
How to see all TV channels

All this much talk about the new broadcasting standards of digital terrestrial and satellite TV are giving you various headaches and you would like to understand a little how to see all the TV channels when they come into force, so as not to be caught unprepared?

Are you away from home and don’t know how to see that show or sporting event that are on TV and that you have been waiting for for a long time? Don’t panic, I’m here today to help you with that.

In this guide, in fact, I will give you various solutions to watch TV channels both through “traditional” methods, ie digital terrestrial and satellite TV, and through other devices, such as PCs, smartphones and tablets. In this regard, you can rely on streaming services offered directly by the vast majority of broadcasters. Find out everything below, happy reading!


  • How to see all TV channels with antenna
    • How to see all TV channels with digital terrestrial
    • How to see all channels with satellite TV
  • How to see all TV channels without antenna
    • How to see all TV channels on PC
    • How to see all TV channels on Android
    • How to see all TV channels on iPad

How to see all TV channels with antenna

Do you want to find out how to see all the free TV channels , reachable through the digital terrestrial antenna or the satellite dish you have installed at home? Take a look at the next paragraphs, where I will explain how to do it.

How to see all TV channels with digital terrestrial

The DTT is the diffusion of the most used standard TV channels in Italy (and beyond). From 2021, however, we are moving to a new digital terrestrial transmission standard, called DVB-T2 HEVC.

In this regard, you may encounter problems in viewing some channels, which are no longer accessible on TVs that do not have compatibility with this standard. If you want to be sure you can receive all TV channels with digital terrestrial you need to have a TV or decoder compatible with the latest technologies.

In short, the purchase of a new reception device is necessary as the new digital transmission frequencies (the 700 MHz ones have been sold to the telephone companies for the diffusion of the 5G network ) are not receivable by all the old TVs. generation. The new standard, however, guarantees a higher quality of channel reception, with live content also visible in 4K resolution.

How do you know if you need to change the TV or the decoder ? Just take a look at my guide on how to understand if the TV is compatible with the reception of channels with DVB-T2 standard. As for channel tuning , however, nothing changes.

In case you need to retune your TV , I recommend that you rely on the automatic tuning functions found in the Settings menus . The procedures vary slightly from model to TV model, but generally just press the MENU , Options or Home button on the remote control, then go to Settings and go to Channel setup> Digital settings> Automatic tuning (if the latter is not present item, you can find it in the Digital Tuning menu ).

Then all you have to do is confirm your choice and wait for the complete tuning of the digital channels. In case you are using a decoder , the procedure is almost the same, but of course you will have to use the remote control of the decoder to access the automatic tuning menus.

In both cases, the channels will be rearranged according to a list called LCN , which automatically resolves any conflicts between channels positioned on the same frequencies. But rarely, you may have to choose which channel to keep on a particular frequency. You can find more info on synchronizing channels in my tutorials on how to retune channels on TV and decoder. For more information on the new digital TV, take a look at my dedicated tutorial instead.

How to see all channels with satellite TV

The satellite digital TV is transmitted through a connection with satellite dish and decoder / CAM module + card , and is mainly used by broadcasters such as Sky to broadcast encrypted programs accessed through subscriptions .

However, there are also free solutions for watching satellite channels, such as tivùsat, a service that offers almost all channels accessible via digital terrestrial on satellite in addition to various foreign channels (to cover the lack of DTT coverage in some areas ).

Obviously, to see satellite channels you need to buy a good satellite dish , in addition to an illuminator (or LNB ) for capturing frequencies. The connection to a TV or decoder must be ensured through a coaxial cable .

To allow the TV to decode the DVB-S2 signal , the most recent standard in this sense, it is necessary to have a compatible TV or a suitable decoder, inside which a card must be inserted that allows you to view the encrypted signals .

In the case of tivùsat , what you have to do is get the card and, if your TV has the slot for the CAM modules , the appropriate compatible CAM. Once you have correctly installed the antenna, any decoder or CAM module and inserted the card, all you have to do is retune the satellite channels .

The tuning method is exactly the same as I indicated for digital channels , but in the antenna selection menu, you will have to choose the Satellite item . I recommend that you take a look at my guides on how to tune satellite channels and how to tune decoders for pay TV to get more detailed information about it.

How to see all TV channels without antenna

In case you do not have a TV compatible with the new standards or you simply do not have the connection to the DTT in your home, I will show you how to see all the TV channels without antenna using the Internet, then streaming . The only requirement is the presence of a fairly stable Internet connection (if with fiber better, but ADSL media is enough ) and a device such as a PC, smartphone and tablet with which to view the programs.

How to see all TV channels on PC

If you want to know how to watch all streaming TV channels, there are several completely legal ways to do it. In fact, all the most important national broadcasters have set up free on-demand viewing services, accessible even without registration from a PC. I’ll briefly show you which are the main ones, although there are really a lot of them for almost every network.

  • RaiPlay – Rai has set up a schedule of films and on-demand programs accessible through this platform, which also makes it possible to follow the channels of the state broadcaster in live streaming. From a PC, there are two methods to follow the live stream, the first is to do it through the Live section of the site and click on the channel you want to watch, otherwise use the application developed for Windows. You can find more info here.
  • Mediaset Infinity – Mediaset offers the opportunity to follow the live broadcasts of the programs through the Infinity service. All you have to do to view the streaming channels on PC is to connect to the Live section of the site, and select the channel you want to watch via the menu on the right. You can find more info here.
  • discovery + – if you want to follow the Discovery programs and channels (eg Realtime or DMAX), you can use the discovery + platform, through which you can see both the live streaming of the programs, and review the past episodes of the same. To follow the live shows, all you have to do is go to the main page of the site, then click on the icon of the program you are interested in watching and then confirm your choice with the Watch now button . More info here.
  • TV8 – do you want to follow the live streams of the TV8 broadcaster? Nothing could be simpler, to do it just connect to the streaming section of the official website of the network. You can find more information here.
  • Cielo TV – if you intend to follow the free Sky program, owned by Sky, you can connect to the streaming section of the site and wait a few seconds. More info here.

Of course, the list of TV channels could go on and on. For this, I refer you directly to my guide on how to watch TV in streaming, where you can find an even more exhaustive list of broadcasters and sites / apps that could be useful to you.

How to see all TV channels on Android

Do you want to find out how to see all TV channels on Android ? To do this, just follow the same instructions I gave you regarding the PC section , using your mobile browser to browse the sites of the broadcasters.

A more convenient solution is to use the official applications of the streaming services that I mentioned earlier. The indications on the use of the individual applications are exactly the same as those seen for websites. Examples are the RaiPlay , Mediaset Infinity and discovery + apps , which you can also download from alternative stores, if your device does not have Google services. You can find more information here.

How to see all TV channels on iPad

In case you want to find out how to see all the TV channels on iPad and iPhone , I suggest you follow the instructions I gave you for PC and Android devices . In fact, the main streaming platforms linked to national television channels can also be viewed through the integrated Safari browser .

Furthermore, RaiPlayMediaset Infinity , discovery + and many other apps are available directly on the App Store (in some cases they also allow viewing on Apple TV ). You can find more detailed information on how to watch TV on iPad in my dedicated tutorial.

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