Home Improvement

How to Keep your Septic Tank Clean

Septic tanks are used to treat sewage. Its main function is to separate the layers of liquid grease or oil from solid waste. This further is filtered through the soil. Septic tanks primary function is to deal with water waste. This plays the role of holding the water waste till the layers are separated. 

Its cleanliness is really important. Rough water usage and flushing of the solid material can disrupt its functioning. To prevent sewage backups and foul smell keep it clean as much as possible.

Here are some important ways you can follow to keep a septic tank clean.

Manage the Waste Materials

For a clean septic tank, you need to manage the waste. Don’t flush up everything. You need to be careful while throwing the waste. If you flush the non-biodegradable material, it can create a blockage.

Some people flush the wipes and female hygienic stuff which is not at all recommended. You can only flush toilet paper. Your careless attitude can disrupt the functioning of the septic tank. Then, it will require septic tank pumping more often.

Maintain Septic Tank Pumping

Septic tank pumping is unavoidable. It is usually done after every 3 to 5 years. The time of pumping the tank varies according to the size of the tank and consumption by family. You cannot do it on your own as this process needs proper equipment.

Contact a reliable company for septic tank pumping. For this purpose check their  reviews. Otherwise an incompetent can break your tank while pumping. Now the question arises of how you will get to know that pumping is unavoidable now. For this purpose, you need to carefully observe the signs like foul smell, sewage backup, and gurgling sounds.

This septic tank pumping company comes with a container having a vacuum. This takes the solid waste and sludge out of the tank. Experts also tell about the condition of septic tanks. So, in case of any issue, you can make the repair. 

Use Cleaners

You can use different cleaners to keep septic tanks clean. But don’t use harmful cleaners. Strong and dangerous cleaners can kill healthy bacteria too. Do your research and use cleaners wisely.

Some of the recommended cleaners are baking soda, vinegar, and borax. This is a way cheaper and a logical method of cleaning. By using these cleaners, the need for pumping would be reduced and its efficiency will increase. 

Keep Efficient Water Usage

To maintain septic tank working, don’t put that much load on it. It needs time to process. Side-by-side tasks like washing clothes and utensils will put pressure on it. This can also make its working slow. In turn, frequent pumping will be required.

Try to use it effectively. For this purpose, you need to lower the usage of water. It can be done by taking quick showers, keeping the tap off while brushing, and by water-efficient appliances. Your careful usage of water can prevent the septic tanks from blocked and can save your water bill too.

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