
How to download Minecraft Premium

After hearing about it so insistently from your friends, would you like to buy Minecraft but you don’t know how to do it? Have you downloaded the free Minecraft demo, enjoyed it very much and now would you like a hand to download Minecraft Premium? You have come to the right place at the right time.

In today’s guide, we will find out how to buy the full version of Minecraft, called Minecraft Premium, and how to install it on your PC. We will also deal with the mobile version of the game and we will see together how to install it on the tablets and smartphones of the major brands. In short, any doubts you have regarding the purchase and/or download of Minecraft Premium I will try to help you solve it.

All I ask you is to check the hardware (and software) requirements of your computer and make sure it is capable of running Minecraft. There should be no problems as the game is very “light”, it does not require a very powerful PC to work, in any case, it is better to be careful and check that everything is “in order” before proceeding with the purchase. For the rest … what to say? Time five minutes – maybe even less – and you’ll be able to tackle your first Minecraft premium game, I assure you. Find everything explained below. Enjoy your reading and have fun!

Minimum requirements

Before purchasing and downloading Minecraft Premium, please check that your PC meets the hardware and software requirements necessary for the game to function properly.

  • Operating system: Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.
  • Software:
  • Processor: Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 (K8) at 2.6 GHz.
  • RAM:
  • Integrated GPU: Intel HD Graphics or ATI Radeon HD Graphics with OpenGL 2.1 support.
  • Dedicated GPU: Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT or AMD Radeon HD 2400 with OpenGL 3.1 support.
  • Free space on hard disk:

If your computer meets the minimum requirements to run Minecraft but you have not yet installed Java, solve the problem immediately by connecting to the software website and clicking first on the Free Java Download button and then on Accept and start the free download.

When the download is complete, open the jre-xx-windows-x64.exe file you just downloaded on your PC and click first on Yes and then on Install and Close. If during the setup you are asked to download promotional content, such as the Yahoo! toolbar, refuse by removing the check from the appropriate item.

If you are using a Mac, to install Java you have to open the dmg package downloaded from the software site and start the Java 8 Update xx executable that is inside. Then click on the Open button, type the password of your user account on OS X (the one you use to access the system) and complete the setup by pressing first on Install assistant and then on Next and Close.

How to download Minecraft Premium on PC

To purchase Minecraft, you need to create an account on the game’s website. After connecting to the latter, then fill out the form that is proposed to you by typing your email address, your date of birth and the password you intend to use to access the game. Then click on the Create account button and you will receive an email with a verification code to type in the page that opens.

After verifying your identity with the code received via email, proceed with the purchase of Minecraft Premium at a cost of 19.95 euros. You can pay by credit card or PayPal. Then, click on the link to download the game and wait a few seconds for the download to finish.

Have you already created an account on the Minecraft website but haven’t downloaded the game yet? No problem. Connect to this web page and click on the Minecraft.msi item if you are using a Windows PC or on the Minecraft.dmg item if you are using a Mac.

When the download is complete, open the MinecraftInstaller.msi file you just downloaded on your PC and complete the game installation process by clicking first on the Yes button and then on Next (twice in a row), Install and Finish.

On Mac, the procedure to follow is even simpler. All you have to do is open the dmg package that contains the game and drag the Minecraft icon to the Applications folder of OS X.

When the installation is complete, start Minecraft, enter the account details you created earlier and click the Play button. If the fields to enter the username and password do not appear in the game’s initial menu, but only the one for the username, click on the Options button and put the checkmark next to the Premium mode item to authenticate with your Premium account.

Then click on the Play button, wait for all the files necessary for the game to work and get ready to enter the fantastic world of Minecraft Premium. If you need help getting started in the game world, read my tutorials on how to play Minecraft, how to play multiplayer on Minecraft and how to build a house inside the video game.

How to download Minecraft Premium on smartphones and tablets

Minecraft Premium is also available on smartphones and tablets. To be precise, it is compatible with Android terminals (where it costs € 6.99), with iPhone and iPad (where it is always available at a price of € 6.99) and on Windows Phone (where it costs € 6.89).

To download it, all you have to do is open the store of your smartphone, search for Minecraft Pocket Edition within the latter and press first on the icon of the game and then on the button with the price. If you encounter any difficulties during the procedure, try to consult my guide on how to download Minecraft Pocket Edition, there you will find everything explained in more detail.

How to download Minecraft Premium on console

Finally, I would like to point out that you can download Minecraft Premium even on the most popular video game consoles. Again, to proceed with the purchase all you have to do is access the device store, search for Minecraft and complete the transaction directly from the console. For completeness of information, here are the links and prices of Minecraft for PlayStation, Xbox and Wii U.

  • PS3- 18.99 euros.
  • PS4- 18.99 euros.
  • PSVita- 18.99 euros.
  • Xbox 360- 18.99 euros.
  • Xbox One- 18.99 euros.
  • Wii U- 29.99 euros.


Source: aranzulla by

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