
How to send a PEC with Gmail

Gmail is one of the most popular and used email services in the world. It can be used via the web interface, via the client and via the app for smartphones and tablets. Most users use it to manage only communications related directly to the service (therefore only for their Gmail account), but in reality – which not everyone knows – it can also be used to manage other email accounts, including those of certified mail.

How do you say? This seems very interesting to you and, since you have a certified e- mail address, would you like to know how to send a PEC with Gmail? I’ll settle you immediately. If you allow me a few minutes of your precious free time, I can show you how to perform the operation in question on all platforms: computers, smartphones and tablets. Believe me, it’s really child’s play!

Then? How about putting the chatter aside and finally starting to get busy? Yup? Great. Position yourself comfortably and immediately start concentrating on reading the information below. I am sure that, in the end, you will be able to tell yourself very happy and satisfied with what you have learned. Let it bet?


  • Preliminary information
  • How to send a PEC with Gmail from a computer
  • How to send a PEC with Gmail from smartphones and tablets
    • How to send a PEC with Gmail from Android
    • How to send a PEC with Gmail from iPhone and iPad

Preliminary information

Before getting to the heart of the topic, going to explain how to send a PEC with Gmail, it seems only right to provide you with some preliminary information about it.

First of all, it must be said that the PEC (an acronym for certified e-mail) is a tool that allows you to send and receive emails with a legal value similar to that of paper registered letters: in short, it is a particularly useful tool for sending written communications to Public Administration entities, to companies and professionals, but also to private citizens, for whom it is necessary to have a formal proof of sending/receiving and absolute certainty about the identity of sender and recipient. For all the details of the case, I refer you to reading my guide on what is the PEC.

If you do not yet have a PEC account, you can immediately open one by following the instructions on what to do that I provided in my guide dedicated to the best-certified mail. Then you will have to worry about recovering the parameters related to the configuration of your PEC account on external clients, such as: username,  passwordserverportPOP3 and SMTP. Usually, this information is provided in the welcome email received at the time of the creation of the PEC, but can also be found by consulting the section dedicated to assistance and support on the website of the reference company.

Another thing to underline is that, if a specific function is not available in the PEC service used, importing the messages into Gmail via POP3 will result in the cancellation of the same from the original server.

How to send a PEC with Gmail from a computer

Having made the necessary clarifications above, let’s get to the real heart of the matter and let’s find out, together, how to send a PEC with Gmail from a PC, using the Web panel of the service (accessible from any browser ).

First, start the browser you usually use to surf the Internet on your PC (eg Chrome ), connect to the Gmail home page and log into your Google account by typing your login data (if necessary).

Once logged in, configure your certified e-mail account by clicking on the button with the gear located at the top right and then on the Settings item attached to the menu that appears. Then select the Accounts and import tab and click on the Add an email account link that you find under the heading Check mail from other accounts.

In the new browser window that will open, type the email address of your PEC in the appropriate field and click on the Next button, then select the option Import emails from my account (POP3) and click on the Next button again.

At this point, fill in the UsernamePassword and POP Server fields with the required data, set the port using the appropriate drop-down menu and adjust the remaining settings according to your needs. Finally, click on the Add account button.

Now that you have added your PEC account to Gmail you can receive the emails sent to your certified email account but you cannot yet send them through it. To do this, you have to worry about configuring the service always acting from the Gmail web panel settings.

So, click again on the button with the gear located in the upper right part of the main Gmail screen, select the Settings item from the menu that opens, go to the Accounts and Import tab and click on the Add another item email address that you find in the Send message as section.

In the new browser window that is shown to you, type the PEC address configured previously in the Email address field, make sure that the box located next to the item Consider as an alias is checked (otherwise you do it yourself) and click on the Next step button.

In the new screen that appears, type the password of the certified e-mail account in the Password field, make sure that the correct value is set in the SMTP Server field (otherwise enter it yourself) and that the port number is selected in the Port drop-down menu exact (otherwise always do it yourself), then select the Secure connection via SSL option (if it is not already selected) and click on the Add account button .

If, after adding the account, you are asked to confirm the operation, open the message that was sent to your PEC address and click on the link contained therein, or copy the code in it, paste it in the appropriate field present in the Gmail window open on the screen and click on the Verify button .

At this point, you are ready to send a certified mail message using Gmail. To do this, click on the Write button (top left), select your PEC address from the drop-down menu attached to the From field, fill in the To field with the recipient’s email address, the Subject one with the subject and the box below with the body of the message.

Finally, add any attachments, by clicking on the paper clip symbol at the bottom, and send the message by clicking on the Send button. It was easy, wasn’t it?

How to send a PEC with Gmail from smartphones and tablets

Now let’s see, instead, how to configure the management of PEC mailboxes from the Gmail app for smartphones and tablets. Even in this case, it is a very simple operation to complete.

