
How to build on Minecraft

You have just purchased Minecraft and, after a few hours of play and exploration, you are wondering if there is the possibility of creating projects in complete freedom and how to deal with their realization. This is how things are, am I right? in that case, you don’t have to worry, because I have all the answers you are looking for.

In today’s guide, in fact, I will show you how to build on Minecraft, offering you some tips on how to find and collect the resources you need and how to build the tools that can be useful to you. In addition, I will give you several tips on how to build specific projects, such as an elevator, a ship or a castle, just to give you a few examples. I will also explain how to activate the command console for unlimited resources (if you are playing Survival mode) and, finally, I will give you some tips to make your creations better.

I’m sure you can’t wait to start reading this guide, am I right? Then let’s not waste any more precious time and let’s take action. What you need to do is simply pay attention to the tips I will give you, so that you can be sure that you have a clear idea of ​​how to make any project in Minecraft. All that remains for me is to wish you a good read and, above all, have fun!


  • Find and gather the resources you need
  • Building items in Minecraft
  • Things to build on Minecraft
    • How to build a mansion in Minecraft
    • How to build an elevator in Minecraft
    • How to build a cannon in Minecraft
    • How to build a ship in Minecraft
    • How to make the End portal on Minecraft
    • How to create the portal to Heaven in Minecraft
    • How to build a car in Minecraft
    • How to do the portal on Minecraft
    • How to build houses in Minecraft
    • How to build a bed in Minecraft
    • How to build a saddle in Minecraft
    • How to build a map in Minecraft
    • How to build a door in Minecraft
  • Commands to build on Minecraft
  • How to build well in Minecraft

Find and gather the resources you need

If you have decided to tackle the realization of a project, you must first consider all the resources you will need. In Minecraft, in general, constructions take place with the placement of blocks of specific materials that can be found by exploring the game world.

For example, blocks of irondiamond or stone can be collected by exploring the underground of Minecraft. Blocks of sandearth or wood, on the other hand, can be found on the surface.

Not all materials can be collected with bare hands, but often it is necessary to use tools, such as shovelspicks or axes, without which it would take a long time to collect them or it would be impossible to obtain them. In this regard, I suggest you read the next chapter of the tutorial, in which I will show you some tips on making objects in Minecraft.

If you want to know what are all the resources that you can use for the realization of a project, my advice is to consult the Italian Wiki of Minecraft on Gamepedia, which lists all the materials divided by category.

Building items in Minecraft

In Minecraft, there are hundreds of objects that can be created, each with a specific utility. For example, there are objects for self-defense, those for the collection of resources or for decorating.

Objects can be created via the workbench. In its main screen, you will find nine slots in which the resources useful for the manufacture of a specific object must be placed. You can help you by using the Cookbook (the icon with the green book ) that you find on its screen, which contains all the projects discovered so far.

To discover a new project, you simply need to obtain a resource that is the basis of its realization. For example, picking up wooden logs will automatically reveal blueprints to create wooden planks or blocks.

If you want to know the objects you can create in Minecraft, I suggest you consult the Italian Wiki of Minecraft on Gamepedia, in which you will find the different subdivisions by categories of use.

Things to build on Minecraft

In the world of Minecraft, it is possible to build anything: you can indulge yourself in making a small object or a colossal project, based on the time you have available and the patience you want to put away. That said, when you are going to build something in Minecraft, never be in a hurry, but dedicate the free time you have in a moderate way, especially for big projects that could take days, if not weeks, of work.

In the next few chapters, I will give you ideas on some projects that can be done in Minecraft. I will explain how to create a villa, a castle or a ship, with which to sail the seas, just to give you some examples. You will find many ideas in the following paragraphs.

How to build a mansion in Minecraft

Among the first projects that any player makes on Minecraft, there is certainly the shelter. The shelter is a place where you can store the collected resources and, above all, where you will return in case you are defeated. If a shelter can often consist of only four walls and a roof, it is interesting to give a more refined touch to it, creating a real villa.

For this project, you will need a lot of basic materials, such as woodstonebrick or concrete. You will need these resources to create the entire building, which you can embellish with decorations of different types and materials.

If you are interested in this project, I have explained to you in detail how to build a villa in Minecraft in this guide of mine.

How to build an elevator in Minecraft

If you’ve built a multi-story shelter or your shelter is on top of a cliff, a quick way to access the different levels of the shelter is to build an elevator.

This project requires different resources, including wooden boardsobsidian blocksslime blockspistons normalsticky pistonsRedstonebuttons and observer blocks. As complex as it may seem at first glance, this project is easy to do, but it requires a lot of attention in positioning the different components. If you are interested in this topic, I recommend that you read my guide on how to make an elevator in Minecraft.

How to build a cannon in Minecraft

In case you have built a castle or a large shelter with walls, you cannot miss a cannon for defense from enemies.

It is possible to make different types of them, also thanks to the use of mods and, in this guide of mine, I explained to you how to create one by hand, using obsidianRedstone and TNT, as main resources.

How to build a ship in Minecraft

In Minecraft, you can navigate the sea by building a simple little boat. If you have no limits to your imagination, you may be willing to build a ship so that you can sail the seas to face your adventures.

The basic problem is that although a ship can be built, it cannot navigate, as the blocks cannot be animated and released from Minecraft physics. To solve this limitation, specific mods can be used, such as Davinci’s Vessels.

