
How to delete Other on Android

Some time ago you bought an Android smartphone paying little attention to the amount of memory it had. Over time, however, you have realized how much the internal memory of your device is really small, so you often find yourself having to free it in order to update apps or install new ones.

When you go to the information regarding the memory status, however, you have noticed that a sort of “Other” folder is shown inside the memory of your device, which often also occupies several gigabytes of memory. Not knowing what it is, you would like to figure out how to delete more on Android , so that you can reclaim some additional space.

I have good news for you: in the course of this tutorial I will tell you about this “Other” folder on your device and how to get rid of it in order to recover some space inside the internal memory. Find everything explained below. Enjoy the reading!


  • How to view Other folder on Android
  • How to delete “Other” on Android
    • How to delete Other on Android: Xiaomi
    • How to delete Other on Android: Samsung
    • How to delete Other on Android: HUAWEI
    • How to delete Other on Android: PC

How to view Other folder on Android

Before starting with the actual tutorial, I want to talk to you about what is mistakenly defined as the “Other” folder within the Android operating system. You have probably noticed that in the report on the space occupied in the internal memory of your device there is often a sort of “Other” category, along with those relating to Images, Videos and Apps.

You must know, however, that this is not a real folder within your device, but rather a sort of grouping that the operating system implements to indicate the space occupied by files other than images, videos or apps, present at the inside of your Android device. Usually these are files from instant messaging applications, such as WhatsApp and Telegram , or those of video and audio streaming, such as Netflix and Spotify .

Having said that, now I first show you how to view the Other folder on Android , so that you can also have a rough idea of ​​how much space it takes up inside your device and evaluate if a good “cleaning” is needed.

Take, therefore, your Android smartphone and open the Settings app , usually recognizable by the icon of a gear , tap on the Device and battery assistance item and then on the Storage memory item . In this section you will be shown in detail the percentage occupied by the internal memory of the device, with a fairly detailed report that also shows you the types of files that occupy the memory.

In the report, along with categories such as Images , Videos , Audio and Documents , you will also find a category Other . Next to each single item you will also find an indication of how much memory it occupies in the internal memory: if the “Other” category takes up too much space in the memory for you, it’s time to do a good “cleaning” . Let’s see how.

How to delete “Other” on Android

As I mentioned in the previous chapter , the indication “Other” is not a real folder, so there is no universal method to be able to delete it and free up space on the device’s internal memory.

I know what you are thinking now: how to delete “Other” on Android ? In this case it will be necessary to operate manually through the File Management app on your device, going to “find” all the data that occupy space unnecessarily. Once identified, you can decide whether to remove them, move them to the microSD (if present) or perhaps directly to some cloud storage service .

Now comes the hardest part, which is to locate these files that are occupying your internal memory. My advice is to initially focus on the Downloads and Pictures folders .

First of all enter the Downloads folder and take a look at the files inside it: usually here you will find all the files you have downloaded via a browser or cloud services app, such as Google Drive. My advice is to examine every file present and evaluate whether or not it is appropriate to remove it, for example, if you have downloaded the apk package of some app that you then installed, you can remove it and save space.

If, on the other hand, you have a lot of documents inside that are important to you, you can consider moving them to a microSD or uploading them to some cloud storage service . In the latter case, however, remember to delete the file once uploaded to the cloud, in order to recover some space in the internal memory of the device.

The same reasoning also applies to the Pictures folder , where you will find different folders containing all the images from the various apps installed and the screenshots you made. Then open each single folder, such as the Screenshots folder, and consider whether to move the internal content to a microSD or to a cloud storage service. Once you have made a backup, always remember to delete the contents of the entire folder .

Finally, it is useful to mention apps like WhatsApp , Telegram , Spotify and Netflix . You probably don’t know, but these apps really store a lot of files in the internal memory of the device and for this reason it would be useful to do a good cleaning every now and then. In the case of apps like WhatsApp and Telegram it will be enough to clean the cache , which will then remove all the files that the apps download automatically, such as images, files and audio, often coming from groups you never use.

In the case of WhatsApp you can take a look at my tutorial on how to clean WhatsApp , while in the case of Telegram , just open the app, tap the menu button at the top left and from the side menu tap on the Settings item . Among the different items present, tap on Data and archive and then on Archive use : here all you have to do is tap on the item Empty the Telegram cache and then on the Empty cache button to confirm the operation.

After seeing the messaging apps, you need to focus on streaming apps like Spotify and Netflix . If you have ever had to save your favorite songs or an entire season of your favorite series locally, it is likely that a good part of the internal memory of your device is occupied by these files, which are generally very “heavy. ”(Especially the videos), so my advice is to remove them.

As for Spotify , you can take a look at my tutorial on how to download songs from Spotify , where I also show you in detail the download removal procedure, while in the case of Netflix , you can take a look at my tutorial dedicated to argument .

How to delete Other on Android: Xiaomi

You are a guy who uses his Xiaomi smartphone in a really intended way , but unfortunately you have almost filled the internal memory of the device and, thanks to the checks I explained to you in the previous chapter, you noticed that the “folder” called Other really takes up a lot of memory.

