How to find a village in Minecraft
How to find a village in Minecraft: You are playing Minecraft and since you need some specific resources, you have decided to go to the nearest village to purchase them from NPCs. Although you have found some villages during your adventures, you have not memorized the path to reach them and, now, you are traveling far and wide to find one. This is exactly how things are, am I right? Then you don’t have to worry, because I have all the answers you are looking for.
In today’s guide, in fact, I will show you how to find a village in Minecraft, using some simple solutions, which will help you achieve your goal. First, I will explain how to use the command console to locate the exact coordinates of the village closest to your location and then reach it. Next, I will show you another method, less immediate, but which will guarantee you to reach any village in the world of Minecraft. Finally, if you do not want to take advantage of the methods that I will show you, I will give you some tips, I hope useful, to find a village on your own.
My introduction intrigued you, didn’t it? Then let’s get started immediately! Sit down comfortably and give me a few minutes of your free time, to carefully read the tips I have prepared for you and put them into practice. I’m sure that, by the end of reading this guide, you will have all the information you need to find a village in Minecraft in no time! I just have to wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!
- Find a village via the command console
- Finding a village via seed
- Finding a village by exploration
Find a village via the command console
If you want to find a village in Minecraft, the first advice I can give you is to use the command console: through this panel, in fact, you can type commands in the form of strings, which will allow you to perform operations in the world of Minecraft, including, in fact, those to find and reach the nearest village.
The first thing you have to do, after starting Minecraft, is to activate the command console before creating a new world or to act from the pause menu, in the current game. The procedure is different in the Java Edition and Bedrock Edition versions of the game.
For the Java Edition version, on the main Minecraft screen, click on the Single Player items> Create a new world. Then press the Otherworld options button and click on the Commands item, to display the wording Yes. Then, all you have to do is confirm the procedure by pressing the Done and Create a new world buttons.
If you are using the version of Bedrock Edition, however, the main screen of Minecraft, click on the items Play> Create new> Create new world and, in the card game, moving from OFF to ON the lever located next to the word Enable the tricks in Cheats section.
Using the procedures above, you will create a new game world with the command console active. If, on the other hand, you have already created your world and want to enable this panel, all you have to do is follow the steps indicated below.
In Minecraft Java Edition, press the Esc key on your keyboard and select the items Open in LAN> Commands, so that the wording Yes appears. At this point, confirm the operation by pressing the Start the world in LAN button. In the Bedrock Edition version, pause the game and select the Settings item. In the Game tab, move the toggle next to Enable cheats from OFF to ON.
Now that you have enabled the command console, during the game session in the world of Minecraft, open the chat, using the T key, and type the command string / locate Village. I warn you that in Minecraft Java Edition the commands are case-sensitive, therefore, you will have to type them as I indicate them, respecting lowercase and uppercase. After typing this command, press the Enter key to view the coordinates of the nearest village on the chat.
If you want to reach the village found, all you have to do is type the command/teleport [player nickname] XYZ. You must therefore replace your nickname in place of [player nickname] and indicate the coordinates, which were given to you by the previous command, in place of XYZ . If you want to know more about how to teleport to Minecraft, I suggest you read my guide dedicated to the subject.
Finding a village via seed
The solution I showed you in the previous chapter is definitely the fastest but, if you wish to proceed with another method, you can then take advantage of the seed ( seed ) of the Minecraft world. Don’t know what seed is? It is an integer that can be positive and negative and represents the initial value through which a new world is generated within the game.
In the Bedrock Edition, there are over 4 billion ( 2 32 ) possible generable worlds; in the Java Edition, on the other hand, there are 4 billion times more ( 2 64 ). Starting from this assumption, what you need to do is know this value, to derive the position of all the villages in the world of Minecraft.
To know the seed in the Java Edition version of Minecraft, all you have to do is use the / seed command in the chat, followed by pressing the Enter key on your keyboard. I remind you that you must first enable the command console, in order for the command to be recognized (topic I have already told you about in this chapter ).
In Minecraft Bedrock Edition, however, you do not have to type any command string, as you can view the seed in the appropriate settings panel. All you have to do is pause the game and select the Settings item: in the Game tab, you will find the value you are looking for in the Seed item.
Now that you have the Minecraft seed, you have to use one of the many online tools that allow you to analyze this value, to obtain the coordinates relating to specific topics. One of the most used is Chunkbase, which allows you to view the map relating to the seed inserted and to show the position of dungeons, fortresses, mansions or villages, just to give you some examples.
What you need to do is reach the main page of the site and select the Village item, among those indicated on the page, in the Chunk Finders section. At this point, in the Seed field, type the seed you obtained through the procedures I explained to you in the previous paragraphs and press the Find villages button: by doing so, you will be shown a grid that represents the entire world of Minecraft, with some markers that mark the position of the villages.
By placing the mouse on one of these markers, you will be shown the coordinates in the lower-left corner, below the grid itself. Now all you have to do is reach the indicated place, using the coordinates that have been provided to you, perhaps helping you with the command/teleport, as I explained to you in the previous chapter (and in this other guide of mine dedicated to the subject).
Finding a village by exploration
If you don’t want to use any “trick” to find a village in Minecraft, you can proceed by exploring the game world, until you come across one of them. Obviously, this procedure is very slow and you can risk running around for hours before reaching an appreciable result… if you are lucky, due to the fact that the game world is immense.
If you want to try your hand at this venture on your own, without using the tools I told you about in the previous chapters of the guide, then let me give you some tips to help you achieve your goal.
First of all you need to know that, although the villages are generated completely randomly (based on the seed), they are found only in some specific biomes. You can, in fact, find villages in the plains, in the savannah, in the taiga, in the tundra or in the desert. If you were to find yourself in other biomes than those indicated, such as in the jungle, you will surely not come across any village.
You can easily recognize a village by the presence of some houses and NPCs (non-player characters) that are around. I warn you that, although with a very low percentage (about 2%), a village can only be occupied by zombies who will attack you on sight. Before entering a village, make sure the NPCs you see are not enemies.