
How to make money online from home

Are you tired of your current job? Would you like to try to change your professional life by working from home? Well, thanks to the advent of the Internet, it is possible to earn money by doing various activities remotely. A few examples? Selling used items, writing web content, doing commission work, monetizing a blog or site, opening a YouTube channel, developing apps, and more.

Let’s be clear, earning a lot of money online from home is not a walk at all: you need to be willing to invest a lot of time and resources before seeing significant results (as well as having the right business idea and choosing to operate in a sector that is not already saturated ). The situation is very different if your goal is to round up your salary a little: in this case, you don’t need to have who knows what skills to earn something or invest a lot of time in some online activity.

Since I see you caught up in the subject, I would say to put aside the chatter immediately and delve into the heart of this guide, so as to see in detail how to make money online from home. Strength and courage: make yourself comfortable, take all the time you need to concentrate on reading the next paragraphs and, more importantly, put into practice the “tips” I will give you. I wish you happy reading and I wish you a big good luck for everything!


  • How to make money online from home
    • Selling used items
    • Writing content for the web
    • Carry out work on commission
    • Participate in surveys
  • How to make money online from home
    • Monetize a blog or website
    • Open an e-commerce
    • Open a YouTube channel
    • Develop apps

How to make money online from home

As mentioned in the introduction, let’s first see how to earn small amounts of money online from home. If you don’t plan on putting in too much effort and investing a lot of time in online activities, consider the activities listed below.

Selling used items

Selling used items is an activity that can be done by anyone. which can be done in your spare time and does not require any particular skills. Below you will find some portals that allow you to sell used items quickly and easily.

  • eBay– a well-known online auction site, thanks to which it is possible to publish advertisements for free. You only have to pay a  commission of 11.5%, which is calculated on the basis of each sale made (to which you must add a commission of 0.35 euros per transaction + taxes on shipping costs). More info here.
  • Subitoand Kijiji  – are two well-known ad portals that allow you to sell various items by posting free advertisements. Those who wish can also give their commission-paid ads more visibility. More info here.
  • Autoscout24– do you want to sell a car or a motorbike? This is the best portal you can turn to, as there is no cost involved in running ads. More info here.

Writing content for the web

If you have good writing skills, writing content for the web can be another source of income. To do this, I suggest you contact some portal that allows you to do this, such as  MelaScrivi: a famous marketplace platform that allows you to sell various types of written content (e.g. articles, video transcripts, guides, translations, etc.) to individuals and companies interested in them.

The fees for each written content vary according to the length and quality, quantified in stars: it starts from  1 star  (which allows you to earn  0.008 euros/word) up to a maximum of  4 stars  (which allows you to earn  1.5 euros/word).

Keep in mind, however, that for each item you have to pay a  commission of 0.70 euros and, moreover, it is possible to request payment (via PayPal) only when the minimum threshold of 25 euros is reached. More info here.

Carry out work on commission

Carrying out jobs on commission is another option that I recommend you consider to make money online. The Internet, in fact, allows you to find users interested in various services (eg school tuition, babysitting, manual work, etc.), to be carried out for a fee.

To get more into the merits, it is possible to use both job search sites  (such as  Monster and  JobGratis ), and the more generic job search sites  I mentioned a few lines above (such as  Subito and  Kijiji ).

Participate in surveys

Taking surveys is another useful activity for earning money online. Even in this case, however, do not expect significant gains: participating in surveys allows you to earn little money and, in some cases, vouchers that can be spent in e-commerce and/or in some physical stores.

Among the main sites that allow you to take part in surveys, there is High Opinion and  American Consumer Opinion. If you would like further information on how to make money with surveys, please read the instructions I gave you in the tutorial I just linked to.

How to make money online from home

Did you come to this tutorial because you are going to know how to make money online from home? Well, know that there are various business opportunities to consider: below are some of them listed.

Monetize a blog or website

Monetizing a blog or a website can be a good opportunity to earn money online and is, at least potentially, one of the most profitable activities that can be undertaken on the Net. It must be said, however, that earning through blogs and websites is not a walk in the park. : you have to work hard and the gains are not immediate (usually they arrive after the first year of activity).

But how does a site generate revenue? Primarily with the sale of advertising space which is usually carried out through services of the caliber of  Google AdSense. In this case, the fees vary according to the volume of traffic generated by the site: you need to have many visits to get earnings of a certain level.

Another source of income is represented by joining affiliate programs  (one of the most famous is that of  Amazon ) which, through sponsored links placed on your online space, allow you to earn a small percentage on the sales that are generated through them. over the next 24 hours.

More information on how to make money with a site is available in the guide I have dedicated to the topic, as well as in my book “ Il Metodo Aranzulla ” (published by Mondadori Electa ).

Open an e-commerce

Also open an e-commerce is potentially profitable. How can you make one? For example, by contacting Shopify: a service used by over 1,000,000 stores around the world that allows you to create professional e-commerce in a few simple steps using customizable themes.

Shopify offers secure hosting, bandwidth, and unlimited products; it also includes a free domain name (with the possibility of purchasing a personalized one or using an existing one), the blog function, an SSL certificate, the possibility of launching marketing campaigns via Google, Facebook, email or SMS and detailed sales analysis. Using it, in short, you can easily manage all aspects of your store: orders, sales, inventory, shipments and even abandoned carts.

The service can be tried for free for a limited period (without entering payment data and without obligation to renew), after which you can choose between various plans, starting from $ 29 / month. To start the free trial, connected to the official Shopify website, type your email address in the appropriate field and click on the Start free trial button. Then type in the password you want to use for your store, the name you want to assign it and press the Create your shop button.

Next, indicate if you have already started sellingwhat your current income is and if you are creating a store for a customer, provide the rest of the information, press Next (or Skip if you want to skip this step) and provide the ‘ address to receive payments.

This will bring you to the Shopify management panel, which contains a side menu with all the main functions of the service: Home, to access the dashboard; OrdersProducts and Customers to manage orders, products and customers; Analysis to visualize sales data; Marketing to set up marketing campaigns; Discounts to set up discount codes; App to expand e-commerce with additional functions and Online Store to change the appearance and content of the pages.

I would like to point out, then, that Shopify can also be used from Android and iOS / iPadOS through a special app. To learn more, see the my tutorial dedicated to the service.

Alternatively, you can buy a Web space to customize with a  CMS  (eg  WordPress,  Prestashop, etc.) or, again, simply open a showcase on famous stores such as Amazon and eBay . More information on this is available in my tutorial on how to open an e-commerce.

Open a YouTube channel

Have you ever thought about opening a YouTube channel? Well, you should, as this is another online earning opportunity. It is possible to generate earnings by joining the  YouTube Partner Program , reserved for those who have a channel with a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 viewing hours in the last year, or with the so-called  affiliate networks .

Since the earnings are generated by advertising, the speech I made for blogs and websites is valid: you have to generate a lot of views to get significant rewards. For some “tips” about   how to make many subscribers on YouTube ,  how YouTube views work and  how to make money on YouTube , I refer you to the guides I wrote on the subject.

Develop apps

A market that, at least in Italy, is not yet saturated is that of app development . Since this is an activity that can also be done from home, it is worth considering, especially if you already have programming skills.

If, on the other hand, you don’t chew any programming language, you could try to approach this world by reading the insights in which I explain how to create a program , how to develop an app ,  how to develop in C  and how to learn Java .


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