
How to play in two on Minecraft PS4

Some video games are known to be more fun when played in company with a friend. In particular, in a sandbox title like Minecraft, the possibilities offered by the game world expand dramatically if there are two of you. This without counting the fun factor: Mojang’s title is able to guarantee more than a few smiles if played with another person. On the other hand, you have realized it too and for this reason you would like to organize a co-op match on your PS4. However, you haven’t quite figured out how to do it and you need some guidance. That’s the way it is, isn’t it? Well, then I would say that you have come to just the right place!

In fact, in today’s blog, I will explain in detail how to play in two on Minecraft PS4. In particular, I will analyze all the possibilities offered by the game in this sense, explaining how to exploit them one by one. It doesn’t matter if your friend is sitting next to you on the sofa or on the other side of the world: following my directions, you will learn how to play Mojang with more people. In addition, I will also take the opportunity to provide you with some advice on activities to do in two, so that you know immediately where to start.

Courage: why are you still standing there motionless in front of the screen? Are you going to play Minecraft with your friend? I would say yes, since you’ve made it this far and you seem particularly intent on having fun. Come on then, all you have to do is take a few minutes of free time and follow the quick directions below. I wish you a good reading and, above all, a good time!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to play in two on Minecraft PS4
  • Two things to do on Minecraft PS4

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to play in two on Minecraft PS4, I think it may interest you to know more about how this possibility is managed by the Mojang title.

Well, you should know that the PS4 edition of Minecraft allows you to play with a friend in two ways: locally or online. In the first case, an HDMI connection with the TV is clearly required. The view will be split in two and you will play in split-screen: above will be the “host” screen, while below will be the guest screen.

As for the possibility of playing in two online, you must know that you must have a PSN account with an active PlayStation Plus subscription. Essentially, both you and your friend must have a PS4 enabled to play online. For more details on how to set up the console, I invite you to consult my guides on how to access PlayStation Network and how to get PlayStation Plus for free (via initial free trial).

For the rest, Minecraft for PS4 allows you to invite your friend into your game, so that they can help out in activities related to that world. In any case, whether it’s a local co-op or an online co-op, there is no shortage of activities for two to have fun. Below, therefore, you will find all the details of the case to be able to play with your friend at the title of Mojang.

How to play in two on Minecraft PS4

The split-screen mode, or the shared screen mode, allows up to 4 users to play Minecraft locally, sitting next to each other.

To activate this mode in the PlayStation 4 version of Minecraft, simply start the game (by selecting the relevant box from the main console screen) and connect a secondary controller. You will be prompted to log in to a second local account. If you don’t have the latter, I invite you to check out my tutorial on how to create a secondary account on PS4.

Once you have successfully connected the second pad and started a game in Minecraft, all you have to do is press the X button first and then the Options button. This will activate split-screen mode and you should see two “windows”. At the top there will be your view and at the bottom the one reserved for your friend.

Perfect, you are now ready to play locally in Minecraft for PS4 with two.

How to play Minecraft PS4 online for two

Obviously, the edition of Minecraft for PlayStation 4 also allows you to configure online co-op games and even in this case the procedure to follow is very simple.

In fact, you just have to open Minecraft, start a game any and go to the game settings by pressing the Options button on the controller. At this point, you will notice that at the top right is the Invite button: just press the X button of the pad above it to access the invitation screen.

Great, now you just have to select the friend you want to invite to play with you and wait for the latter to accept. Obviously, the game involved must have multiplayer enabled and it is necessary to have provided the guest with at least Subscriber level permissions, so that he can, for example, break blocks and attack creatures.

These options can be changed via the Multiplayer tab. It can be done when the world is created or by going to the Play> Worlds path and pressing the pencil icon, in order to modify an existing one. For more details, I recommend you take a look at my tutorial on how to play Minecraft PS4 online.

Two things to do on Minecraft PS4

How do you say? Were you able to set up the game for two in Minecraft for PlayStation 4, but don’t know what activities to do? No problem, I’ll explain immediately what can be done in the co-op mode of the Mojang title.

Well, the first thing you need to take into consideration is the fact that it is possible for two build structures much faster, since obviously there are more people. This means that you may be considering more complex creations than usual, which you would take a long time to make on your own.

For example, if you want some advice, you could follow my tutorial on how to make an experience farm in Minecraft, how to make a fishing farm in Minecraft, how to make a boat in Minecraft, and how to make a bridge in Minecraft. These are just a few examples, but you can clearly build countless structures within the Mojang title. If you want to learn more about other creations, I suggest you take a look at the page of my site dedicated to Minecraft, where you can find countless guides dedicated to the game.

For the rest, you might think about going on an adventure and completing some particularly difficult challenges. For example, you could check out my guide on how to finish Minecraft. Finally, other things I recommend are the creation of a “village” , in which you and your friend have separate houses, and the exploration of the underground “caves” , which can always guarantee some surprises. By the way, you might be interested in following my tutorial on how to open the chat on Minecraft PS4: this type of communication could be useful for you.

In any case, of course, the limit is your creativity! I just have to wish you a lot of fun!


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