You don’t want to change your smartphone due to this problem, so you are wondering how to delete Other on Android from your Xiaomi smartphone . Well then, in this case I would say not to waste any more time and immediately start seeing how to free more on Android .

In this case you just need to use the File Management app , present “standard” on all smartphones of the brand. Open, therefore, the app in question and tap on the icon of a folder at the top, which will make you enter the internal memory : in this section you will find all the folders inside your smartphone, but my advice is to focus on the Downloads and Pictures folders .

All you have to do is enter every single folder and check its contents, perhaps deleting quite heavy files that you do not need or moving them to the microSD (if there is one) or directly to some cloud service, such as Google Drive , OneDrive or Dropbox . How do you say? Don’t have a microSD but would like to buy one? No problem, in this case I recommend you take a look at my tutorial on which microSD to buy .

Once you have found a fairly heavy file that takes up unnecessary space on your device, all you have to do is hold down on it and, from the bar that appears at the bottom, press the Move button , if you want to move the file to microSD; on Delete , if you want to permanently delete it, or on Share , if you want to upload it directly to some cloud storage service (eg Google Drive , OneDrive or Dropbox ). Always remember to delete the file once it has been moved to microSD or the cloud.

Also remember to take a look at the memory occupied by messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram or video streaming, as I illustrated in the previous paragraph .

How to delete Other on Android: Samsung

Your Samsung smartphone has almost full memory and you have noticed that the Other category takes up a lot of memory space, so you would like to understand how to delete Other on Android , precisely on your Samsung smartphone.

In this case, my advice is to use the Archive app , present by default on all the brand’s smartphones. Open the app in question and tap on the Internal memory item : in this section you will find all the folders inside your smartphone, but my advice is to focus on the Downloads and Pictures folders .

All you have to do is go into every single folder and check its contents. Once you have identified a file that is useless for you, you can decide whether to permanently delete it, move it to the microSD (if it is present) or directly to some cloud service, such as Google Drive . To do this, press and hold on the file you want to act on and tap the Move button if you want to move the file to microSD, Delete if you want to delete it or on Share if you want to upload it directly to a cloud service.

Finally, from the main screen of the Archive app, tap on the three dots at the top right and tap on the Trash item : tap on the Empty button at the top right to permanently free up the device memory.

Furthermore, if you also use messaging apps a lot, such as WhatsApp and Telegram , or streaming apps, such as Netflix and Spotify , I recommend that you also free the cache of these apps to recover additional space, as I illustrated in the previous chapter .

How to delete Other on Android: HUAWEI

You have owned a HUAWEI smartphone for some time now and you live with the notification of internal memory full. Unfortunately, even moving all the photos to the microSD did not solve the problem, so you really can’t figure out how to solve it.

Searching the net you have heard about this “Other” folder , which could cause the memory full problem of your HUAWEI smartphone. As I have already told you before, it is not a real folder, but rather the sum of several files present in the internal memory of your device. Don’t worry though, because below I will give you some very useful information to be able to find and delete these files, if you do not need them, or simply move them to a microSD and free up space on the internal memory.

In order to find the files to be deleted from your HUAWEI smartphone you can use the File Management app , present by default on all smartphones of the brand. Open the app in question and from the main screen tap on the Phone item : on the next screen you will find a list with all the folders on your device, but you will have to focus only on some of them.

Search for all the files you no longer need in the Downloads and Pictures folders . After identifying a file that takes up space unnecessarily, make a long tap on it and from the bar that appears at the bottom tap on the Move button if you want to move the file to microSD, Delete if you want to delete it or on Share if you want to upload it directly to some service of cloud storage . Remember that once you have saved a file on the cloud, you will have to delete it from the internal memory in order to recover space.

Finally, from the main screen of the File Manager app, tap on the Recently deleted item : tap on the button with a trash can icon at the top left to permanently free up the device memory.

How do you say? Did you remember downloading the entire season of your favorite series? No problem, you can easily remove all the files and free up space, but I also recommend that you also take a look at messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram : you will find all the necessary information in the previous chapter .

How to delete Other on Android: PC

You want to permanently get rid of all those gigabytes occupied by the “Other” folder on Android, but you’d rather do it directly from your PC , right? No problem: you can act on the files in the internal memory of Android from both Windows PC and Mac.

If you don’t know how to transfer files from Android smartphone to PC, you can take a look at my tutorial on how to transfer files from Android to PC , while if you have difficulty on Mac you can take a look at my tutorial on the subject .

Once the smartphone is connected to the PC, lower the notification curtain and select the USB connection mode by setting it to MTP : in a few seconds the internal memory of your smartphone will open on your PC, with all the folders inside it.

Now you are wondering how to delete Other on Android from PC , right? To free up the memory, all you have to do is follow the same instructions I gave you in the previous chapters , since the folders you will have to examine are the same. Once you have identified the files that are unnecessarily taking up space in the memory of your device, all you have to do is delete them, or move them to a folder on your PC.

If you have downloaded content from streaming apps like Netflix , Spotify etc., my advice is always to proceed directly from the app to avoid deleting important files.

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