
How to make a warehouse in Minecraft

During your adventures in Minecraft, you have found tons of treasures and resources of all kinds. Unfortunately, however, your shelter is not spacious enough and, therefore, you have thought about creating a warehouse to use to sort all the objects you make or collect. Great idea … except that you are a beginner with the famous Mojang house title and therefore you do not have the faintest idea of how to make a warehouse in Minecraft.

How do you say? Is this the way it is? Then you will be happy to know that you have come to the right place at the right time! In today’s guide, in fact, I will show you how to carry out this project to store all the resources you find around the world of Minecraft or those you manufacture. Furthermore, in case you want to create an automated warehouse, which can allow you to automatically sort the resources in the trunks, I will explain how to do this quickly and easily.

Come on, let’s not waste any more precious time and let’s get to work immediately. What you need to do is sit comfortably and pay attention to all the tips and procedures that I will describe to you in the next chapters. The result is guaranteed! I just have to wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • How to build a warehouse in Minecraft
  • How to make an automatic warehouse in Minecraft

How to build a warehouse in Minecraft

If you want to build a warehouse in Minecraft, in order to preserve all the resources you collect during your adventures, I recommend that you do this by first creating a building of the size you prefer, to be erected near your shelter (or attached to this one). ‘last).

The first thing you have to do, therefore, is to clear an area of ​​land, on which you will have to build the project. As I have already anticipated, the size of the warehouse depends only on you: you can opt for a small warehouse or for a large one that will contain many trunks, depending on the type of materials you collect.

Once this is done, build the side walls, taking care to leave space for the door, with which to access the warehouse. No windows are needed, so place lines of blocks on top of each other, setting a height for the warehouse of at least 4 blocks.

Now you can decide whether to close the roof, placing the blocks horizontally, or whether to proceed with the construction of a roof, using the stair blocks. After building the roof, place torches or the Luminite inside the warehouse to illuminate the room.

Now you just have to enter the warehouse and place some trunks along the walls: these can be created by inserting 8 units of wooden planks on a workbench. There is no precise method to use for positioning the chests: choose the arrangement that best suits your needs, based on how you think the resources can be sorted.

When you place one chest on top of another, you will not prevent it from opening: this opportunity can be useful for adding more chests to the warehouse and making the most of the space. Just know that if you place a lock on top of a chest, the chest cannot be opened.

How to make an automatic warehouse in Minecraft

If you want to build an automatic warehouse on Minecraft, what you have to do is carefully follow the procedures that I will show you in the next paragraphs: the operations that I will show you are a bit complex, therefore, take all the time you need to understand better how to carry out this project.

The basic idea of ​​an automatic warehouse is to be able to insert the objects inside a compartment and make sure that the objects are automatically sorted between the various storage compartments, based on the type of material or, generally, on the filters you have set.

To understand the concept behind an automatic warehouse, you need to make some premises. In this project you will use the Hopper, which allows you to create a filter for sorting objects. The latter will be connected to a Redstone Comparator, which will have the purpose of identifying if it is present inside the Hopper, the object set in the filter.

If this occurs, the Redstone Comparator will emit a signal through the Redstone to the Redstone Repeater, which will turn off the Redstone Torch. Due to the switching off of the latter, the Hopper located under the one set as a filter will collect the object, to sort it inside a trunk.

Having said that, it’s time to create all the elements you will need for this project. First, collect some Redstone, which you can find in underground deposits. You will also have to use the latter for the creation of other objects, such as the Redstone Torch, to be made by combining 1 unit of Redstone and 1 unit of Staff.

Once this is done, also build a Redstone Comparator using, in a workbench, 3 units of Redstone Torch1 unit of Nether Quartz (found in deposits in the Nether ) and 3 units of Stone Blocks. You will also need to create a Redstone Repeater, using 2 units of Redstone Torch1 unit of Redstone and 3 units of Stone Blocks.

As for the Chest, you can make one using 8 units of Wooden Planks in a workbench. For the Hopper, however, you can create one in a workbench, using 5 units of Iron Ingot and 1 unit of Chest.

Well: now is the time to get to work! The first thing you need to do is to place blocks of any material, forming a kind of cross. Once this is done, destroy the block in the center and, in the upper right corner, place another block.

At this point, in the space you have left free in the center of the blocks, place a Redstone Repeater. On the top, instead, place 2 units of Redstone and the Redstone Comparator. In correspondence with the latter, on the side facade of the blocks, spaced one unit apart and place a Redstone torch.

After creating the Redstone circuit, it’s time to place the Hopper: what you have to do is place the Hopper next to the Redstone Comparator, making sure that it is facing the latter. Under the newly inserted Hopper, add another one, taking care that it is, instead, facing the opposite side. Next to this, you will need to add a chest, which will hold the sorted items.

Now is the time to set the Upper Hopper filter, interacting on it to open its configuration panel. In the five slots you see above, locate the first slot on the left and place 1 unit of the material you want to be collected. Subsequently, in the one on the side insert 18 units of a material that you do not collect or already worked (you can for example use wool ). Fill the other three slots with 1 unit of the latter material.

You can repeat the circuit I described to you in the previous paragraphs, in series, for each type of material you want to filter.

All you have to do is repeat the procedure and create filters in series, next to the one already created. If you have followed my directions to the letter, you will have set the filter correctly. All you have to do is create an item sorting system.

To carry out this operation, place a Hopper on top of the one that acts as a filter, making sure that it faces any direction other than downwards. Next to this, just placed, position others (always facing in the same direction), in order to create a sort of conveyor belt for the objects that you will pour on it.

Now, all you have to do is add a chest above the first Belt Hopper and another chest at the end of the path. All the objects that you pour into the first trunk will be transported along the belt and, in the event that there is one of the materials set in the filter, this will be sorted into the appropriate trunk.

Otherwise, all unfiltered items will be sent to the trunk at the end of the conveyor belt. Brilliant, right?


Source: aranzulla by

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