at the top right. At this point, evaluate all the offers on the map and buy the structure that seems most useful and convenient to you.

For example, the Sandy Shores Clubhouse , featured in the top right of the map, typically has a starting cost of $ 210,000 . If you don’t know how to get this loot, you might want to consider checking out my guide on how to make money on GTA Online .

Once you have your Clubhouse, I recommend that you go and visit it . Once this is done, get on a motorcycle , open the Interaction menu (e.g. hold down the touchpad of the PS4 controller ), select the Motorcycle club option and press the Found a motorcycle club item .

Perfect, now you can access, again from the Interaction menu, the President section of the motorcycle club . From here, just select the Manage MC option first and then the Driving style option , setting the latter to Relaxed .

Now you just have to wheel your bike for a few seconds , following the instructions I gave you in the previous chapters , and that’s it.

To conclude, since you are a fan of the Rockstar Games title, I would recommend that you take a look at the page of my site dedicated to GTA , where you can find many other guides that could be for you.


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