
How to reload TIM FWA

Having the need to surf the Web for a short period of time, you have successfully completed the activation of TIM FWA: an offer from TIM that allows you to browse the Internet from home without any traffic limit for 30, 90 or 360 days, with the possibility of extending the days of navigation at your disposal by recharging.

At the end of the browsing period included in the offer you have activated, you have tried to recharge your line to continue browsing, but without succeeding. Well, if things are exactly as I described them and you are still wondering how to reload TIM FWA, let me explain how to do it.

If you give me a few minutes of your free time, I can show you the detailed procedure to buy a new top-up and get additional days of navigation. How do you say? Is that exactly what you wanted to know? Well, then let’s not dwell further and see how to proceed. Find everything explained below. Happy reading and good luck for everything!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to recharge TIM FWA rechargeable
    • Online
    • In the store
  • In case of problems

Preliminary information

Before getting to the heart of this tutorial and explaining how to top up TIM FWA, let me briefly explain how the offer in question works and, above all, what are the costs and how to top up.

As you probably already know, TIM FWA is a rechargeable offer from TIM dedicated to new customers who want to surf from home with maximum flexibility even for short periods. The offer includes unlimited traffic to surf up to 40 Mbps in download and up to 4 Mbps in upload on FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) technology, in which the signal arrives in fiber up to the Radio Base Station, while the final stretch up to user travels on the LTE / LTE Advanced mobile network), without calls.

The activation of the offer in question, which also includes a FWA modem and a FWA SIM on loan for use, allows you to surf for 90 or 180 days depending on the offer chosen. At the end of the 90 or 180 days included, navigation stops automatically: to continue browsing, simply purchase one of the top-ups available according to your needs.

  • 30 days: allows you to surf without limits for 30 days at a one-off cost of € 27.90;
  • 90 days: allows you to surf without limits for 90 days at a one-off cost of 78.90 euros;
  • 360 days: allows unlimited browsing for 360 days at a one-off cost of 240.90 euros;

Finally, I would like to underline that it is possible to make a new top-up only at the end of the days included in the activated offer or in the last top-up made. You can view the number of days of navigation still available by accessing the MyTIM customer area and selecting the telephone number associated with the TIM FWA line of your interest. Having clarified this, let’s see how to proceed to buy a new top-up.

How to recharge TIM FWA rechargeable

To recharge TIM FWA rechargeable, simply access the MyTIM customer area, choose the top-up rate of interest and proceed with the payment by credit/debit card. Alternatively, you can buy a top-up at one of the many TIM stores scattered throughout Italy, with the option of paying in cash. Find everything explained in detail right below.


The simplest and fastest way to top up TIM FWA is to access the MyTIM customer area, select the line to top up and, after choosing the top-up rate you are interested in, proceed with the payment using a credit/debit card (cards are accepted of the VISAMastercardAmerican Express and Diners circuits ).

To proceed from smartphone and tablet, take your device, start the MyTIM app for Android devices (also available on alternative stores, for devices without Google services) or iPhone / iPad, enter your login credentials in the Email fields and Password and tap the Login button (access is automatic if you are under the TIM data network).

If, on the other hand, you do not have an account yet, select the Register option, enter the required data in the Enter emailChoose password and Enter number fields and follow the instructions shown on the screen to complete the registration. For the detailed procedure, I leave you to my guide on how to register on TIM.

After logging into your personal area via the MyTIM app, make sure that the phone number or name associated with your TIM FWA line is displayed in the top left. Otherwise, tap on the displayed phone number and, in the Select line screen, choose the one you are interested in.

At this point, select the option Reload placed in the bottom menu, make sure you are the card Refills TIM FWA and you tap the button New recharging. In the new screen that appears, select the type of charging you prefer ( 30 days90 days or 360 days ), enter the data of your payment card in the fields Card NumberExpiryCVV and holder card and press the button Reload, to complete payment and top up your TIM line.

In the same way you can also proceed from a computer, by connecting to the official TIM website. In this case, click on the MyTIM option, at the top right, enter your details in the Email and Password fields, put the check mark next to the option I am not a robot, to verify your identity and press the Login button, to login.

Now, if necessary, select the TIM FWA line to recharge using the drop-down menu located at the top and select the Reload option visible in the sidebar on the left. Then choose the type of top-up you prefer between 30 days90 days and 360 days, enter your payment card details in the Card numberExpiry MM / YYSecurity code and Card holder fields and click on the Confirm button, to proceed with the payment and top up.

If everything went well, you should receive an SMS confirming the recharge and you can immediately resume browsing. Please note that in some cases the activation of the recharge can take up to 2 hours from your request.

In the store

If you are unable to make a TIM FWA top-up online, you can go to a TIM store and contact a sales employee from whom you can request a top-up simply by providing the number of the line to be recharged. In this case, it is also possible to pay in cash and with the other payment instruments accepted by the specific store.

If you believe this is a valid solution for making a TIM FWA top-up, connect to the official TIM website and click on the Allow button that appeared on the screen, to allow the browser to locate it. Alternatively, enter your address in the field provided and click on the magnifying glass icon.

After that, press on the item shop type, affix a check mark next to the TIM Store, in order to view the TIM stores in your area and click on the blue placeholder relative to interest you shop, to display the number of phone, full address and driving directions.

At this point, go in person to the chosen TIM store, contact a sales employee and request to recharge your TIM FWA line, specifying the type of recharge ( 30 days90 days and 360 days ) and providing the telephone number associated with the line in question. Finally, make the payment and that’s it.

In case of problems

How do you say? Can’t recharge TIM FWA? In this case, check that you have exhausted the days of navigation included in the offer you activated or in the last top-up made: in fact, as I mentioned in the initial lines of this guide, it is not possible to make a new top-up if they are still available days of navigation.

If, on the other hand, you have successfully recharged and you have also received the confirmation SMS but, despite this, you are unable to surf, restart the modem supplied with the TIM FWA offer and you should be able to connect to the Internet.

If this is not the case or you are experiencing other problems, I recommend that you contact TIM customer service and request assistance. To do this, pick up your phone, dial 187 and initiate the call. After listening to the welcome message, carefully follow the instructions provided by the recorded voice and press the key combination to speak to a TIM operator.


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