
How to update Google News and Weather

Nowadays, you are used to having access, through your smartphone, to all the information you want. If until a few years ago you were informed about the latest news and weather conditions by reading the newspaper or watching the television news, today, probably, do a search on the Internet.

Since the dawn of the Android operating system, Google has pre-installed a light application called News and Weather on the green robot’s devices. News and Weather allowed you to consult, within a minimalist interface, the news, divided into various categories, and the weather of your city. You should know, however, that Google then gave new life to its application, which is now available, through the official stores, in a renewed version for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets.

Can’t wait to try this app? Very well, then this guide is for you. In this article I will explain to you, in fact, how to update Google News and Weather, limiting myself not only to the application itself, but also deepening the updating of its contents, including news and favorites, that is the topics, sources and saved news. At this point, I can only wish you a good reading, both of this guide and of the news.


  • Preliminary operations
  • How to update the Google News application
  • How to update News
  • How to update Favorites
    • Topics
    • Sources
    • Saved news
  • How to consult the Weather

Preliminary operations

In order to use the new version of Google News, you must install the application through the official store of your device. In any case, don’t worry: this is the only step that has differences between Android and iOS; I guarantee that, after installing Google News, you will find yourself exactly in the steps that I will show you regardless of the device used.

If you are using a smartphone or tablet with an Android operating system, go to the page dedicated to Google News on the Play Store and tap the Install button, then the  Accept button. As soon as the progress bar reaches 100% and the installation is complete, you can open Google News, by touching the Open button or by searching for the application in the drawer (the screen with the list of all the apps installed on the device), as you do for all other apps.

If, on the other hand, you are using an iPhone or an iPad, download Google News from the App Store, tapping the Get and Install buttons and, as in the case of Android, wait for the installation to complete. I remind you that you may need to verify your identity via Face IDTouch ID, or entering your Apple ID password.

Very good: at this point the Google News application has been correctly installed on your device, you can continue reading to start using it.

How to update the Google News application

If you have already installed Google News on your smartphone or tablet, you only need to update the application: this is an operation that you can perform quickly and easily directly from the store of your device.

If you use a smartphone or tablet Android, connected to the page Play store dedicated to Google News, just like I showed you in the previous chapter. Now, take a look at the buttons on the screen: if there are Uninstall and Open buttons, you don’t have to do anything, the application is already updated to the latest version; if, on the other hand, the Uninstall and Update buttons are present, the application must be updated. In this case, just tap the Refresh button and wait for the progress bar to complete.

If, on the other hand, you are using an iPhone or an iPad, open the Google News page on the App Store. If you see the Update button, press it and wait for the operation to complete, signaled by the closing of the animated circle that replaces the Update button after your tap. If the button in question does not appear, it means that you are already using the latest version of the app.

If any steps are not clear to you, I invite you to read my tutorial on how to update applications.

How to update News

Now that you have the latest version of Google News, you can move on to updating the app content. The Google News interface, organized in tabs that can be navigated through the buttons in the bar at the bottom of the screen, is easy to understand and is characterized by high usability. The main tab, which offers a complete overview of the news and allows you to move between the various topics, is called News.

To update the News, tap the News button in the bottom bar, which has a world map icon above the wording I just indicated. Now that you’ve reached the News tab, place your finger in the middle of the screen and drag it down. At this point, a small circle appears on the screen that rotates on itself: it is a symbol that, in the mobile world, indicates that loading is in progress. This symbol can remain for a single moment or for a few seconds, depending on the speed of your connection and the content to be downloaded.

I just want to clarify that this news update procedure that I have indicated to you is not mandatory, as the application from this point of view is autonomous, so it regularly updates the news contents.

Now that you have updated the news, you just have to read it to stay informed. In the top bar, you can find, arranged horizontally, a list of the main categories: tap the button that corresponds to the category you want to consult.

You are now in the screen dedicated to the press review of the news of the chosen category. To scroll through the news, drag your finger upwards on the screen until you find a title that interests you, then tap the box of the news in question: the article opens directly within the application. When you’re done reading, tap the arrow pointing left to return to the previous screen.

An additional rectangular box may appear under some news items that reads View full coverage: by tapping this button, you have the option to open another list that collects the same news, but reported from different sources. In this way, you can consult an overview full of different points of view in the context of the news.

