How to buy a house on GTA

Are you a big fan of the video game series Grand Theft Auto by Rockstar Games and, in particular, did you particularly fond of the fifth chapter, originally released in 2013. You have already made several raids on the map of GTA 5 , but I had a doubt important for the continuation of your adventure: is it possible to buy houses in the game? Well, you will be happy to know that the answer is yes and that you have come to just the right place, as I am going to answer that question today.

More specifically, I’ll walk you through how to buy a house on GTA in detail . I will do my best to analyze both the situation related to GTA Online and that relating to the Story mode of the Rockstar Games title, giving you all the details of the case on how to buy houses, but there will also be space to talk about buildings designed to start some activities. In this way, at the end of the guide, you will have a 360-degree smattering of the subject and you will be able to make your real estate purchases in the game properly.

Courage: why are you still standing there motionless in front of the screen? Are you going to find out everything that revolves around the houses of GTA 5? In my opinion, yes, since you’ve come this far and you seem particularly “hungry” for information. I understand you, on the other hand having a nice home in the game can be very fun. Well, all you have to do is take a few minutes of free time and follow the quick instructions below. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to buy a house in GTA 5 Online
  • How to buy a house in GTA 5 offline

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to buy a house on GTA , I think it might interest you to have some information about this possibility.

Well, Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) allows you to buy houses for your alter ego that you use in GTA Online , which is the mode of the game for which an Internet connection is required. In this case, the options are numerous and go through the Dinasty 8 real estate agency . GTA Online houses usually also include a garage in which to place your vehicles and give the possibility to carry out various activities (for example, the shots, which however are unlocked at rank 12).

As for the story mode of GTA 5 , it is possible to change houses during the adventure, even if the houses do not exactly have to be “bought”. In addition, you can buy structures that will allow you to set up different activities . In short, even in this case it is possible to buy some buildings.

In any case, I advise you to continue reading the guide, as you will probably find some particularly interesting details to be able to achieve your goal.

How to buy a house in GTA 5 Online

As mentioned in the introductory chapter , GTA Online allows you to buy your own home and there is a huge choice. In case you were wondering, yes: this procedure is valid for all platforms, so also to learn how to buy a house on GTA 5 for PS4 (of course in online mode).

To proceed, enter GTA Online , open the character’s mobile phone (eg upward arrow on PS4 ), select the Internet icon and go to the FINANCE AND SERVICES section . Then, access the Dinasty 8 real estate agency website (the penultimate from top to bottom) and click on View property listing .

Now it’s time to take a look at the map and the proposals . The homes with the CUSTOM wording have various styles of furniture , which can be chosen to your liking. The prices are variable, ranging, for example, from $ 500,000 for a villa in more than $ 1 million for a luxury apartment / penthouse. Once you have selected the house you are interested in, simply click on Buy Property to make it yours. In case you have chosen to buy a luxury apartment, you may be asked to choose the style of the interior.

As an alternative to purchasing via smartphone, you could think of going physically on site , in order to see the house more closely, and approach the sales sign (the one with the Dinasty 8 logo ). In this way, simply press the appropriate button that appears on the screen (eg right arrow on PS4 ) and confirm .

For the sake of completeness, you should know that if you have already purchased a house on GTA Online before, you will be able to trade in the old house . To give you a concrete example, I went from a villa in Vinewood Hills to the most expensive suite in the Eclipse Tower . I had paid for the villa a little over $ 500,000 and, by trading it in, I was able to obtain a “discount” of $ 285,500 on the purchase of the penthouse suite 3 of the Eclipse Tower. In this way, I paid “only” $ 814,500, instead of the $ 1,100,000 usually required. In short, also take this possibility into account when buying homes on GTA Online.

Also remember that, to buy a house, you must have sufficient funds in the bank (and not in your “personal wallet”). To deposit money in the bank, just use one of the various ATM points scattered around the map or open your character’s mobile phone , select the Internet icon , go to the FINANCE AND SERVICES section and access the Maze Bank website (the last from top to bottom). At this point, first press on Main Menu and then on Deposit . Finally, select the amount to deposit and press Yes .

Perfect, now you have all the necessary information to be able to buy a house in the online mode of GTA 5. If you don’t have enough money to do this, I suggest you take a look at my guide on how to make money on GTA Online .

How to buy a house in GTA 5 offline

In case you are wondering how to buy houses in GTA Story Mode , you should know that it is not possible to buy houses “manually”.

In fact, during the adventure, Franklin, Michael and Trevor will have the opportunity to improve their lives and access, in some cases, to luxurious homes . All you have to do is simply follow the GTA 5 Story . I don’t want to spoil you, but you will see that you will be satisfied with the houses that the single player mode will lead you to “buy”.

As for the buildings that you can buy independently , that is the icons of the “houses” that appear on the map, you must know that those are not houses, but work activities . I am referring, for example, to the possibility of buying the taxi company, the Downtown Cab Co , or The Hen House (the name might suggest a house, but it is actually a bar).

To give you a concrete example, I will examine The Hen House . Well, this building, located in Paleto Bay , costs $ 80,000 , but is able to guarantee weekly income of $ 920 . To buy it, just go to the place, approach the sales sign (the one with the Dinasty 8 logo ), press the appropriate button that appears on the screen (eg right arrow on PS4 ) and confirm the purchase .

One day in GTA 5 equates to around 48 minutes in the real world and certain situations, such as missions, are able to advance time even faster, so I can assure you that recovering the $ 80,000 initial investment is not the case. difficult as it might seem.

It must be said that, by purchasing The Hen House, the manager may call you from time to time to help him out in various “management” activities (eg criminals who want to rob the bar). In any case, it will not be too difficult.

The ability to buy The Hen House unlocks after finishing the “Nervous Ron” mission . Please keep in mind that some buildings may not be available for purchase at certain times in the Story mode.

Great, now you have all the details available to buy houses and businesses on GTA 5. Since you are interested in the game of Rockstar Games, I would also recommend that you take a look at the page of my site dedicated to GTA , where you can find many tutorials that might be right for you. In particular, I invite you to consult my tutorials on how to make money on GTA offline and how to become animals in GTA 5 .


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