
How to find Gmail passwords

How many times have I told you? Record all your passwords in a safe place and don’t bask in the comfort of a browser that remembers passwords for you. You have done it? No. And now you find yourself unable to change your Gmail password. You would like to update it to make it more secure, but you can’t because you don’t remember what your current keyword is.

Do you want me to help you this time too? Okay, but it serves as a lesson for you. Although now I suggest how to find Gmail passwords with a couple of solutions that should be able to get you out of trouble, run now to update your Gmail password with a more secure one and keep it in a safe place!

If you want to know how to find Gmail passwords, the first attempt I recommend is to install the Google Password Decryptor program on your PC. This is a free application for Windows that scans all browsers and messaging programs installed on your computer and extracts the login data of Google accounts from them. It is very effective and quick in getting its job done.

To download it to your PC, connect to the program’s website and click on the green Download button three consecutive times. When the download is complete open, by double-clicking on it, the archive you just downloaded ( ) and extract the contents in any folder. Start the Setup_GooglePasswordDecryptor.exe program and, in the window that opens, click first on Yes and then on Next.

Then accept the conditions of use of the program, putting the checkmark next to the item I accept the terms of the license agreement, and click first on Next for two consecutive times and then on InstallNext and Finish to complete the d ‘process installation and start Google Password Decryptor. If during the setup you are offered the installation of additional promotional software, click du Decline to not accept.

Once the installation is complete, all you have to do is start Google Password Decryptor and click on the Start recovery button located at the top right: the application will almost immediately show you the username and password of your Google account (and therefore of your Gmail box ) extracting it from Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or one of the messaging programs installed on your PC (eg Google Talk).

In case Google Password Decryptor fails to find Gmail passwords, I’m sorry but the only solution you have is to reset your account login details using the mobile number or alternate email address you provided to Google when you signed up for Gmail. The procedure is quite simple and I have explained it to you in detail in my article on how to recover Gmail passwords.

Once you have reset your account, I recommend, use a secure and unique password (i.e. that you do not use on other online services or social networks) to lock your mailbox and make it safe against malicious people. If you want advice on how to change the password of your mailbox in an effective and secure way, take a look at the guide I wrote some time ago on the subject.

Finally, if you want a couple of tips for your privacy, delete password saving in your browser (so that nobody can recover your password using applications like Google Password Decryptor) and keep your login data in a safe place. . If you do not trust the classic post-it locked in the office drawer, you can rely on one of the many password programs that I recommended on the blog.


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