
How to edit a QR code

QR codes are now very popular. Not everyone knows, however, that there are mainly two categories of QR: static and dynamic ones . The difference is not visible at a glance, since the appearance – except for particular customizations applied by the user – is almost the same. What changes is the method with which the data associated with the code are encoded: static QRs contain information that cannot be changed over time (as it is incorporated into the code itself).

The data contained in dynamic QR codes, on the other hand, may be subject to variations, as the code contains an external web address. This type of code is ideal for sharing information such as contacts, menus, social pages and the like, precisely because the data incorporated in them can be easily modified directly in the service they “point to”.

Having made this necessary premise, in this guide I will explain how to modify a dynamic QR code , whose data can be changed at any time (without, however, altering the image relating to the code in any way); finally, I will provide you with some information regarding the modification of the QR code relating to the Green Certification (Green Pass) , useful if your health status in relation to the COVID-19 disease should change. Enjoy the reading.


  • How to edit an existing QR code
    • From PC
    • From smartphones and tablets
  • How to change a QR code: Green Pass

How to edit an existing QR code

Having made the necessary clarifications, the time has come to explain how to create a dynamic QR code, whose corresponding information can be changed at any time, without having to change the code itself.

From PC

One of the best services that allow you to obtain this result from a computer is The QR Code Generator : it is an application that must be installed directly in the Google Chrome browser , which allows you to create an unlimited number of dynamic QR codes and to view , for each code, the scan statistics.

The service, to which you must subscribe via Google account , Microsoft account or email address, can be tried for free for 15 days, after which you must subscribe to a paid plan with prices starting from € 5.59 / month billed annually or 6, 55 € / month billed monthly.

Please note that The QR Code Generator can also be used completely free of charge and without registration, but only to generate static QR codes (which, once created, can no longer be modified).

If you don’t have Chrome yet, refer to this tutorial for directions on how to install it on your computer; if you have a Chromebook, however, you won’t need to install anything, as the Chrome OS operating system is natively compatible with the “Big G” browser applications.

Having said that, let’s see together how to proceed: first start Google Chrome and visit this website, to open the section of the Chrome Web Store dedicated to The QR Code Generator; then install the application by clicking on the Add and Add app buttons and wait for the automatic opening of the “launcher” for Chrome applications; if necessary, you can also access the latter by clicking on the Apps button on the left of the browser’s Favorites Bar (the grid symbol ) or by typing the address chrome://appsin the navigation bar of the program.

Once you have reached the Chrome app drawer, click on The QR Code Generator icon and select the Login to item to create dynamic QR codes visible at the top left. Now, click on the button relating to the registration method you intend to use ( Google account, Microsoft account or email address ) and follow the instructions that are provided to you to log in to the profile and authorize the application to use the data, or to immediately create a new dedicated account.

Once logged in, you are ready to use the application. First, click on the New dynamic QR code button and use the tabs visible on the screen to indicate the category of QR code you want to create: URL , free text , Contact , App , Telephone or SMS .

Having made your choice, fill in the next form with the required information (which varies according to the type of QR code you are about to create) and assign a name to the QR code you are about to create, by clicking on the predefined one visible at the top (usually it ‘s My Awesome Code ) and typing the name you want. To change the size of the QR code, or to hide or show the white margin, click on the ⋮ button, visible at the top.

At the end of the work, make sure that in the upper right corner of the page there is the cloud symbol with a check mark (a sign that the information has been correctly saved in the cloud) and, to download the code created, click on the button a down arrow shape , also visible at the top of the page.

To manage dynamic QR codes and possibly modify them, click on the My QR codes item located in the left sidebar of the page and then on the Edit item , corresponding to the name of the QR code to be changed. Still from the same page, you can view the number of scans performed on each QR code and the related statistics , delete one or more QR codes or create new ones.

Note : if you don’t have Chrome or you want to avoid installing applications in your browser, you can also use the service from the Web, in an almost identical way, by connecting to this page.

From smartphones and tablets

The service I mentioned earlier is fully usable also from smartphones and tablets: all you have to do is connect to this website using any app for smartphones and tablets; when the page opens, tap the ☰ button located at the top left and tap the entry Access to create dynamic QR codes , located in the panel that opens.

For the rest, the operation is quite similar to that seen in the previous section, except for the position of some buttons: to access the main menu of The QR Code Generator containing the access and management functions of QR codes, for example, you must first touch the button is located in the upper left corner of the website.

How to change a QR code: Green Pass

As you certainly know, the Green Pass is a document issued following the completion of the vaccination cycle against the COVID-19 disease, the recovery from the same or the negative outcome of an antigenic or molecular swab for the search for the pathogen related to the same infection.

Depending on your health status, the Green Pass may be suspended or lose its validity: for example, the document issued following vaccination is suspended in the event of a positive result, while the Green Pass issued following a swab “expires” after 48 hours from the sampling for the antigen test, or after 72 hours from the execution of the molecular test.

Therefore, if your Green Pass is no longer valid and you need to modify it, you must first obtain the identification code relating to the event that generates the new certification: AUTHCODE (you receive, via email or SMS, following the administration of a new vaccine dose), CUN (printed on the result of the molecular swab), NFRE (printed on the result of the antigenic swab) or NUCG (printed on the report issued by the ASL / ATS following the attested recovery from the disease).

Once you have obtained the code, you can download the new Green Pass from the DGC website or through the Immuni app, using the code in your possession and your health card ; if you have not received any identification code or have lost the swab report, you can request it via the Web (I explained how to do it in my guide on how to receive the AUTHCODE ), download the Green Pass via the IO app or, again, use the Regional Health Record or the DGC website by logging in via CIE (Electronic Identity Card), SPID identity or TS-CNS(health card with functions of the National Service Card). To find out more, I refer you to reading my guides on how to apply for the Green Pass and how to download the Green Pass without SPID , in which I have explained everything to you in great detail.

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