
How to delete a Roblox account

After hearing about it from all your friends, you too have succumbed to the temptation to create an account on Roblox , the famous gaming platform that collects over 15 million user-generated titles, both free and paid. Over the weeks, however, the latter has not conquered you at all and you have decided to retrace your steps. You would therefore like to understand how to permanently delete your account, but you have not yet been able to find clear explanations on what to do.

If things are as I have just described them and, therefore, you would like to know how to delete a Roblox account , let me provide you with all the necessary information to succeed in your intent. In the next paragraphs of this guide, in fact, you will find the detailed procedure for requesting the cancellation of an account directly to the service staff. First, however, it will be my job to explain to you what deleting an account entails and what alternative solutions are available to you.

If that’s what you wanted to know, let’s not waste any more precious time and get to the heart of this tutorial. Make yourself comfortable, take all the time you see fit and dedicate yourself to reading the next paragraphs. By doing so, I am sure you will be able to request deletion of your account and put an end to your Roblox experience. Happy reading and good luck for everything!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to cancel a Roblox account
  • How to deactivate a Roblox account

Preliminary information

Before we get to the heart of this tutorial and explain how to delete a Roblox account , let me give you some preliminary information in this regard.

First of all, you must know that on Roblox there is no function to cancel your account independently, neither by connecting to the official website of the famous gaming platform nor by using the app for Android devices (also available on alternative stores , for devices without services. Google) and iOS / iPadOS . The only solution to permanently delete your game account is to send a request for the right to delete privacy to the service staff.

Upon receipt of the communication, a procedure to verify your identity will be initiated and you will have to prove that you are the owner of the account in question, following the instructions provided by email. Once the verification procedure is complete, all data associated with the account you intend to delete will be permanently deleted (except for those that Roblox must keep by law) and you will no longer be able to access the account in question. Also, you should know that, in case of second thoughts, it is not possible to recover a canceled account .

If you are still not completely convinced to delete your Roblox account, you can simply stop using it and possibly decide to make it inactive , stopping any active subscriptions, deactivating notifications and disabling contact options from other users. Should you choose to use your account again in the future, you will be able to log into Roblox at any time and pick up where you left off. Having clarified this, let’s see how to proceed.

How to cancel a Roblox account

As mentioned in the opening lines of this guide, all you need to do to cancel a Roblox account is to send a request for the right to cancel privacy to the platform staff using the appropriate contact form available in the Roblox Support section .

To proceed from a computer , start the browser you usually use to surf the Internet (eg. Chrome , Edge , Firefox or Safari ), connected to the Roblox main page and, if you have not already done so, log in to your account: click, then , on the Login button , enter your credentials in the Username / Email / Tel and Password fields and press the Login button again .

Now, click on the gear wheel icon , at the top right, select the Settings option from the menu that opens and, in the new screen that appears, make sure you have verified the email address associated with your account: required operation to send a request for deletion of their data.

If you see the item Verification pending related to your email address, click on the Verify option , access your inbox, locate the email sent by Roblox and press the Verify email button contained within it, in order to verify your email.

Once this is done, connected to the Roblox support site , enter your details in the Name , Email address and Confirm email address fields and specify the username associated with the account you intend to delete by entering it in the Username field .

Now, in the Details section of the problem , indicate the device on which you usually play Roblox using the appropriate drop-down menu and select the options Help and Help – Other in the drop-down menus visible near the Help category type item .

At this point, in the Problem description field , enter your message explicitly requesting the deletion of all your personal data in accordance with applicable law. Also, specify your username and the email address associated with it again, explaining that you have already verified it (in order to speed up the time). Finally, click on the Send button to send the request to delete your data and to close your account.

If you prefer to proceed from a smartphone or tablet , you must know that the procedure is almost identical to what I have just indicated to request the cancellation of your account from your computer. After starting the Roblox app and logging into your account, tap on the three dots icon located at the bottom right, select the Settings and Account Info options and make sure you have verified your email address.

