
How to fix font errors on Windows 10

Windows 10 is still a new operating system and bugs appear from time to time. Some are just annoying, while others are harsher. Today we are going to show you how to fix font errors in Windows 10.

Check your language settings

  • Enter the editing language in Cortana. Then click the Change Language button => Keyboard Options.
  • Find and check the default language.
  • Want another one? Change it by clicking “Add language”.
  • Select the required one, click “Set as default”.

Not the best solution, but it helps.


With recent updates to Windows 10 from 7 or 8, it turns out that the font does not install correctly, so reinstall it manually. It sounds complicated, but don’t worry, in fact, everything is easier than it sounds.

  • Go to C: Windows Fonts, (Windows 10). For 7 or 8, navigate to the C: Windows.old Windows Fonts folder.
  • Now we are looking for the problematic font. Typically Arial or Mingliu. Find its file, open and take a look.
  • In the preview window, click Install (top right corner), reinstall manually.
  • If missing for some reason, download or copy them from another PC.

It is allowed to load what is missing using the command line. The method is intended for advanced users, it is faster than the previous one.

  • Press Windows Key + X => Command Prompt (Admin). In a situation where Command Prompt is not available, use PowerShell (Admin).
  • When the command prompt window opens, type C: Windows Fonts Arial.ttf and press Enter.
  • A preview window will appear. Click the Install button.

Note that you must repeat these methods for any missing fonts. As you can see, the method is useful when only one or two are missing, but if more is missing, try another method.

Disable scaling on high DPI settings

Sometimes errors are caused by high DPI indicators, so the solution is to disable high DPI settings. Follow these steps:

  • Right click on the corrupted file. Select “Properties” from the context menu.
  • Then go to the Compatibility tab. Disable display scaling at high DPI settings, click Apply => OK.

Save changes, restart the application. We must warn you that the solution sometimes results in the fonts being smaller, so you will need to manually adjust their size. Also, if multiple applications are causing problems, repeat the step for each one.

Modify your registry

If there are errors, problems arise, if your registry values ​​are incorrect, we will change them manually to fix them.

  • Press the Windows key + R, enter regedit. Then “Enter” or “OK”.
  • Optional: the change is potentially dangerous, in order to avoid any future complications, it is recommended to export the registry, create a backup. Click File => Export.
  • Select the Export option as All and enter a file name. Save.

Then you will have a backup copy of the registry. If something goes wrong after making the changes, simply run the exported file to restore the original registry state.

  • In the left pane, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion GRE_Initialize, double-click DisableFontBootCache (left pane).
  • Put the data value – 1, click OK to save the changes.
  • Close Registry Editor, restart your computer.

It is worth noting that using this method often results in slower loading.

Remove the problematic update

If your computer has errors, the difficulty is associated with a specific update. The only way to fix it is to find it and then delete it.

  • Open Settings, go to Update & Security.
  • Now select “View Installed Update History”.
  • Select “Uninstall Updates”.
  • A list of recent updates will appear. Double click to delete them.

After uninstalling, check if the problem is resolved. It is worth mentioning that Windows 10 will automatically download the missing updates, and everything will be repeated. To prevent this from happening, see our guide to blocking automatic updates.

Use the FontReg tool

Several users reported how they fixed the difficulty of the 10s using the FontReg tool. This free application will fix the problem with their absence. The application is easy to use, after its automatic actions the problems are completely solved.

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