
How to find Bibi on Brawl Stars

All your friends play Brawl Stars , the famous Supercell game, and it is on their advice that you too have started spending many hours in the company of this Battle Royale. Despite this, you have not yet been able to find Bibi , a very coveted champion of you. At this point, the explanations can be two: there is something that escapes you about the methods used to obtain this character or bad luck afflicts you. Since you lean towards the first option, you are looking for tips on how to find Bibi on Brawl Stars which is why you came to my site.

How do you say? That’s the way it is and, therefore, would you like my help to reach your goal? If so, don’t worry – that’s what I’m here for! During this tutorial, I will provide you with all the information you need, explaining how to get the sample in question for free or for a fee, also implementing some strategies that serve to speed up the unlocking process.

If, therefore, you are now impatient to learn more, sit down comfortably and take just a few minutes of free time, so as to carefully read the information I am about to give you. At this point, all I have to do is wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to find Bibi for free on Brawl Stars
    • Level up on the trophy path
    • Play Events
    • Play the missions
  • Get Bibi on Brawl Stars for a fee
    • Buy the gems
    • Activate the Brawl Pass

Preliminary information

Before explaining how to find Bibi on Brawl Stars , let me give you some useful preliminary information about it.

First of all, you must know that Bibi is a champion of epic rank , which can only be obtained by opening the brawl chests . Unlike the other champions in the game, therefore, it is more difficult to obtain, as it cannot be unlocked only after obtaining a specific number of trophies in the trophy path .

This does not mean that it is impossible to obtain Bibi, but to achieve this goal for free it is necessary to accumulate numerous hours of play, carrying out all the activities that allow you to get the brawl boxes as a reward, such as the ones I will tell you about in the following chapters of this tutorial.

Clearly, being an epic champion, Bibi has a fairly low drop rate (i.e. the percentage of being able to get it by collecting the rewards of the game), so it is possible to speed up the process by putting your wallet, as I will explain later in this tutorial of mine. It is therefore up to you to decide which path to take, depending on your needs.

How to find Bibi for free on Brawl Stars

Having made the necessary premises, let’s see together how to get Bibi for free by carrying out all the actions in the game that allow you to get the brawl cases (in the face of a considerable number of hours of play, this must be said).

Level up on the trophy path

The first goal you have to pursue, if you want to get the brawl crates and consequently increase the chances of unlocking Bibi , is to level up in the trophy path . It is, in fact, the main objective path of the game which, as a reward following winning games against other players, allows you to obtain numerous prizes, including brawl cases .

At higher level in the path of trophies they accumulate, precisely, the trophies : the attainment of a certain number of trophies, we arrive at the degree next. The rewards, of course, improve with the numerical increase in ranks .

For example, at the time of writing, the first Brawl chest is achieved by reaching 5 trophies but, by progressing in the trophy path, it is possible to get to the huge chest (650 trophies) and the mega chest (5,000 trophies).

Play Events

Leveling up the trophy path to get the Brawl Crates takes hours of gameplay. In this regard, what I advise you to do to optimize and obtain the desired result faster is to keep an eye on the countdown for the reset of the events , in order to play them whenever they are available.

The events of Brawl Stars require the player to face other users in pre-established maps, completing the challenges that are proposed. For example, the Grab-Grab event involves players fighting in a 3 vs 3 map with the goal of reaching as many gems as possible before time runs out.

Playing the events is very important: after the victory you get experience points , tokens and trophies . As mentioned, thanks to the trophies it is possible to progress in the path of the trophies , but the tokens are also very useful, as thanks to these it is possible to obtain further rewards, equally profitable.

The tokens are a reward that allows to progress in the thresholds of the seasons getting brawl crates as the main reward. For example, at the time of this writing, it is possible to get a huge cash already upon reaching threshold 3 .

I’ll tell you about the seasons of Brawl Stars even later, as threshold rewards can be earned faster for a fee.

Play the missions

Another strategy that you absolutely must implement, to get Bibi faster on Brawl Stars, is to play the events following the indications provided by the daily and seasonal missions .

Before an event, check the directions under Missions , the season of Brawl Pass , to check the type of action that you are asked: can usually be asked to win a specific number of matches with a given sample.

For example, if the daily mission requires you to deal 6,000 points of damage with Cue , you can start any of the available events, as long as you use the champion in question. If, on the other hand, you are asked to win three games in Grab it , it means that you must play the event three times in a row.

By completing the quest requests you will get tokens as a reward , which you will need to level up in the season and consequently obtain the rewards provided for by the thresholds .

Get Bibi on Brawl Stars for a fee

Don’t feel like wasting a lot of time and would like to get Bibi on Brawl Stars faster? In this case, you just have to speed up the paid process by purchasing game items with real money . In the next chapters I will tell you about the options available to you to get Bibi for a fee.

Buy the gems

If you have a chance to spend money, one way to get Bibi on Brawl Star quickly is to buy gems from the shop . Gems are the main game currency of Brawl Stars and are used to purchase items such as crates and skins .

The gems you can get for free in a limited way when specific thresholds in the season of Brawl Star but if your intention is to speed up the release of Bibi process, you have to put the purchase of gems packages into account, whose prices start at € 2.29 (30 gems) and go up to € 109.99 (2,000 gems).

After purchasing the gems you can spend them for the purchase of the chests in the shop : a huge chest costs 30 gems (in euros they correspond to € 2.29) while a mega chest costs 80 gems (corresponding to approximately € 5.49).

Alternatively, you can buy, at the cost of 40 gems (minimum cost € 4.58), the doubling tokens , a boost that allows you to double the first 1,000 tokens obtained in battle from that moment on.

You can also use the gems to quickly advance through the season thresholds and thus immediately get the brawl crates provided as a reward.

Activate the Brawl Pass

Finally, another method that you can use to speed up the possibility of getting Bibi on Brawl Stars is to activate the Brawl Pass : this allows you to get more rewards in the progress of the season than those that can be obtained by progressing in the thresholds for free. .

The paid Brawl Pass, in fact, allows you to get a huge cash when you reach the threshold 6 (the reward provided by the same threshold with the Free Pass is only 50 coins).

The paid Brawl Pass is obtained with gems. Its cost is 169 gems (which corresponds to € 10.99 for the purchase of the 170 gem pack). Alternatively, you can buy the 249 gems Brawl Pass (€ 21.99 as the minimum purchase you can make is the 360 gem package ): in the latter case, 7 thresholds and the related rewards will also be automatically blocked. in brawl cases.


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