
How to change Instagram logo

In general, you are very happy with your device’s Home screen and the application icons you use most often – the only exception is the Instagram icon, which you just don’t like.

If you are a very active user of this popular social network for business or leisure, hiding its icon in a folder or secondary screen is unlikely to be an option. In fact, you should waste a lot of time every time to start the app! Is it possible that, in addition to the periodicals “Easter egg”, there is really no other system to change the logo of the application?

In fact, there is a way and it’s pretty simple too. If you want to find out, make yourself comfortable and pay me a few minutes of attention: in this guide, in fact, I will explain how to change the Instagram logo by changing the appearance of the icon on your Android or iOS device. Furthermore, if you also want to change your personal logo on your Instagram profile, I will give you directions to do it in no time. Are you ready? All right, then we can begin.


  • How to change Instagram logo: Android
    • Icon Changer Free
    • Custom Icon Set
    • Change your logo on Instagram
  • How to change Instagram logo: iPhone
    • Commands
    • Change your logo on Instagram

How to change Instagram logo: Android

If you have a smartphone or tablet with an Android operating system, I can offer you several solutions to give the Instagram icon a more attractive look. Don’t worry if you’re not tech-savvy – you won’t have to go through complex procedures like getting root permissions. These are really simple operations and will only take you a few minutes to complete.

Icon Changer Free

The first solution to change the Instagram logo on Android is to create a custom link to it thanks to a third-party application developed specifically for this purpose.

Before explaining it to you in detail, however, I must point out that the Instagram icon inside the drawer will always remain the same: the personalized link, in fact, only works on the Home screen. Furthermore, the application I am about to describe applies – as many analogues do – a small digital mark on the icons created, to distinguish them from the originals: some users tend to find this feature unsightly or annoying, but I assure you that it is not so annoying. Having clarified these points, we can proceed.

On the Play Store and on the alternative stores for Android there are many applications that allow you to create the custom link I mentioned to you: I suggest Icon Changer Free, a completely free app capable, regardless of the launcher in use, to change the appearance of all the icons on the Home screen in a few simple steps.

To have Icon Changer Free on your device, open the reference store (for example the Google Play Store), reach the search bar and type the name of the application. On the results page you can identify it thanks to the icon of two robots connected by a pair of circular arrows: to install it, tap the Install button. If you are reading this tutorial directly from Android, you can open the Play Store page that contains the app by clicking on the link I gave you just now.

Once the application is installed, open it by tapping the icon that appears in the menu of your device. Then tap on the robot icon on the next screen, select the Application tab, at the top left, then scroll through the list of installed applications and tap the Instagram icon.

In the following screen, tap the Change item in the Icon box. From the pop-up menu you can select different options: Default Icons to select an icon already present on the device; Gallery, to choose an image from the gallery or Icon Packs, to choose an icon from an installed set or access other downloadable sets from the store ( which I will talk more about shortly ).

Once the icon has been chosen, the Decorated and Filter items allow you to customize its shape and colors, while the Title box allows you to assign a new name to the link to be created. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can restore the icon to its original appearance by tapping the Change item and selecting Reset from the pop-up menu; if you are satisfied with the result, press the OK button at the top, and then click Add to add the custom link to the Home screen.

The new icon will be placed in the first slot available on the Home screen: to assign it another position, hold down on it and drag it, scrolling the screens to its destination. If the original Instagram icon is also present on the Home screen, you can delete it by holding it down and selecting the Remove option. If that’s not possible, simply drag it to a secondary location.

Be careful, however, not to select the Delete / Uninstall item: in this way, in fact, you would delete the application from the device and the created link would be unusable!

Custom Icon Set

To give, not only to Instagram but to all the applications on your Android device, a different look than the default, there is also another solution: download complete sets of ready-to-use icons.

Both on the Play Store and on the alternative stores, in fact, there are many icon packs for Android, both free and paid. To use them you just have to download them and make sure you have a compatible launcher: personally, I recommend Nova Launcher.

I recommend Nova Launcher as it is a very light launcher full of advanced features; allows you to customize every aspect of the Android Home screen: icons, but also the style of the Dock, folders, animations and much more. It’s free, but there is also a Prime version (€ 4.50) which includes additional features, such as the ability to hide app icons and create folders in the drawer.

You can download Nova Launcher like any other app. To set it as the default launcher on your device, enter the Settings menu instead and select the App item from the latter. On the next screen, tap on the Default apps item and select the Launcher item from the list. Finally, touch Nova Launcher and confirm it as the default launcher by tapping the Edit item.