How to update Favorites

As mentioned above, Google News allows you to customize your feed, to save the news to read at a later time, prefer some sources or add some topics of interest to the review. To get started, tap the Favorites button in the bottom bar, recognizable by a five-pointed star right above it.


In the screen that appears, the first box, starting from the top, is called Topics. To add some topics that are of particular interest to you, tap the Add Topics button and type the keywords you are interested in, in the text box that is automatically selected. There is no one standard to be met in this way, you can type more general topics, such as policy, or more specific topics, such as vaccines or Series A.

To select the topic you typed, tap the star to the right of the search result that is closest to your preferences. If you want to add more arguments, all you have to do is delete the text you just typed, as if you had made a typo, and type a new argument, then repeating the steps I indicated. When you’re done, tap the arrow in the top left.

Now, in the Topics pane, you can find one or more buttons that correspond to the topics you just entered. To consult the news relating to one of these topics, touch the relevant box and scroll through the list, consulting the news exactly as I explained to you in the chapter dedicated to the News.

If, at any time, you want to remove a topic from the list, tap the Menu button, located in the upper right corner of the box dedicated to the topic you want to remove, and tap the Don’t follow this topic anymore button.

If, on the other hand, you are interested in adding new topics, tap the + button, in the lower right corner, and, as explained above, use the text box to search and select the topic you want to add.


If you are a very habitual person and you have some sources that you use to always inform yourself in an authoritative way, you can include them in your review. The second box that you see on the screen has the Add sources button: tap on it and, similar to what I explained to you a little while ago for the topics, type the source you want to insert.

The sources can be of various types: you can enter, for example, newspapers, such as La Repubblica or La Stampa or television editorial offices, such as Rai News. Once you have identified the chosen source, touch the star displayed to the right of the search result and, if you wish to continue adding more sources, repeat the operation by deleting the characters in the text box and typing the new source. When finished, tap the arrow at the top left to return to the favorites view.

The boxes corresponding to the ones you just entered should now be available in the Sources panel. To view news from one of these sources, tap the relevant button. Now you can browse the press review of the selected source, just as I explained to you in the chapter dedicated to updating the news. Furthermore, I would like to point out that some sources also offer an upper bar for selecting the topic.

If you wish, at any time, to add more sources, tap the + button in the lower right corner, then type the name of the source, or sources, in the text box and add them exactly as you did a moment ago. If, on the other hand, you want to remove any of them, tap the Menu key, located in the upper right corner, present on the box of the source you want to remove, and tap Unfollow this source again, to proceed.

Saved news

Very often, especially when you are busy at work or in other activities, it is not possible to dedicate a specific moment of the day to reading the news on your smartphone. It is therefore common practice to consult the news in some “dead moments”, for example during a wait.

If while reading an article you are interrupted or if you encounter particularly interesting news, you could take advantage of a useful function that allows you to save the news, so that you can read it later: Saved news. First, consult the chapter dedicated to news, in order to scroll through the press review and identify the content you want to save. At this point, you have two options to save the news.

If you’ve already opened the news and are reading it, tap the Menu button in the top right and tap the Save for Later button. If, on the other hand, you intend to save an article without starting reading it, then while you’re scrolling through the feed, tap the same button, which this time is in the lower right corner of the news pane, then tap Save for later.

To be able to view and recall the news you have saved in this way, return to the Favorites tab and slide your finger up until you reach the last pane: Saved news. From here, you can select the desired news to read it.

In conclusion, if you want to remove the news that you have already read or that you no longer need, you must follow the same steps you took to save the news, both from the news itself and from the list. The only difference is, at the same time, very intuitive: to confirm the removal you have to touch the button Remove from saved news. Easy, right?

How to consult the Weather

To see the Weather, tap the For you button: it’s the first on the left in the bottom bar. Now, at the top right, immediately below the search bar, tap the icon that represents the current weather conditions and which gives you an indication of the temperature. A small pop-up will open with the forecasts and the minimum and maximum temperatures for the next few days.

Unfortunately, you will immediately notice that the weather section has been significantly downsized in favor of news: I therefore invite you to consult my guide dedicated to the best weather apps, so that you can find an application more specifically dedicated to managing the weather. weather forecast.


Source: aranzulla by

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