How to find Ditto on Pokémon GO
You are a big fan of Pokémon GO , the very famous title developed by Niantic based on augmented reality. In your raids you managed to catch many different Pokémon, but there is one that you just can’t add to your team: Ditto .
How do you say? That’s exactly how things are and, therefore, would you like to know if I can help you understand how to find Ditto on Pokémon GO ? Of course yes, God forbid! If you dedicate a few minutes of your free time to me, I can tell you everything there is to know on the subject, also explaining what are the peculiarities of this Pokémon and how it was inserted into the title of Niantic.
In short, you just have to put my tips into practice and, with a little persistence, you should be able to catch Ditto and then make the most of all its features in Pokémon GO. Having said that, there is nothing left for me to do but wish you good reading and, above all, have fun!
- Preliminary information
- List of Pokémon that Ditto assumes the form of
- How to find Ditto in Pokémon GO
Preliminary information
Before going into the details of the procedure on how to find Ditto on Pokémon GO , I think it may interest you to know more about this possibility.
Well, as you well know if you are a fan of the Pokémon world, Ditto is very special. In fact, it tends to disguise itself behind the appearance of other Pokémon , deluding the player and often causing him some headaches (since it leads him to think that he has found some other “monster”).
For the aforementioned peculiarity, combined with its ability to copy the moves of the first Pokémon it sees during a battle, Ditto is very coveted by Pokémon GO lovers. Not to mention the fact that being able to catch it is very important for the completion of the Pokédex , that is the tool that takes into account the Pokémon that have been captured / seen within the game (accessible from the main menu of the game, by pressing the icon of the Pokéball and then on the appropriate box).
Ditto is number 132 on the Pokédex , so if you’ve already seen it in the game, you can find it there. It is a Normal- type Pokémon belonging to the Kanto region . It has no evolution.
List of Pokémon that Ditto assumes the form of
As you will have understood by reading the introductory chapter , to catch Ditto you will not have to go directly to his search, but you will have to look for other Pokémon. Which? I’ll explain it to you right away.
Below is the list of Pokémon that Ditto usually takes on the appearance of in Pokémon GO , so finding the latter you might come across a Ditto.
- Foongus(590 in the Pokédex);
- Numel(322 of the Pokédex);
- Gulpin(316 in the Pokédex);
- Bidoof(399 of the Pokédex);
- Hoppip(187 in the Pokédex);
- Remoraid(223 of the Pokédex);
- Whismur(293 in the Pokédex);
- Paras(46 of the Pokédex);
- Ledyba(165 in the Pokédex);
- Spinarak(167 of the Pokédex);
- Hoothoot(163 in the Pokédex).
If you have no idea how these Pokémon are made, I suggest you take a look at the official Pokédex site and use the search bar at the top left to find them. You can type both the name of the Pokémon you want to search for and its number .
How to find Ditto in Pokémon GO
After explaining to you which Pokémon you should be looking at with the most interest, I would say that you are ready to proceed to the action and search for Ditto within Pokémon GO.
As you may have already guessed, you will have to go in search of the Pokémon that I explained to you in the previous chapter . As you well know, Pokémon appear simply by playing Pokémon GO, moving into the real world or attracting them , for example through the Aroma object .
What I advise you to do, therefore, is to catch the Pokémon that I have listed above every time you see them in Pokémon GO. On the other hand, this is precisely Ditto’s “deception” and an uninformed player could “fall for it” by not trying to catch what appear to be Pokémon already present in his Pokédex.
In short, never miss any Paras , Hoothoot or any other Pokémon on the list I gave you a few moments ago: it could be a disguised Ditto! If you don’t have enough balls to catch, I recommend that you take a look at my tutorial on how to get free Pokéballs on Pokémon GO , so that you won’t have any problems getting them.
For the rest, there is clearly no sure way to find Ditto, as you have to keep looking for it by catching the aforementioned Pokémon. What is certain is that Ditto will reveal its true form only after capture , so it is necessary to use Pokéballs and successfully complete the capture.
To make it easier for you, you could try using items like Lure Module and Aroma , as they are able to attract Pokémon and can therefore save you time. For the rest, keep in mind that once a player finds a Ditto, the Pokémon will reveal itself as such to other users as well. You could therefore think of organizing a “team search”.
Well: at this point you know everything: you can start your “hunt” for Ditto . You choose, depending on your possibilities, whether to do it alone or in company. I just have to wish you a big good luck and wish you a lot of fun again!