
How to contact

After reading my guide on how to sell on , you have successfully created and published your first ad. However, in the following days you encountered some problems in the management of your advertisement, you tried to report what happened to the right people but unfortunately you could not find the right option to do so.

That’s the way it is, am I right? Then let me explain how to contact listing all the solutions at your disposal. First of all, it will be my job to show you the detailed procedure for contacting the Customer Service of the well-known ad site via email, social network or chat (if you need an immediate response); later, if you need it, you will also find instructions to get in touch with a seller of , in order to have more information on an item for sale.

How do you say? Is that exactly what you wanted to know? Well, then let’s not dwell further and see how to proceed. You just have to take five minutes of free time, read and put into practice the quick instructions below. That said, I just have to wish you a good read and a big good luck for everything!


  • How to contact by email
    • From computer
    • From smartphones and tablets
  • How to contact via chat
  • How to contact via social network
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
  • How to contact by phone
  • How to contact seller
    • From computer
    • From smartphones and tablets

How to contact by email

You can contact by email by filling out the contact form on the famous classifieds site. The service is available both for registered users who need technical assistance and for those who do not have an account on but who need information about the service. If you think this solution is the most suitable for your needs, here’s how to proceed.

From computer

If you prefer to act as a computer , connected to the main page of and click on the Help item located in the top menu. Before contacting the Customer Happiness Center of find the answer to your question using the FAQ available in the sections All the ads , security and privacy and Sell it right away and immediately for companies . Alternatively, enter your question in the Find the solution field , press the magnifying glass icon and locate the topic of your interest.

If even reading the instructions in the Help section of you have not solved your problems or did not find the information you were looking for, you can contact the Customer Happiness Center! available Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 22.00, Saturday and Sunday from 09.00 to 21.00.

To understand better, let’s take a practical example. If you have created an ad on and you want to know why it was not published, connected to the Help section of the famous online sales site, click on the Publish ads box under the heading All about ads and, in the new open page , select the I was denied an ad option . Then click on the box Why my ad cannot be published and read carefully what is reported in the new open page. If you still want to contact , scroll down the page and press the Contact Us button .

At this point, enter the required information to be able to send your message. To do this, select one of the available options ( My ad has been rejected , I can’t find my ad on the site , I received a suspicious email , I can’t purchase a service , I would like to give you suggestions , My question does not fit in the cases above etc.) through the Topic drop-down menu , to specify the topic of your request, and enter your details in the Email address and Your name and surname fields .

Then enter the title and message of the request in the appropriate fields, add any URL relating to an advertisement to be reported in the Link field and click on the Add a file option in the Attachments box , to upload one or more images to attach to the your request. Once this is done, put the check mark next to the option I declare that I have read the information for the processing of personal data and press the Send button to send your message. The message The request has been sent correctly will confirm the correct sending of your message.

From smartphones and tablets

Please note that you can contact customer service also from smartphones and tablets , using the app for Android and iPhone / iPad devices but, in this case, you must already be registered for the service in order to contact the Subito staff . it .

Having said that, start the app in question, select the Reserved area option located in the bottom menu and log in to your account. At this point, access the Reserved Area section again , press the three dots icon located at the top right and select the Help and rules option from the menu that opens.

As I indicated in the lines dedicated to the procedure for contacting from a computer, also in this case, in the Hello screen , how can we help you? , identify the topic of your interest and follow the instructions shown on the screen to try to find the answers you are looking for in complete autonomy.

If you still want to contact the staff , tap the Contact Us button , fill out the contact form with your details and press the Send button , just as explained above for the desktop version of the site.

How to contact via chat

Contacting via chat is the best solution for all registered users of the famous online classifieds site who wish to speak to a real-life operator and get assistance in real time. The service is active from Monday to Friday from 09.30 to 19.30 and is only available by accessing the website from a computer.

To contact a operator via chat, connected to the main page of the service , click on Login , enter your account access data in the Your email and Password fields and press the Enter button to log in.

If, on the other hand, you have not yet registered on , click on the Register option , enter the required data in the fields Your name , Your email , Password , Date of birth , Gender and Municipality , affix the required check mark to accept the terms of service and press the Confirm button . To complete the registration, then access your e-mail box and click on the Confirm button contained in the email sent by . For the detailed procedure, I leave you to my guide on how to subscribe to

After logging into your account, click on the Help item located in the top menu and select one of the available options (eg Publish ads ). Automatically, in the new opened page a red window will appear (bottom right) with the word Chat with us : then enter your message in the field Type your message here , click on the paper airplane icon and press on Start chat button to send the message.

