
How to rank on Google

You have started a new blog before several weeks but, despite the effort you are putting into it, the visits are struggling to take off. It probably isn’t ranked very well on Google, and as a result, people struggle to find it. But don’t worry, because there is a solution to that too. If you want to know how to position yourself on Google and thus increase the visits of your blog, all you have to do is read the instructions I am about to give you and follow them scrupulously. You’ll see: using the right tools, Google will notice you and your site visits will begin to rise (no miracles, that’s clear!).

While there are, in addition to providing you with “tips” on how to improve the positioning of your site on the famous search engine, I will also explain how to position yourself on Google Maps, the maps service made available by Google itself, which can be used for have an online presence with your professional activity. I already anticipate that, in the latter case, positioning on Google is much easier than positioning on the search engine, and you will soon understand why.

Whether you want to know how to position a website on Google or how to position a business or a place on Google Maps, make yourself comfortable, take all the time you need to focus on reading the next paragraphs and, above all, implement the “tips” that I will give you. I am sure that, following my suggestions, you will not have the slightest problem in understanding what needs to be done to complete your “business” today. I wish you happy reading and I wish you good luck for everything!


  • How to rank on Google (search engine)
    • Index a website
    • Use SEO effectively
  • How to position yourself on Google Maps

How to rank on Google (search engine)

Are you going to know how to position yourself on Google, because you want to make your website appear at the top of the SERP, that is the page with the search results, of the famous search engine? If you answered affirmatively, you will find the information contained in the next paragraphs very useful.

Index a website

Before explaining how to improve the positioning of a site on Google, it is my duty to show you how to index it. If you don’t know, Google indexes websites automatically and, therefore, in most cases, there is no need to submit your site to the search engine. In rare cases, however, Google may not locate a site and therefore it may be necessary to manually intervene to insert it in its boundless index.

If your site does not appear in the Google SERP (i.e. the page containing the search results), you probably also need to proceed with a report and, to do so, you must use the  Add / Update a URL page. To use the tool in question, connected to this page, enter the URL of the home page of your website in the URL text field, add a short description about your site in the Comments text field and then press the Add URL button that you find below to forward the report.

When the report is delivered to Google, all you have to do is wait: within a few days, the search engine should index your website and you can then follow the advice contained in the next chapter, to improve its positioning.

Use SEO effectively

Using SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) effectively is vital to rank a site at the top of Google’s (or any other search engine’s) search results. Of course no one – apart from a few employees of the Mountain View giant – knows exactly the mechanics of the Google algorithm and, consequently, no one can be able to determine exactly which SEO techniques are effective or not (which is why it is often said that SEO is not an exact science! ).

As I have already explained to you in another article, Google examines more than 200 variables to understand which content to rank at the top of the results and which not. The goal of the search engine, in fact, is to return the user the best possible result or, in any case, the one most relevant to the question he asked. Creating quality content relevant to the searches made by users is, therefore, one of the most determining factors, if not the most determining of all, for the positioning of a site on Google.

Don’t believe some common urban myths that you have to repeat a keyword dozens of times in an article to appear at the top of the search results. By adopting this practice (called keyword stuffing in the jargon ), in fact, you risk even being penalized by Google! In light of this, use the keyword in the titleinsert it naturally in the text no more than 2-3 times and focus on quality by offering up-to-date information.

How can you manage to create quality content, relevant to user searches? Well, to begin with you can help you some free tools that can facilitate you in the analytical work you need to do to make sure you create sufficiently interesting content.

Among the tools that I recommend you use right away, there are Google Trends and KeywordTool: the first allows you to access the history of searches made on Google from 2004 to today and, another interesting aspect, to know in real-time what the words are key most searched for at a given time and in a given geographical area (as I showed you in another guide ). The second, on the other hand, offers editorial ideas by providing keywords related to the main keyword (which is useful, for example, to dissect a topic in a complete way, with the creation of sub-chapters).

Another solution that can help you improve the positioning of your site on Google are the tools for Webmasters, which is a collection of tools offered by the Mountain View giant that allows you to monitor your website, obtain detailed reports on its status in search results and have a lot of other useful information. By using these tools, you will also be able to know if your website is penalized by Google and possibly for what reasons. Interesting, right?

If your intention is to place your website or blog at the top of Google’s search results, you obviously want to turn your online business into a real business. In this case, there are many other tools that can help you manage your site/blog: I talked about it in depth in my latest book, ” Il Metodo Aranzulla ” (published by Mondadori Electa ), where I explained which techniques and tricks use to rank at the top of the Google SERP and which tools to use to better manage your online business.

How to position yourself on Google Maps

If instead of appearing at the top of the Google SERP you simply want to report your business to Google to make it appear in Google Maps, connected to the main page of the service, press the button () at the top left and select the item Add a missing place from the menu that opens.

Now, log in to your Google account  (if you have not already done so) and fill out the form that appears at the top left providing all the information you are asked for ( Name,  Address,  Category,  Phone and  Website ). Then press the Add hours item to report the times when the commercial activity in question is open to the public and press the blue button  Send. The Google team will receive the report and, in a short time, the activity you have reported will be placed on Maps. When this happens, you will receive a notification from Google via email.

The procedure I have just indicated can be followed both from smartphones and tablets and from computers. If you want to have more information on how to appear on Google Maps, all you have to do is read the in-depth analysis that I have already published about it on my blog. I’m sure this reading will help you too.


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