At this point, touch the launcher icon to open the Nova Settings menu: scroll the list to Appearance and select it with a tap. On the next screen, click on the Icon Theme item and select the set you want to apply from the Icon Pack flyout box. Alternatively, you can also manually apply individual icons by choosing them from the downloaded set while the compatible launcher is active.

As mentioned, you can download ready-to-use icon sets from the Play Store and other Android stores as if they were common apps. If you are curious to know more about how to change application icons on Android, I refer you to my tutorial on the subject.

Change your logo on Instagram

What if, on the other hand, you don’t want to change the Instagram icon but change your personal or company logo, to update your business profile by staying in touch with customers and making yourself recognizable for potential new contacts? Also in this case I think I can offer you some useful information.

First of all, if you don’t have a logo for your business to put on Instagram yet, I suggest you take a look at this guide to find out how to make one. Having it available, all you need to do is set it as your profile picture.

Therefore, start the Instagram application by touching its icon and log in with your credentials. From the Home section of the app, reach your profile by tapping on the profile picture reproduced in the circle at the bottom right: on the profile page, tap the edit button, then the item Change profile picture and tap the New Profile Picture option in the pop-up menu.

To browse the image archives on the device, tap the arrow at the bottom, next to the Gallery item: then locate the logo you want to use and select it with a tap. Then resize it, fixing its position with your fingers and paying close attention to the margins. To confirm, after adding a filter if you deem it necessary, touch the arrow icon located at the top right.

Done! Now the logo is clearly visible as an image on your Instagram profile.

How to change Instagram logo: iPhone

The number of solutions to change the Instagram logo on iPhone is slightly less than what we have just seen for Android; however, do not worry, even in this case I can suggest a quick and effective intervention strategy.


The easiest way to change the Instagram icon on iOS is to use the default Commands app, creating a custom link to the app on the Home screen.

Before proceeding with the creation of the connection, however, I suggest you update the system at least to iOS 14.3: in the previous versions, in fact, the operation that I am about to describe significantly slows down the launch of the applications for which the customized links are created ( this is because the main screen of the Commands app opens first and then the link target app).

That said, to start the Commands app (if you have uninstalled it, you can download it again from the App Store ), touch the icon with two overlapping colored diamonds that you find on the Home screen. To create a new command, then press the [+] button and enter, in the proposed search bar, the words “open the app”.

Then scroll through the list and click on Open the App: your choice appears on the left under the heading PROGRAMMING. Now tap the item Choose and select the Instagram app from the list below: at this point, the new command is composed.

Now, to change the icon, tap the (…) button next to the New command item: in the Details pop-up menu, tap Add to Home. Then touch the icon next to the wording New command (in the HOME SCREEN AND ICON NAME box ) and decide whether to take a photochoose a photo from the Gallery or choose a file (e.g. an image downloaded from the Internet) via the app File: to confirm your choice, touch the Use item located at the top right.

To complete the operation, then enter the name of the command, by tapping on the corresponding item next to the icon, and tap the Add option, at the top right.

At this point, the new command is displayed on the Home screen: to reposition it, hold down its icon until it begins to “dance” and drag it where you want.

To hide the original Instagram icon, if you are using iOS 14 or later and therefore have the App Library at your disposal (a sort of drawer in which all the applications are automatically cataloged), hold it down and select the Remove app item first and then that Remove from Home screen from the menu that opens. This way, the original Instagram icon will only be visible in the App Library and not on the Home screen.

Be careful not to select the Delete app item, because removing the application from your device also the command created would be unusable!

If, on the other hand, you have an iOS version prior to 14, you can only hide the Instagram app by copying it to a folder on the Home screen.

Change your logo on Instagram

Instead, you ask me, how to change the personal or company logo on Instagram, instead of the app icon? The procedure, in this case, is identical to the one that must follow those who have an Android device.

First, log in to your Instagram account by tapping the application icon and entering your credentials. From the Home of the ap, reach your profile by tapping the little man icon at the bottom right: to edit the profile photo, then tap the Edit button and tap the Change profile picture item on the next screen.

Finally, press on Choose from the library and touch the arrow pointing down to navigate in your photo library: found the logo, select it with a tap and touch the End item to confirm. At this point, your logo is prominently displayed as a profile picture for anyone interacting with your account. More info here.


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