
How to cancel Meetic account

To make new acquaintances online, you have decided to register on Meetic, one of the most used dating services in Italy. Over time, however, you have not yet managed to make new friends and, having no intention of activating expensive subscriptions to increase your chances of meeting other people, you have come to the conclusion to delete your account.

If things are as I have just described them but you cannot figure out how to cancel Meetic accounts, let me tell you that you have come to the right place, at the right time. In the next paragraphs of this guide, in fact, you will find the detailed procedure to permanently delete your Meetic profile and, if you are not yet convinced of your choice, also the indications to be able to temporarily suspend it.

If that’s what you wanted to know, let’s not delay and see how to proceed. Make yourself comfortable, set aside five minutes of free time to devote to reading the next paragraphs and follow my instructions carefully. Trying to put them into practice, I assure you that you will be able to unsubscribe from Meetic without encountering any kind of problem. Enjoy the reading!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to delete Meetic accounts from a computer
  • How to delete Meetic accounts from smartphones
  • How to suspend Meetic account

Preliminary information

Before getting to the heart of this tutorial and explaining how to delete Meetic accounts, it might be useful to know what deleting an account from this platform entails and what alternative solutions are available to you.

First of all, you must know that deleting a Meetic account is an irreversible operation which, within 24 hours of the request, involves the deletion of your profile and all the data associated with it. Consequently, by deleting an account it will no longer be possible to access the famous dating site and all information and content on your profile will be lost (e.g. shared photos, preferences, description, contact list, etc.), including all activities carried out on Meetic, such as any conversations initiated with other people, the list of users who have visited the profile and the likes received.

In case of second thoughts, it is not possible in any way to recover a deleted Meetic account. If you are still not entirely convinced to put an end to your experience on the famous dating site, you can decide to temporarily suspend your profile.

Unlike deletion, in fact, the suspension of a Meetic account allows you to make your profile inactive, hiding it from other users. However, the data and information associated with it are kept, so that, in case of second thoughts, the account can be reactivated at any time.

Finally, I would like to underline that both in case of deletion or suspension of your account, it is first necessary to deactivate any subscription to Meetic (if, however, you have activated Incognito mode, deactivation is not necessary, as this is deactivated. automatically). Is everything clear so far? Well, then let’s take action.

How to delete Meetic accounts from a computer

To delete a Meetic account from a computer, connected to the main page of the service, click on the Login button, at the top right, enter the data associated with your account in the Email address and Password fields and press the Login button again, in order to make the login.

At this point, if you have an active Meetic subscription, click on your photo, at the top right, select the My account option from the opened menu and locate the Manage your subscription section. Then click on the Cancel your subscription button and follow the instructions shown on the screen to deactivate your subscription.

If, on the other hand, you have activated a subscription from the Meetic app via Google Play on Android or iTunes on iPhone / iPad, you will have to act differently: if you have an Android device, you must access the Subscriptions section of the Play Store, while if you have an iPhone / iPad you need to go to the Settings menu > [your name]> Subscriptions.

In both cases, then locate the Active section, click on the subscription related to Meetic and choose the option to cancel the subscription. If you have any doubts or problems, my guide on how to cancel app subscriptions may help.

After deactivating any subscription to Meetic, access the My account section of the service again, select the option Suspend my profile visible in the Assistance box located in the left sidebar and, in the Suspension screen of your profile, click on the item Click here visible next to the option To permanently delete your account.

Once this is done, enter the password associated with the account you are deleting in the Your password field and click on the Confirm button. Then select the Delete my profile option and, in the Delete your profile screen, press the Confirm button to confirm your intention and permanently delete your Meetic account.

How to delete Meetic accounts from smartphones

If you are wondering if it is possible to delete Meetic accounts from smartphones, I am sorry to tell you that the answer is negative, both by using the Meetic app for Android and iOS / iPadOS and by accessing the web version of the service.

In both cases, in fact, by accessing your account settings there is no option to unsubscribe from Meetic. All you can do is go to the Pause My Account section to temporarily suspend a Meetic account. Therefore, I invite you to follow the instructions I gave you just now for PC.

How to suspend Meetic account

As mentioned in the opening lines of this guide, if you are still not sure you want to cancel your Meetic account you can choose to suspend it and, in case of second thoughts, reactivate it at any time.

To proceed from a computer, connect to the official website of Meetic and, if necessary, log in to your account. Now, click on your photo, at the top right, select the My account option from the menu that is proposed to you and, in the new open page, select the option Suspend my profile located in the Assistance box.

Then click on the item Suspend my profile and, in the Confirm the suspension of your profile on Meetic screen, click on the Suspend my profile button, to confirm your intention is to make your account inactive. If everything went well, you will be automatically redirected to the Meetic login page and you will receive an email confirming the suspension.

If you change your mind, you can reactivate your account at any time: to do so, click on the Login button on the main Meetic page, enter the credentials associated with the suspended account in the Email address and Password fields and press the Login and Reactivate buttons, to reactivate your account and log in.

If you prefer to suspend your account from smartphones and tablets, you should know that even in this case it is not possible to do so using the Meetic app. However, unlike deleting a profile, you can do so by logging into the web version of the service.

To proceed, start the browser installed on your device (eg Chrome on Android and Safari on iPhone / iPad), connected to the official website of Meetic and press the Login button. In the new screen displayed, enter your login details in the Email address and Password fields and tap the Login button to log in.

Now, select the I option located in the bottom menu, tap on the gear wheel icon, at the top right, locate the Preferences section and press on the item Suspend my profile. On the Suspension screen of your account, tap the Suspend my profile button twice in a row and that’s it.

To reactivate your account, connect again to the official Meetic website, tap the Login button, enter your details in the Email address and Password fields and press the Login and Reactivate buttons. Simple, right?


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