As soon as an operator is available, they will respond to your request and you can start chatting with them. Through the entry Position in queue [number] , you can view the users who have requested the chat service before you and, consequently, you can understand the waiting times.

During the chat, you can optionally send a file by pressing the paper clip icon and adjust the sound or other settings (the icon  ). To end the chat, instead, click on the arrow icon and press the End button . Easier than that ?!

How to contact via social network

Contacting via social network is another valid solution to send a report to the customer service of the well-known ad site. In fact, is present on all the main social platforms, where it also provides assistance to its customers.

In this regard, I invite you to pay attention to phishing attempts via WhatsApp that have affected some users of . The famous online announcement platform does not have an official communication channel via WhatsApp, therefore we must be wary of those who, from the first messages, ask for a contact outside the Subito messaging, moving the conversation to WhatsApp or other platforms. Stay within or contact only the official social channels, which I am about to list you. Read more here .


To send a message to the staff via Facebook using your smartphone or tablet , connect to the official page and tap on the cloud icon , in order to open Messenger (the Facebook application for sending messages) .

Enter your message in the text field below, send it and wait for the response from the support staff .

To proceed from a computer , instead, connected to the official page of , click on the Message button , enter your request in the appropriate field and press the Enter key on the keyboard to send the message. Also in this case, you just have to wait for the response from the support staff .

Instagram also has a page official Instagram , you can use to be updated on the latest news of the site and for assistance.

You can do the same from both ‘ official app to the site of Instagram . All you have to do, in fact, is to visit the profile , follow it (by pressing the appropriate button) and then press the button to send a message .

The Instagram message composition screen will automatically open, where you can send your request to support, who will reply as soon as possible.


If you prefer to contact via Twitter for assistance or reports of various kinds, send a private message to the @Subitoit account . You can act both from the app and from the web version of Twitter on a computer.

How to contact by phone

If you are wondering if it is possible to contact by phone , I am sorry to tell you that the answer is no, since the famous classifieds site does not offer this type of assistance. However, you should know that following some reports made through one of the contact channels I indicated above, it is possible that the staff decides to contact users by telephone.

Furthermore, I would like to point out that companies wishing to receive commercial information on the services offered by (eg Subito per le Imprese , the sales solution on dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises) can be contacted by telephone by an operator of the service.

If this is your case and you wish to be contacted by a commercial consultant, connect to the official website of dedicated to companies , click on the Contact us button , enter the required data in the fields displayed on the screen and press the Send button .

At this point, all you have to do is wait for a consultant to contact you at the addresses you indicated above.

How to contact seller

How do you say? Would you like to contact a seller on ? In this case, all you have to do is access the article page of your interest and select one of the available contact options among those set by the seller himself.

Before explaining how to do it, you should know that sellers who publish ads on (including retailers, agencies and private users) can choose to be contacted by telephone and show their telephone number to all users, including those who do not have an account on the site. If, on the other hand, the seller has not indicated his telephone number, it is possible to contact him via a special contact form. In this case, however, you need to log in to with your account.

From computer

To contact a seller on from a computer , access the advertisement of your interest and check the contact channels available. Then click on the Show number option to view the seller’s phone number, if any, or click on the Contact button , if you prefer to send a written message.

In the latter case, if you have not yet logged into your account on , enter the data in the Email and Password fields and press the Enter button . Once this is done, in the Contact the user section , enter your message in the appropriate field and click on the Send button to send it.

To view the messages you have sent and any replies, click on the Messages option at the top. From the displayed page you can also enter further messages and add files and images to your request.

From smartphones and tablets

If you prefer to proceed from your smartphone or tablet , start the app , access the announcement you are interested in and tap on the telephone handset icon , at the bottom left, to contact the seller by telephone.

If, on the other hand, no telephone number is available or you prefer to send a written request, press the Contact button , log in to your account (if you have not already done so), enter your message in the appropriate field and tap the Send button , to send it. To view the messages sent and any replies, press on the Messages item located in the application menu. Simple, right?


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