
How to fix PS4 Error E-800085D1

In this article, another sore problem of the PlayStation 4 system is error E-800085D1, which is interpreted as follows: it is impossible to connect to the server! We have written a lot about the unavailability of the PlayStation Network and there is nothing new about the solution to the error E-800085D1. So, in order to fix error E-800085D1,  you need to follow the recommendations that are described below.

Error E-800085D1  occurs when the PSN server is under maintenance. Recently, PS4 system users began to be notified of planned works. First, check the PSN network status.

If the PSN server is operating normally, pay attention to the current connection. Go to  [Settings]  and select  [Network] , where you need to click on  [Test Internet Connection]. It is possible that your connection is unstable or completely absent. Also, the problem may lie in the settings of your network equipment. Go to the router settings and make sure that the latest (latest) firmware version is installed. If this is not the case, update. Try changing the MTU parameter value in the router settings. Usually changed to 1473.

If error E-800085D1  appears again and the above methods did not help, please contact PlayStation 4 technical support with the appropriate request.

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