Once this is done, press the three dots icon again , tap the Help item , choose the Contact us option and, in the new screen displayed, press the Support form item . At this point, in the Contact Us section , enter all the required data in the appropriate fields, enter your request for deletion of data and your account in the Description of the problem field , as I indicated above and press the Send button , to send the message.

Regardless of the device used to contact Roblox staff, you will receive a reply email (within 48 hours) to the email address indicated above with all the information necessary to verify your identity.

At this point, all you have to do is reply to the email in question confirming that you accept the requirements necessary to proceed with the cancellation (i.e. be at least 13 years of age and reside in a country where it is possible to request the cancellation of personal information) and that you have provided all the requested information (Roblox username and verified email address).

Once this is done, your request will be further examined for processing and the Roblox staff will promptly provide other details to further verify your identity (you may need to attach a copy of your ID): after following all the information you receive by email and having provided the requested data, your account and all associated data will be permanently deleted.

How to deactivate a Roblox account

If you have decided to deactivate your Roblox account so that you can use it again in case of second thoughts, you should know that there is no specific function available to do so. However, by stopping the renewal of any active subscriptions and disabling Roblox notifications, you can make it inactive.

To deactivate a Roblox Premium subscription from a computer , connected to the Roblox main page and click on the Login button , to access your account. Once this is done, press the gear wheel icon at the top right, select the Settings option and, in the new screen displayed, click on the Billing item located in the left sidebar.

At this point, press the Cancel button visible near the Subscription status item and follow the instructions shown on the screen, to disable the automatic renewal of Roblox Premium. In this screen you can also view the Roblox credit at your disposal: you must know, however, that it is not possible to transfer or recover the available Robuxes which, consequently, will remain unused (they will still be available if you decide to go back to using Roblox).

To disable Roblox notifications, instead, access the My settings section of your account again and select the Notifications item in the left sidebar. In the new screen that appears, remove the check mark from all the options available in the Notification Stream section and also move the lever for the Push item on the desktop from ON to OFF , to disable push notifications on your browser.

To make your account completely inactive, I also recommend that you disable the contact options, so that no user can message you privately or via chat. To do this, select the Privacy item (also available in the My settings section ) and, via the Contact settings drop-down menu , select the Disabled option .

Furthermore, if you wish, you can also remove your phone number from your Roblox account. In this case, go to the Account Info section , press the pencil icon related to your phone number and select the Remove phone number option . Finally, click on the gear wheel icon at the top right and select the Disconnect option to log out of your Roblox account.

How do you say? Do you prefer to make your account inactive from smartphone or tablet ? In this case, launch the Roblox app, press the three dots icon at the bottom right and select the Settings option .

In the new screen displayed, access the section of your interest: Account info to remove your mobile number and possibly hide your social profiles; Privacy to disable contact settings and prevent other users from contacting you via private message or chat and Notifications to disable Roblox notifications.

By accessing the Billing section, you can view the Roblox credit available to you (which cannot be recovered or transferred) but you cannot deactivate any active Roblox Premium subscription.

To do this from an Android device , start the Play Store by tapping its icon (the colored ▶ ︎ symbol), press the ☰ button at the top left and select the Subscriptions option from the menu that opens. Now, tap the Roblox Premium item , press the Cancel subscription option and, after indicating the reason for the deactivation, tap the Continue and Cancel subscription buttons . For the detailed procedure, I leave you to my guide on how to cancel subscriptions on Google Play .

If, on the other hand, you have activated a Roblox Premium subscription on iPhone / iPad , go to the Settings menu (the gear icon located on the Home Screen), select your name , then the Subscriptions item . At this point, in the Activations section , press on the Roblox Premium option and tap the Cancel subscription and Confirm buttons , to disable the automatic renewal of the subscription in question. For the detailed procedure, I leave you to my guide on how to cancel a subscription on iPhone .

Now, start the Roblox app again, tap on the three dots icon and, in the new screen displayed, press the Disconnect button twice in a row, to log out of your account. Finally, if you deem it appropriate, you can also uninstall the app in question from your device: in this regard, my guides to uninstall apps on Android and iPhone may be useful .


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