
How to switch Candy Crush accounts

After purchasing a new smartphone, you have successfully completed the first configuration, also downloading all the applications you used on your old phone, including Candy Crush , the famous puzzle developed by the Swedish company King. To resume playing immediately, you created a new account but only later did you realize that by doing so you have lost all your game progress. To remedy, you have tried in every way to log in with your “old” account but your every attempt has not given the desired result.

If that’s the case and you don’t know where to turn your head now, let me help you out and explain how to switch Candy Crush accounts . In addition to providing you with all the information you need to access your new account via email, you will also find the procedure to connect Candy Crush to Facebook and play directly through the famous social network. Also, in case you run into any problems, I will explain how to access the Candy Crush support section and how to request support.

How do you say? Is that exactly what you wanted to know? So let’s not waste any more time chatting and immediately move on to the action. Courage: make yourself comfortable, set aside five minutes of free time and dedicate yourself to reading the next paragraphs. Follow the instructions I am about to give you carefully, try to put them into practice on your smartphone and I assure you that, in no time at all, you will be able to change the game account and recover all your progress. Having said that, all I have to do is wish you a good read and, above all, have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to switch Candy Crush Saga accounts
  • How to switch Candy Crush Soda Saga accounts
  • How to switch Candy Crush Friends Saga accounts
  • How to switch Candy Crush Jelly Saga accounts
  • In case of problems

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of this guide and explaining, in detail, how to change accounts on Candy Crush , it is necessary to make a necessary premise. In fact, at the time of writing this guide, there are several variations of Candy Crush, each with its own application:  Candy Crush Saga , Candy Crush Soda Saga , Candy Crush Friends Saga and Crush Jelly Saga .

That said, you’ll be pleased to know that you can use the same account in each of the apps just mentioned, and that the procedure for switching accounts is pretty much identical in each one. Furthermore, it will be useful to know that it is possible to access Candy Crush both using an account associated with an email address and by logging in through your Facebook account (in the latter case it is also possible to play directly on Facebook, even from a computer, without losing the progress).

Finally, I would like to point out that creating an account on Candy Crush allows you to save your progress and synchronize it on all the devices of your interest. However, you will not be able to switch game data from one account to another.

How to switch Candy Crush Saga accounts

If your intention is to switch accounts on Candy Crush Saga , all you have to do is start the game on  Android or iOS / iPadOS , access its settings and log out of the current account. Once this is done, you can log in again, choosing whether to log in with the email address associated with your new account or to authenticate via Facebook.

To proceed, take your smartphone or tablet, start Candy Crush Saga and, on the main screen of the game, tap the My profile button . Now, regardless of whether you previously logged in with your Facebook account or through your King account credentials, press the Disconnect option and confirm your intention by tapping the red Disconnect button on the Do you really want to log out  screen .

At this point, select the Retrieve my progress option (or press the gear wheel icon and then on the My profile item ) and choose the option of your interest: Continue with Facebook , to log in with your account Facebook or Sign in with email , if you have already created a new account using your email address.

In the first case, tap the Continue button and, if the Facebook application is installed on your phone and you want to log in to Candy Crush with the same account, select the options Log in with the Facebook app and Continue as [name] . Otherwise, press on the item Log in with phone number or email , enter the data of the Facebook account with which you want to log in (in the Mobile number or email address and Facebook password fields ) and tap the Log in button .

If, on the other hand, you have chosen to log in with your email address, enter the details of your new account in the Email and Password fields and tap the Login button to log in. Simple, right?

How to switch Candy Crush Soda Saga accounts

The procedure for changing accounts on Candy Crush Soda Saga , another famous puzzle produced by King, is almost identical to the one I indicated in the previous paragraphs dedicated to Candy Crush Saga.

To disconnect from the account in use, start the game app for  Android and iPhone / iPad , press the gear wheel icon located at the bottom left and, in the new screen displayed, tap the little man icon with the crown , in order to access the Account Settings section .

Once this is done, select the Disconnect item and tap the Disconnect button to log out. At this point, press again on the icon of the little man with the crown , select the item Login with email , enter the data of your new account in the Email and Password fields , tap the Login button and you’re done.

How do you say? Do you want to start a new game and create a new account? In this case, select the Register with email option , enter the required data in the Email , Password , Name and Surname fields and press the Create account button to create a new account and start playing.

Alternatively, you can log into Candy Crush Soda Saga using your Facebook account. In this case, select the Continue with Facebook option , press the Continue item , choose whether to log in with the same account in use on the Facebook app installed on your smartphone ( Log in with the Facebook app ) or log in with another account ( Log in with phone number or email ) and follow the instructions shown on the screen, to log in to Candy Crush Soda Saga with Facebook.

How to switch Candy Crush Friends Saga accounts

To change accounts on Candy Crush Friends Saga , start the app in question for Android  or  iOS / iPadOS , tap on the Profile item and, in the new screen displayed, choose the Disconnect option . Then press the red Disconnect button to confirm your intention and log out of the account in use.

Once this is done, on the main Candy Crush Friends Saga screen, choose the option Have you played before? and press on the item Login with email , then enter the credentials of your new account in the Email and Password fields and tap the Login button to log in. If, on the other hand, you do not have a second account yet, you can create one by clicking on the Register button with the email .

Alternatively, if you want to log in with your Facebook account, select the Continue with Facebook item , press the Continue button and choose the option of your interest: Log in with the Facebook app , to log in to Candy Crush with the account in use on the Facebook app installed on your smartphone, or Sign in with phone number or email , to manually enter the credentials of the Facebook account you want to use with Candy Crush.

How to switch Candy Crush Jelly Saga accounts

If you are wondering how to switch accounts on Candy Crush Jelly Saga , start the game app for  Android  or  iPhone / iPad , tap the My Profile button and, in the Account Settings screen , press the Disconnect button twice in a row, in in order to log out of the current account.

Now, tap on the item Save your progress , choose the option Log in with the email (if you do not have another account yet, select the item Register with the email to create one), enter the data of your new account in the Email and Password fields and press the Login button to login.

If, on the other hand, you want to access Candy Crush Jelly Saga with your Facebook account, click on Continue with Facebook , tap the Continue button and choose one of the options available between Login with the Facebook app and Login with phone number or email , to associate your Candy Crush game with your Facebook account.

In case of problems

If you have followed the instructions I have given you in the previous paragraphs in detail but, despite this, you have not been able to change your account on Candy Crush, I suggest you access the Support section of the game you are interested in, to try to solve the problems in complete autonomy.

To proceed, start the Candy Crush app installed on your smartphone or tablet, tap the gear wheel icon and, in the new screen displayed, press the button (on Candy Crush Jelly Saga press the i button ). Once this is done, write ” account ” in the field How can we help you? , in order to view only the topics dedicated to the Candy Crush account, and tap on the topic of your interest.

If trying to put the proposed solution into practice you are unable to solve your problem, tap the Contact us button visible next to the item Do you still need help? and make sure that the details in the Email and Full Name fields are correct. Finally, choose the topic of your interest through the drop-down menus Choose a topic and Choose a subtopic , describe the problem found in the What is the problem field and press the Send button to send your assistance request. Candy Crush support team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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