How to send a PEC with Gmail from Android

Are you interested in understanding how to send a PEC with Gmail from Android, using the app of the famous e-mail service? So, to begin with, take your device, unlock it, access the drawer (the Android screen where the icons of all the apps are grouped) and tap on the Gmail icon (the one with the white and red envelope ).

If the Gmail app has not yet been installed on your device or if you have removed it (it is “standard” on most Android smartphones and tablets), download it by connecting to the relevant section of the Play Store and tapping on Install button. If necessary, then authorize the download of the app, also by pressing the Accept button. Then, start Gmail by selecting the Open button appeared on selecting its icon from the drawer.

Once the main Gmail screen is displayed, you will find yourself in front of the section dedicated to the inbox of the Google account that you have configured on your device.

To also add a PEC account to the app, proceed as follows: press the button with horizontal lines located at the top left and select, in succession, the Settings and Add account items.

At this point, tap on the word Other and type your PEC email address in the Enter your email address field, then press the Next button. In the new screen displayed, select the type of account to configure, choosing between Personal (POP3) or Personal (IMAP) (it is preferable to use IMAP as it allows you to keep messages synchronized on multiple devices: more info here ), enter the associated password in the next field and press the Next button.

Now make sure that, in the Server field, the correct server for incoming mail is entered (otherwise change it yourself), choose the operation you want to perform from the Delete email from the server drop-down menu at the bottom (to choose whether keep the messages on the original PEC server or not), press the Next button again and wait for the validation of the settings.

If, proceeding as I have just indicated, you are returned an error message relating to the configuration, return to the initial screen visible after selecting the Add account item in the Gmail settings, type your PEC address in the appropriate field and select the configuration item manual which is located at the bottom left.

Then manually configure the account by choosing the type, indicating the password, the server for the incoming mail, defining the settings for the outgoing mail, setting the synchronization options, assigning a name to the account and typing what you want appears in sent messages.

Once the account has been added, to access the PEC, tap on your avatar or in any case on the circle with your initials located in the upper right part of the main screen of the app and select the email address related to the email certified in the new screen displayed.

Subsequently, to write a new e-mail message from the PEC mailbox configured in Gmail, press the [+] button at the bottom right, make sure that your PEC address is set in the From field at the top (otherwise press the arrow icon next to it and choose it from the menu that appears), fill in the To field with the recipient’s email address, the Subject with the subject and the Write email area with the body of the message.

Finally, press the paper clip icon at the top to add any attachments and send the message, by tapping on the button depicting a paper airplane (located at the top right). Done!

How to send a PEC with Gmail from iPhone and iPad

Finally, let’s see how to send a PEC with Gmail using the iPhone or the iPad. To begin with, download and install the Gmail app by taking your device, unlocking it, connecting to the relevant section of the App Store and tapping the Get / Install button. Then, authorize the download via Face ID, Touch ID or Apple ID password and open the application by pressing the Open button that appeared on the screen or by selecting the relative icon (the one with the white and red envelope ) from the home screen.

Now that you see the Gmail home screen, tap on the Login item located at the bottom and select the Add account item from the menu that opens. Subsequently, select the wording Other (IMAP) and fill in the Email address field with the e-mail address of your PEC account, then click on the Next item located at the top right.

In the new screen that appears, define the settings relating to the server for incoming mail by filling in the Password and IMAP Server fields with the required data, selecting the port number from the Port drop-down menu and setting the correct encryption system from the menu to Type of security curtain.

Then adjust the settings related to the outgoing server by filling in the SMTP Server field and selecting the correct port number and the type of encryption from the drop-down menus Port and Security type, at the bottom. Then, tap on the Next item located at the top right and wait a few moments for your account to be validated.

Then, type in the appropriate field the name you want to be displayed when sending messages from your PEC, tap the Next button and, in the account management screen that is proposed to you, click on the End item located at the top left . Later, you will find yourself in front of the Gmail section with all the messages received.

To send a message from your PEC email address, press the [+] button located at the bottom right, make sure that your PEC address is set in the From field at the top (otherwise press the arrow icon next to it and choose it from the menu that appears), fill in the To field with the recipient’s email address, the Subject one with the subject and the Write email area with the body of the message.

Finally, press the paper clip icon at the top to add any attachments and send the message by tapping the button depicting a paper airplane at the top right.

Did you already set up a Google account (or another email account) on Gmail and would like to understand how to add your PEC account as well, so that you can send messages with legal value from it? It’s very easy: on the main Gmail screen, just press on your avatar located at the top right (or, alternatively, on the little man symbol or on the circle with your initials ) and choose the item Add another account from the menu that opens.

In the screen that will be shown to you later, select the Other (IMAP) option and configure your PEC by proceeding in the same way as I described in the previous lines. Easy, right?


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