How to

How to create a Responsive Web Design to have a good SEO?

Modern society has moved from a computing environment to a mobile platform that dominates the majority of the online industry. How to have a good responsive web design for a good SEO?

It’s only been a year since Google announced they are moving towards more mobile-centric indexing, and the SEO landscape has never been the same.

That ad just required the incorporation of a responsive web design into the mobile SEO website because having a responsive web design affects your SEO through positive signals of user behavior.

That specific announcement suggested that many things would change for us. One potential change that caught my eye is that SEO shouldn’t just focus on their websites, but their mobile version as well.

This means a lot more work for SEO professionals. Incorporating a responsive web design to your website takes a lot of time, effort and energy, but it will be worth it.

How to have a good responsive web design for good SEO?

When it comes to SEO, many people may think about keyword selection, page relevance, link building and development.

Few of us think website design can influence search rankings. In fact, there are many factors that can affect your website’s search rankings.

Among which the design of your site has often been overlooked. In this article, we will analyze how website design can affect our sites in search engines.

SEO friendly navigation is essential

Website navigation is like a map, SEO-friendly navigation plays a very important role in your SEO activities.

You should design such a map that can make your website pages easy to track, index and display in the SERPs of major search engines like Google, Bing, etc.

You shouldn’t use any technology that will harm SEO-friendly navigation, such as the very popular Flash menu intro or menu, or JavaScript navigations.

These technologies can create great dynamic effects, they look good with our eyes, but search spiders don’t recognize them.

Complications that tend to present with Web SEO

Managing a website can be challenging and simple. It is a challenge in the sense that we need the help of professionals and experts to achieve optimal results.

It’s also simple, since we don’t really need to do physical marketing or do it ourselveswe can always pay people to do it for us.

What may ultimately be cheaper than real marketing? But as administrators or owners, we should also be involved in the essential aspects of web design.

Hopefully, the two elements we mentioned can help you get started with your new website or help you restructure your current site so that it’s not only easy to use and promote your brand, but SEO is optimal.

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