
How to play for two in Mini World

Given the constant insistence from your friends, you too have decided to try Mini World , a free sandbox video game available for smartphones, tablets and computers. After downloading the title in question and becoming familiar with the controls, you asked one of your friends to play online together. Unfortunately, however, all your attempts to play a game in multiplayer mode have not given the desired result and you are wondering if I can help you in this regard. Of course yes, God forbid!

If you dedicate a few minutes of your free time to me, I can explain to you how to play in two on Mini World , giving you all the information to succeed in your intent. In addition to showing you the step-by-step procedure for finding and joining an online match organized by other users, you will also find all the instructions for creating a new game room and inviting your friends.

How do you say? Can’t wait to learn more and start playing? So let’s not dwell further and take action. Courage: make yourself comfortable and dedicate yourself to reading the next paragraphs. By carefully following the directions I am about to give you and trying to put them into practice, I am sure you will be able to organize an online game on Mini World and play with your friends. Happy reading and, above all, have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to play Mini World for two

Preliminary information

As you well know, Mini World is available in the form of an application for Android devices (also on alternative stores , for devices without Google services) and iPhone / iPad and can also be downloaded on a Windows PC, both by connecting to the official website of the game and from Steam .

In all cases, if an internet connection is available, it is possible for two to play on Mini World and the procedure for doing so is the same regardless of the device in use. Furthermore, it will be useful to know that it is possible both to join a game organized by other players and to create a new game room and allow access only to the players of your interest.

In the latter case, when creating a game room you can only select the maps available in your archive (which can be created or downloaded) and which have been set as public maps . You must know, however, that to make a map public you must have created your game account for at least 7 days . This means that new players will only be able to play online on Mini World by logging into game rooms created by other users.

Having clarified this, all you have to do to start an online game of Mini World is to download the app in question from the store of your device or, if your intention is to play Mini World on PC , connect to the official website of the game and click on the Download Mini World button , to start the download (or contact Steam , if you prefer). Is everything clear so far? Well then let’s take action!

How to play Mini World for two

To play Mini World for two , start the game on one of the supported devices and, if it is your first login, wait for the updates to download. Then press the Start and I agree buttons , specify your date of birth using the Month and Year drop-down menus (bottom left), select the character to use and tap the Enter button .

Now, follow the instructions shown on the screen to know the game controls, or select the Skip and Quit tutorial options to directly access the main screen of Mini World. At this point, if you want to set Mini World in Italian, press the gear wheel icon , select the Settings and Language options , press the Italian item and press the Confirm button , to save the changes and change the language.

With that done, you are ready to start playing with your friends. To access a game already created by other users, select the Multiplayer option , choose one of the available map categories (eg Complex , Adventure , Combat , Puzzle , Circuit, etc.) and locate the game room of your interest. Alternatively, if you have been given the UID code of the game you want to join, enter it in the UID field , top right, and press the magnifying glass icon .

After identifying the map of your interest, press the arrow icon pointing to the right and, in the new screen displayed, press the Join button . If the user who created the game room has set an access password , enter it in the appropriate field and you are ready to play. At any time, you can exit the map and return to the Mini World main screen by pressing the gear wheel icon at the top right and selecting the Return option .

How do you say? Do you want to create a new game room? In this case, you must have created a map or downloaded one from the appropriate section. To do this, access the main screen of Mini World, press the Start option and press the Create a new world button , to create a new customized map.

In the new screen displayed, select the mode of your interest between Normal mode (in this case also select the option you prefer between Survival and Creation ) and Developer mode and follow the instructions shown on the screen to start creating your new world. Once the creation is complete, click on the gear wheel icon , at the top right, select the Return option and the map in question will be automatically saved and available in the list of your maps.

If, on the other hand, you want to download one of the maps created by other users, select the Other fun maps option and press the Confirm button first and then on the Download item relating to the map you want to download. Once the download is complete, the map in question will be visible in the list of your maps.

At this point, you must share the map of your interest, so that it is available to play in multiplayer mode. To do this, click on the gear wheel icon for the chosen map and select the Load your map option from the menu that opens.

In the new screen displayed, if you wish, enter the title and description of the map in the Title and Intro fields , select the Public option located near the Upload item and press the Backup Cloud and Upload buttons to share the map.

Once the upload is complete, you will see the word Saved next to the map selected above, indicating that it can be used to create a new online game room.

At this point, press on the map in question and then on the Multiplayer button . Alternatively, access the main screen of Mini World, select the Multiplayer option and press on the item Create a room .

In the Room Creation screen , in addition to being able to select the map of your interest in the Map Selection section , you can set the name of the room in the Name field , add any description in the Intro field and, if desired, set a password to limit access to the room in question only to users who know the access key.

In addition, you can select one of the options available near the entry Access and choose whether users will be able to make changes to the map ( Free ) or if the blocks cannot be moved ( Visitor ). Finally, indicate the number of players who will be able to access the game room (from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 6 ) and press the Start and Confirm buttons to create and access the game room.

Now all you have to do is communicate the UID code of the room and any access password . To view the UID code of the room, click on the house icon visible on the right, to access the Room Information section , and select the Guest List tab .

From this screen you can also directly invite the friends of your interest (as long as you have already added them to the Mini World friends list), by pressing the Invite a friend button . By selecting the Settings tab instead, you can mute the room sound, change the game permissions and much more.

Finally, if you are wondering how to get out of the game room, all you have to do is press the gear wheel icon , top right, and then the Return and Confirm buttons . Keep in mind, however, that when you leave a game room you have created, all other players will automatically be disconnected as well.


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