If you want to know more about how to build a ship in Minecraft, I suggest you read the advice I wrote to you in this guide of mine.

How to make the End portal on Minecraft

Exploring the world of Minecraft is not limited to just the dimension in which you start playing with your avatar. There are different dimensions to be accessed to face increasingly difficult challenges, such as the End.

In case you want to reach this dimension, you will need a portal, which you can reach through the one you find in the underground Fortresses, which I told you about in this guide of mine. You can also build one through the Creative mode and, in that regard, I recommend you read my guide on how to build the End portal.

How to create the portal to Heaven in Minecraft

The Paradise is an unofficial size of Minecraft, accessible only via the video game mod. This, called The Aether II, can be downloaded for free via, in the Minecraft section.

If you are interested in this topic, I suggest you read the advice I gave you in this guide, in which I told you in detail how to install and use the mod in question.

How to build a car in Minecraft

Traveling long distances in Minecraft is possible via some officially available methods, such as horse riding, mining wagons or by flying. If, however, you want to build a car, this will not be possible, as you will not be able to make it work.

To address this limitation, there are some mods that expand the gaming experience, such as The Ultimate Car Mod, which allows you to build functioning vehicles to drive in Minecraft. If you are interested in this topic, I recommend that you read my guide on how to build a car in Minecraft.

How to do the portal on Minecraft

In Minecraft, it is possible to create portals to reach specific dimensions, such as the End or the Nether. In case, however, you are willing to create portals to move from one point to another on the map, you will need to use mods.

An example of a mod useful for this purpose is Portal Room, which allows you to create teleportation portals to reach all the places of interest in the blink of an eye. Its use, as well as its installation, is not complex: I have told you about it in detail in this guide of mine.

How to build houses in Minecraft

To build a house in Minecraft, as I have already explained to you about the construction of a villa, you will need several basic resources, such as stonewood or even concrete, which will allow you to make the house more solid.

You can decide to design a normal house, as I explained to you in my guide, or build a modern one, using the advice I gave you in my guide on how to build a modern house in Minecraft.

In the guide in question, you will also find tips on how to build a house in a few clicks, thanks to the Instant Structures Mod (ISM) , which will allow you to choose a house among those available in its database.

How to build a bed in Minecraft

An object that cannot be missing inside a shelter in Minecraft is the bed. Its crafting is important as it allows you to set a respawn point, should you be defeated during your adventures.

To create a bed you will only need wooden planks and wool: I have explained to you in detail in this guide of mine how to find these resources and how to assemble them to make a bed.

How to build a saddle in Minecraft

saddle is essential in case you want to tame a horse. The animals present in the world of Minecraft have several uses. The horse, for example, is important to reach a distant place faster.

Horses are present in large numbers in the world of Minecraft, and you can tame one easily by trying to ride it until it stops unsaddling you. First of all, however, you will have to get a saddle that, unfortunately, you cannot create, but buy from a Leatherman in the villages or find it as a treasure inside one of the many trunks scattered on the map.

In case you want to know more about how to get a saddle and how to tame a horse, I suggest you read the advice in this guide of mine.

How to build a map in Minecraft

In case you need to find your way around Minecraft, what you need is a map. It is an object that, after equipping and interacting with it, allows you to see the area around your avatar.

Creating a map is easy, as only the map and compass are required. If you are interested in making one, I refer you to this guide of mine, in which I also explained how to carry out the operations of expanding the exploration radius and cloning this object.

How to build a door in Minecraft

A refuge is not a refuge without a door that blocks access to all the hostile creatures that roam at night in the world of Minecraft.

A door can also be useful for other purposes, such as hiding secret areas, or you may want to make an automatic one, which allows you to open it without the need to interact on it. In all these cases, I advise you to consult my guide on how to build a door in Minecraft, in which I have given you several tips related to these topics.

Commands to build on Minecraft

In Minecraft, you can use commands that can make building operations easier. What I’m talking about is the / gamemode command, which allows you to change the game mode during a game in progress, useful for accessing the Creative mode, in case you were playing that Survival.

The Creative mode, in fact, allows you to use all the resources of this video game in an unlimited way, to realize your own projects without having to worry about their collection. If you did not enable the use of the command console at the time of the creation of the Minecraft world, you can act from the game menu.

To do this, press the Esc key and then the Open in LAN button. In the screen you see, then click on the Commands item, in order to change the wording to Yes. Once this is done, you just have to press the Start the world in LAN button and that’s it.

To use the command I showed you, press the T key on your keyboard and type the string / gamemode creative, followed by pressing the Enter key. At this point, press the E key, in order to access the avatar’s inventory with all the unlimited resources.

To return to Survival mode, simply use the / gamemode survival command, followed by the Enter key.

How to build well in Minecraft

As I have already anticipated in the previous paragraphs, in Minecraft you have no limitations to the ideas you want to realize. It all depends on your imagination. If you have an idea on how to make a specific project, my advice is to go to YouTube and check if this has already been done by other enthusiasts.

If you find a positive response, you can compare your idea with the one created by other users, to understand if you can do it better, perhaps using some tricks you hadn’t thought of. For example, for some specific projects the use of Redstone circuits is required which, if well studied, can allow you to create advanced and more effective projects.

Also, consult the database to find out if there are any mods that can be integrated into your designs to make them even more extraordinary. I also recommend that you consult my guide on how to install mods on Minecraft, in case you are not familiar with this topic.


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