
How to disable game activity in Discord

The Discord messenger is not least designed for gamers and has special features for this layer of users. One of them is the display in the status of a running game. Thanks to this, you can see which of your friends or group members is currently playing what. This also works in reverse – other users by default see which game and what time you have running. If you want to disable the display of game activity, choose one of the two following methods.

Method 1: Turn on “Invisible”

“Invisible” is a special status in Discord that allows you not to appear on the network, but at the same time use all the available functions of this messenger. Of course, in this case, other users will not see your game activity. Use this option if you want to disable the display of games only for a certain amount of time, and then return the settings back to default.

  1. Click on the icon with your avatar at the bottom to bring up the menu for managing user statuses.
  2. Look for “Invisible”in the list . If you do not know how this function works, read its description, although I have already told you everything you need above.
  3. Upon activation, you will be moved to Offline status ,but you can still send messages, connect to broadcasts, and perform your usual activities. You can play any game and not worry that it will be displayed in the game activity status.

After you play and want to show up online again, call the same user status management menu and move the current status to the desired position.

Method 2: Manage user settings

Now let’s go directly to the account settings. Yes, it’s inconvenient to go to them all the time when you need to disable tracking of game activity. Therefore, most often, users disable the setting only once and simply forget about it. However, you yourself can decide when to enable game activity, and when not to display this status.

  1. To do this, on the right side of the control panel, press the button in the form of a gear.
  2. A user settings window will open, where in the panel on the left you will need to select the item “Activity Status”.
  3. Disable the corresponding option by changing the state of the switch. Now the games will not be displayed in your status, you don’t have to worry about it.
  4. By the way, below is a list with all the added games (which you played while running Discord). For each of them, you can disable the overlay, if this is also implied when changing the settings.
  5. To manage the general overlay, go to the “Game Overlay” sectionand disable this feature. This is useful in situations where you generally don’t need any additional options from Discord while playing games.

As I said above, nothing prevents you from returning to the mentioned menu at any time and activating the game status, but for permanent switching it is still better to simply switch to invisible mode or close Discord (and not just minimize to tray) during the game.

If we are talking about a mobile messenger application, things are exactly the same there, but this is only required in isolated cases, since there is no game overlay there and games are most often simply not captured to be displayed in the status. Therefore, we will not dwell on this in detail within the framework of this article. The information provided should be sufficient to complete the task.


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