
How to Convert FB2 to EPUB – 5 Ways

When using various e-book formats, there are situations where the user needs to convert FB2 to EPUB in order to get a different file type. As a result, he will have an electronic document of the required format.

Due to the fact that there is no single format for the digital publishing of e-books, users are faced with a large number of different formats. Some of these formats are universal, while others have been designed to be viewed on devices from specific manufacturers.

The FB2 (Fiction Book) format is distributed mainly only in Runet. It was designed specifically for fiction. The format has the extension “*.fb2”. E-books of this are distributed as a file or in a ZIP archive (*

EPUB (Electronic Publishing) is an internationally accepted format for e-books. In this format, along with the text content of the book, illustrations, infographics, and layout are well preserved. The ePUB format has the filename extension “*.epub”.

These formats have some similarities, and the user may need to convert FB2 to ePUB for various reasons. For example, some readers (devices for reading electronic books) do not support the FB2 format. Apple devices running on iOS: iPhone and iPad use the ePUB format.

To convert between file formats, an FB2 to ePUB converter is required. You can perform this task using the FB2 to EPUB conversion service online or using a program on your computer.

In the first case, all the work of converting between files takes place on the Internet service using a web application that has the conversion function (FB2 to ePUB online converter). The processing of files will not use computer resources, but you must have a permanent Internet connection to access the website.

With the second method, the conversion is performed by specialized software using the appropriate tool (FB2 to ePUB converter). Local file conversion uses PC resources but does not require network access.

In this article, we will look at both methods: converting between file formats in a program or on an online service. From the instructions, you will learn how to change the FB2 format to EPUB in several ways.


Caliber is a free application for creating and managing a library, cataloging, viewing books or converting them to other formats. This software runs on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.

The program supports a large number of electronic document formats: EPUB, FB2, PDF, TXT, DOCX, DOC, RTF, ODT, HTML, CHM, DjVu, AZW, MOBI and so on.

Do the following in Caliber:

  1. Click the Add Books button to open a book from your computer.
  2. Select a book in the program window.
  3. Click the “Convert Books” button.
  4. In the “Convert” window, the import format is indicated on the left – FB2, and on the right you need to select the output format – EPUB.


  1. Click on the “OK” button.
  2. After processing is completed, on the right side of the program window, right-click on the name of the EPUB format.


By default, Caliber saves all files in its library, which is located in the program folder. Therefore, we need to save the converted file in a place convenient for us.

  1. Select “Save EPUB format to disk” from the context menu.


  1. Choose a suitable location on your PC disk.

Hamster eBook Converter

Hamster Free Book Converter is a free program that functions as an e-book converter. This simple application will allow you to quickly translate a book into the appropriate format.

Hamster eBook Converter has built-in device-specific conversion settings and supports popular formats for direct conversion. You can use batch conversion of eBooks.

In Hamster Free eBook Converter you need to do the following:

  1. In the program window, click on the “Add Files” button.
  2. Select a book in FB format on your computer
  3. Click on the “Next” button.
  4. In the window that opens, you are prompted to select the options “Device” or “Formats and platforms”.
  5. In the “Formats and Platforms” section, select “ePUB” and then click on the “Convert” button.


  1. Specify a location to save the finished file.

Soft4Boost Document Converter

Soft4Boost Document Converter is a free application for converting between electronic document formats. The program supports the conversion of FB2 to EPUB, including in batch mode.

Go through the steps:

  1. In the open window of the program, click on the “Add Files” button.
  2. Add an e-book to the app.
  3. In the Output Format section, select To EPUB.
  4. Click the “Start!” button to convert FB2 files to EPUB.


  1. The finished book is saved by default in the current user’s profile documents, in a folder with the name of the program. is a website with converters for various file types. The service has a large number of tools, among them an online FB2 to ePUB converter. There is support for batch conversion of e-books.

File conversion on proceeds in the following order:

  1. Follow the link to the online-convert website page: .
  2. Drag and drop file from PC to dedicated area, select file using File Explorer, enter URL, add from book from Dropbox cloud storage or Google Drive.


There are additional settings on the converter page, with which you can change some parameters of the current e-book before converting.


  1. Click on the “Start” button.
  2. The finished file can be uploaded to the cloud, downloaded to a computer as a regular file or in a ZIP archive. is a free service for online conversion between different types of formats. Here you can convert multiple files at once, while the maximum file size is 100 MB.

Do the following:

  1. Open the Convertio service page: .
  2. Check the current format is FB2 and output format is EPUB.
  3. Add a file to the service from a computer, via a link, or from Dropbox and Google Drive cloud storages.
  4. On the next page, you can add more files for batch conversion if needed.
  5. Click on the “Convert” button.


  1. After the conversion is completed, download the file to your computer.


Zamzar is one of the oldest services designed to convert between different file formats. Among other formats, FB2 to EPUB translation is supported here

The free use of Zamzar has a maximum file size limit of 50 MB.

Go through three steps:

  1. Log in to the Zamzar online service page: .
  2. In the first step, click on the “Add files …” button to select a book on a PC, or paste a link to a file on the Internet.
  3. In the second step, make sure you select the correct output format.
  4. In the third step, click on the “Convert” button.

Here you have the option to send a message about the completion of the operation to an email address.


  1. Download the completed file to your computer.

An electronic document is stored on the Zamzar service for 24 hours after the conversion is completed.

Article Conclusions

Some devices do not support all popular e-book formats, so users may need to convert FB2 to ePUB. To perform this operation, you will need a document converter. You can convert one format to another using a specialized program on your computer or use the services of an online service that will perform the conversion on the Internet.

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